Examples of induction and deduction in economics and other sciences

Examples of induction and deduction in economics and other sciences
Examples of induction and deduction in economics and other sciences

Induction and deduction are interrelated, complementary methods of inference. A whole logical operation takes place, in which a new statement is born from judgments based on several conclusions. The purpose of these methods is to derive a new truth from pre-existing ones. Let's find out what it is, and give examples of deduction and induction. The article will answer these questions in detail.


Translated from Latin (deductio) means "derivation". Deduction is the logical inference of the particular from the general. This line of reasoning always leads to a true conclusion. The method is used in those cases when it is necessary to derive the necessary conclusion about a phenomenon from a well-known truth. For example, metals are heat-conducting substances, gold is a metal, we conclude: gold is a heat-conducting element.

The founder of this idea is considered Descartes. He argued that the starting point of deduction begins with intellectual intuition. His method includes the following:

  1. Recognizing as true only what is known with maximum obviousness. No doubts should arise in the mind, that is, one should only judge on facts that cannot be refuted.
  2. Divide the phenomenon under study into as many simple parts as possible for further easy overcoming.
  3. Move from simple to more complex gradually.
  4. Get the big picture in detail, without any omissions.

Descartes believed that with the help of such an algorithm, the researcher would be able to find the true answer.

descartes portrait
descartes portrait

It is impossible to comprehend any knowledge except by intuition, mind and deduction. Descartes


Translated from Latin (inductio) means "guidance". Induction is the logical conclusion of the general from particular judgments. Unlike deduction, the course of reasoning leads to a probable conclusion, all because there is a generalization of several bases, and hasty conclusions are often drawn. For example, gold, like copper, silver, lead, is a solid substance. So all metals are solids. The conclusion is not correct, as the conclusion was hasty, because there is a metal, such as mercury, and it is a liquid. An example of deduction and induction: in the first case, the conclusion turned out to be true. And in the second - probable.

Sphere of economy

economics books
economics books

Deduction and induction in economics are research methods on a par with such as observation, experiment, modeling, the method of scientific abstractions, analysis and synthesis, systemapproach, historical and geographical method. When using the inductive method, the study begins with the observation of economic phenomena, facts are accumulated, then a generalization is made on their basis. When applying the deductive method, an economic theory is formulated, then, on the basis of it, the hypotheses are tested. That is, from theory to facts, research goes from the general to the particular.

Let's give examples of deduction and induction in economics. The increase in the cost of bread, meat, cereals and other goods forces us to conclude that the cost of living in our country is rising. This is induction. The cost-of-living notice suggests that prices for gas, electricity, other utilities and consumer goods will increase. This is a deduction.

Psychology Sphere

For the first time, the phenomena we are considering in psychology were mentioned in his works by the English thinker Thomas Hobbes. His merit was the unification of rational and empirical knowledge. Hobbes insisted that there can be only one truth, achieved through experience and reason. In his opinion, knowledge begins with sensibility as the first step towards generalization. The general properties of phenomena are established by induction. Knowing the actions, you can find out the cause. After clarifying all the causes, the opposite way is needed, deduction, which makes it possible to cognize new various actions and phenomena. Examples of induction and deduction in psychology according to Hobbes show that these are interchangeable stages of one cognitive process passing from each other.

Orb of Logic

Two kindslogical thinking is familiar to us thanks to such a character as Sherlock Holmes. Arthur Conan Doyle promulgated the deductive method to the whole world. Sherlock began observation from the general picture of the crime and led to the particular, that is, he studied every suspect, every detail, motives and physical abilities, and with the help of logical reasoning figured out the criminal, arguing with iron evidence.

Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes

Deduction and induction in logic is simple, we use it without noticing it every day in everyday life. We often react quickly, instantly drawing the wrong conclusion. Deduction is longer thinking. To develop it, you need to constantly give a load to your brain. To do this, you can solve problems from any field, mathematical, from physics, geometry, even puzzles and crosswords will help the development of thinking. Invaluable help will be provided by books, reference books, films, travel - everything that broadens one's horizons in various fields of activity. Observation will help to come to the correct logical conclusion. Each, even the most insignificant, detail can become part of one big picture.

logical thinking
logical thinking

Let's give an example of deduction and induction in logic. You see a woman about 40 years old, in her hand a lady's bag with a zipper that does not fasten from a large number of notebooks in it. She is dressed modestly, without frills and pretentious details, on her hand is a thin watch and a white trace of chalk. You will conclude that she is most likely a teacher.

Sphere of Pedagogy

The method of induction and deduction is often used inschool education. Methodical literature for teachers is built according to the inductive form. This type of thinking is widely applicable to the study of technical devices and solving practical problems. And with the help of the deductive method, it is easier to describe a large number of facts, explaining their general principles or properties. Examples of deduction and induction in pedagogy can be observed in any lesson. Often in physics or mathematics, the teacher gives a formula, and then during the lesson, students solve problems that fit this case.

development of thinking
development of thinking

In any field of activity, methods of induction and deduction will always come in handy. And it is not at all necessary to be a super-detective or a genius in scientific fields for this. Give a load to your thinking, develop your brain, train your memory, and in the future complex tasks will be solved on an instinctive level.
