Deceit - what is it? Meaning and examples

Deceit - what is it? Meaning and examples
Deceit - what is it? Meaning and examples

Cunning is what repels in men and sometimes attracts in women. Today we will talk about such a not very pleasant phenomenon. Let's find out what it means. As always, there will be interesting yet obvious examples.


The explanatory dictionary says that cunning is a mask of benevolence, which covers evil, ignoble intentions. Of course, we've tweaked the definition of our indispensable helper a bit.

deceit is
deceit is

The meaning of a noun is inextricably linked with the fair sex, Shakespeare mentioned its treachery, but is it so? Is such an interpretation fair, are women really evil, insidious, and men are white and fluffy, and no sins have ever been noticed in this part of the stronger sex? No, no and NO. The presumption of guilt from the girls should be removed, because the guys are also not alien to deceit. This is confirmed by life practice. Remember gigolos, hunters for big money, who seduce already, let's say politically correct, middle-aged women. And they have only one goal - to get rich and live in clover. But there is a class of people who are equally insidious, regardless of gender and age. The reader is probablyI guessed that we were talking about villains.

Almost any negative character is cunning incarnate

You can, of course, delve into the jungle and analyze Russian literary classics, but then we will miss something important. According to the dictionary meaning, deceit is low, selfish motives under the guise of, if not nobility, then benevolence. Therefore, not every villain will fit us as an example, but only one who dramatically changes his attitude towards the hero. For example, Dr. Hannibal Lecter from The Silence of the Lambs seems to be quite suitable for this role. The psychiatrist treated Clarice Starling immediately well, but he misleads her anyway, and then goes back to his old ways.

cunning word meaning
cunning word meaning

There are actually a lot of examples. Remember the Fox from the famous fable, which really needed cheese. Oh, and insidious cheat!

In other words, there is no shortage of such illustrations. If the reader thinks, then among his acquaintances there are a couple, and maybe even a trio of insidious types, of course, disgusting, but somehow attractive, like any evil. After all, it was not in vain that Dostoevsky dissected with such pleasure the vices and negative sides of human nature, manifested in his characters. And all because evil fascinates.

The meaning of the word "deceit" should not cause difficulties from now on, we have analyzed it in detail and in detail.
