Ancient Rome is one of the most powerful and influential empires of the past centuries. One of the decisive factors of its power was the presence of a well-trained, disciplined army, which at that time represented a significant military force. The army of Ancient Rome had a clear structural organization. The cohort occupied an important place in it. It was one of the main units of the army.
The history of the emergence of the Roman army
At first, the organization of the military forces was quite simple. At the beginning of its existence, Rome did not have a standing army. If a war broke out, all citizens over the age of 18 were required to participate in it. Everyone had to arm themselves according to their property qualification.

Rome actively waged wars, expanding its borders, and this influenced the changes in the army. In 405 BC. e. the first salaried volunteers appeared in it.
The Roman army grew, and by the III century BC. e. consisted of 20 legions. It was replenished not only by volunteers. Gradually, legions appear from the allies of Rome and the captured provinces. Over time, the property qualification associated with the mandatory participation in the war of Roman citizens also decreases.
Guy's military reformsMaria
The frequent and prolonged military conflicts in which Rome participated led to resentment among the peasants. They were cut off from their farms for a long time. The reform of the army is overdue. It was held in 107 BC. e. Roman consul and general Gaius Marius. His main merit was that now citizens who did not own land were called up to the Roman army. Hoping to receive a higher social status during the service, among the poor there were a large number of people who wanted to become soldiers. They were enlisted in the army for 25 years. Now the legionnaires received part of the captured booty and land allotments in the conquered territories in Gaul, Italy or Africa. Educated soldiers who could at least read had a good chance of moving up the career ladder.

Legion, cohort, formation and order of battle of the army of Rome
The structure of the troops has hardly changed for centuries. Its center was made up of legions. At different times, their number differed - from 20 to 30. They were commanded by the stands. There were 10 cohorts in one legion. The number of each is 480 people. In turn, the cohort consisted of three maniples.
The total number of the legion included from five to six thousand infantry and 300 horsemen, and the army could number up to 350 thousand people during the war.
By II century BC. e. the Roman army became a professional, disciplined military force, with well-trained officers and talented generals.

What order of battleused in the Roman army? The cohort played a significant role here. This is a detachment that made up one tenth of the Roman legion. During the battle, the legions were built in three or four lines. The first usually consisted of four cohorts, the second, third and fourth - of three. Caesar preferred to build an army in three lines. The soldiers of the cohort stood in a tightly closed formation. Firstly, the support of the warriors standing nearby was felt that way. Secondly, such a system was more difficult to break through the enemy army. In the event of a gap in the first row, soldiers of the second line could quickly fill it. Thus, the cohort is the basic tactical unit of the Roman army. How stubbornly and courageously she fought would determine the position of the legion in battle.
The Roman cohort is the basis of the legion
This detachment of the Roman army was commanded by one of the senior or higher centurions. Usually they came from soldiers who distinguished themselves by resourcefulness, quick wit and courage. If we draw an analogy with the modern army, then in terms of functions and position they were close to junior officers.

Cohort is a military unit in the army of Ancient Rome. But there were other types as well. There were auxiliary cavalry and reconnaissance units, a cohort consisting of former sailors (something like the modern marines), as well as a detachment of city guards (cohors urbana), which was created to fight criminals.