Cynicism as behavior is becoming a mass manifestation of the decline of spiritual values, which is increasingly infecting modern society. In order to answer the question, cynicism - what is it in simple words, it is not enough to give a definition. This phenomenon is too multifaceted. Possessing destructive properties, this phenomenon is fraught with danger not only for the entire society, but primarily for those who take it as a basis for coordinating their actions. Why cynicism is dangerous, examples of its manifestation should be considered in more detail.

White dog
It is necessary to make a brief digression into history and go back to about the 5th century BC, to Ancient Greece, which at that time had many philosophical schools and movements. Against the general background, the school of cynics stood out, or cynics, as the ancient Romans would later rename them.

Kinikov withoutlabor could be recognized by the way they dressed: they wore an unpresentable cloak right over their naked bodies. Mandatory attributes were a staff and a beggar's bag. The meaning of the word "cynicism" originates from the founder of this trend in philosophy - Antisthenes, who conducted his speeches at the Kinosarge gymnasium. If you translate this name from Greek, you get "white dog". It gradually became attached to all the followers of the ancient Greek philosopher - the Cynics.
However, they were not offended, because their teacher called himself a dog.
Diogenes of Sinop
Diogenes of Sinope is considered one of the brightest and most consistent adherents of this doctrine, which was gaining more and more popularity among the ancient Greek "golden youth". This character aroused genuine admiration even from Alexander the Great himself. Diogenes was even too devoted to his teacher's ideas about living according to the natural laws of nature.

Judging by his lifestyle, cynicism is a complete disregard for the moral and ethical standards imposed by society. For this reason, Diogenes of Sinop did not limit himself in anything, spitting completely on the opinions of others. He could relieve himself in front of everyone, drink water from a puddle and do many other abominations, completely like an animal.
Was he happy? Judging by historical sources that have come down to our time, Diogenes clearly did not enjoy the serenity of his own existence. He is mentioned walking through the streets with a lantern in the daytime; viewwas preoccupied, businesslike - he was looking for something or someone. To all questions, Diogenes answered: “I am looking for a person.”
Whether his search was the result of the work of a sick imagination or another extravagant trick to attract the attention of a loved one is difficult to judge.
Kynic Ideas
From the very beginning of its inception, this philosophical doctrine was full of various contradictions. The meaning of cynicism in its original sense is the liberation from all conventions, norms of behavior accepted in society. Achieving such goals is possible only with a kind of self-isolation, alienation from society, all its institutions. In this endeavor, the Cynics tried to become outcasts not only for the state, but also for their own family.

On the other hand, they imposed certain restrictions on themselves, simplifying their life as much as possible, reducing their own needs. Thus, the Cynics strove for natural naturalness.
Fencing yourself away from evil
It is generally accepted that in its highest manifestation cynicism is the achievement of one's own goals, certain tasks, without stopping at nothing. Such an understanding of things in explaining this phenomenon has been formed in modern society.
However, for those who stood at the origins of this philosophical worldview, cynicism is fencing oneself from evil, which was considered to be not only all the achievements of human civilization, but also vices (greed, anger, pride, meanness and many others, which, according to the Cynics, made members of the genus Homo sapienspeople).
In their own spiritual development, they sought to merge with the natural principle, because animals are alien to all the evil that a person is capable of committing. For example, to kill not for food, but in the name of some ephemeral idea.
The whole history of wars, various conflicts of mankind convincingly proves that they begin because of the desire to possess certain resources. The necessary platform for attracting more people to the warring parties is always ideology ("liberation of the Holy Sepulcher" in the crusades, promotion of "democratic values" or fanning the revolutionary fire to "liberate all oppressed working people from world capitalism"). There is always a plausible reason for war.
Loy alty and gratitude for cynics
The highest virtue for the followers of Antisthenes was not only the desire for simplicity, contemptuous attitude, rejection of all human weaknesses. For them, the concept of gratitude was important. This is exactly the feeling that a person should experience in relation to Nature, which generously endows all living things around.

Another virtue was loy alty. You need to understand that this is loy alty to yourself, to your beliefs. The disregard for ethics, the norms of behavior of such individuals stemmed from a great desire to demonstrate to everyone around all the absurdity, inexpediency of any attitudes that drive a person into certain limits.
In today's society, cynicism is a pretense. Man, notwho shares the rules, norms, attitudes, ideologies accepted as the only correct models of behavior in the surrounding society, simply pretends for his own convenience. Because it's good for him. The highest priority is to achieve your own meaningful goals.
Protective function of the body
According to modern psychologists, cynicism does not appear out of nowhere. Early manifestations are recorded as early as adolescence. There are several reasons for this. One of them is the incorrect, incorrect upbringing that is allowed in relation to the child.
Excessive moralizing, demagogy and deceit can serve as vivid examples. Interaction using humiliation, insults to personal feelings, beatings. However, cultivating in a teenager a sense of self-importance and superiority over other people will also lead to the emergence of cynicism.

This model of behavior is usually considered as a defensive reaction of the psyche, caused by various feelings, such as mental pain, dissatisfaction with oneself. Experiencing a personal crisis, the individual, not knowing how to properly cope with such a situation, simply moves away from all the feelings that bring him pain. This is an interesting opinion, but it does not reflect the full picture. Cynicism can be caused by the complete confidence of the individual in his own invulnerability, impunity.
Professional cynicism
This is a more complex model, designed ultimately to create. Here we can recall doctors, crisis managers, military and many other professions whereEmotions can only get in the way. Such mistakes can be costly not only to entire sectors of the economy, but also to the loss of human lives.
This state is developed by experience and largely depends on the characteristics of the psyche. Many soldiers know how to shoot well, but only a few are able to complete the task of a sniper, while maintaining a normal state of mind. A surgeon sobbing from an excess of overwhelmed feelings is a frightening and unimaginable sight.
No one but the professionals themselves knows how much work it takes them to cope with all this psychological pressure. This is exactly the case when cynicism is put at the service of competence and worthy performance of duties, but the price is "burnout syndrome".

Synonyms for cynicism
As can be seen from various examples, such a worldview is not only a manifestation of a nihilistic attitude towards all the norms and established traditions of society. This is not only rudeness, rudeness, arrogance, impudence, licentiousness, bestiality, bad manners and complete swagger in behavior. Cynicism is also a protective reaction of the psyche, allowing a person not only to cope with a difficult psychological situation, but even use it in his professional activities.
A true cynic is versed in the vicissitudes of life. Understanding the weaknesses of human nature can make him a detached observer. Hence, in his behavior there is a condescending indifference, which is extremely difficult to shake. The word "cynicism" in publicconsciousness has a negative meaning. The extreme form of such behavior is absolutely uncontrolled cruelty, and the tacit consent of the indifferent is support for terrible crimes on Earth.