The sun is not only the main giver of life, it also controls energy, helps it to be used correctly and efficiently. Humanity noted this feature of the main star many centuries ago.

To live in harmony with the luminary means to be in a balanced interaction with nature itself. In the modern world, few people think about the importance of this issue, but in this article it will be possible to recall it both from an astronomical point of view and from an emotional and psychological point of view.
Local solar time

Several millennia ago, people did not have the opportunity to constantly travel and often lived all their lives in one place without changing their energy aura. Thanks to this, the body did not know such stress as changing the time zone, from birth and for life, only the annual solar cycle of the place of birth was recorded. It has long been proven that the regulation of activity in accordance with the rhythms of the luminary has a positive effect both on the efficiency of any work and on well-being. Each settlement lived inpast centuries according to their watches, it is the local solar time that is the most correct.
Solar energy, man and the seasons
It is recommended to remember how the villagers used to live.
In the spring, people's activity increases. The sun stays longer and longer above the horizon. At this time, field work always began, animals and birds, having spent the winter in pens, spent more and more time in the wild, work began at full speed on the improvement of their housing, land. In summer, the energy return reached its maximum, the people not only worked actively, but also actively entertained.
With the onset of autumn, preparations for the period of least solar activity began, the harvest of fruits, berries and grain ended, stocks were created for the long cold winter. During the period of cold and snow, the activity of people, like the luminaries, was calm. Everyone preferred to spend most of their time in their cozy houses, closer to the Russian stove, only sometimes this calm was interrupted by winter joys, for example, sledding or playing snowballs. And then the cycle repeated again. It should be noted that the daily routine of a person at that time completely coincided with the sunny one: they rested at nightfall, and woke up at dawn.
What now?
Scientific and technological progress has gradually alienated people from the natural rhythm of nature and the luminaries. At present, everything is mixed up, the regime and rhythms have shifted in time, and life has accelerated many times, and the attitude to the solar cycle has become freer. Implementation of technical innovations with oneside and simplified the life of a person, but on the other hand made his life inactive physically, but more active in terms of nervous activity. The development of cities and megacities often forces us to live in the eternal race mode. The concept of "solar time" has lost its significance over the years.

However, genetics has not gone away, the fatigue of such a life inspires people to be in nature, in forests, near water bodies as often as possible. Because it is communication with nature that can restore the energy lost in the continuous bustle. And a day regimen close to the sun can add stability to a harmonious mood.
Time zones are not always related to real time
With the development of trade relations and the transport system, regions and entire countries began to unite into time zones, where, regardless of the locality, the clock should show the same time. On the one hand, this is convenient, but on the other hand, time zones are far from always located symmetrically.

The standard width of a time zone is 15 degrees latitude, but some are wider and larger, and some are narrower. Therefore, the time shown by the clock does not always correspond to the true natural time, and in some cases the discrepancy is more than one hour?
What is true solar time?

This is the time at which the true occurrence of noon is taken into account in accordance with the sundial in thisterrain. If we take true solar time as a basis, noon experiences a constant shift throughout the year and may deviate from the average position, which is taken as the time of 12.00 for 15 minutes in both directions. It should be taken into account that the zenith of our star coincides with 12.00 only on the central meridian of any time zone.
Systems for determining time by the sun
Average. It is based on the average noon time in a particular area without taking into account annual time deviations.
World. This is the time of the main hour meridian - Greenwich.
Half. A common time used for locations within 15 degrees of latitude of each other. This is the latitude of the geographic (not political) time zone.
All solar time systems are important for astronomical observations.
Some peoples consider it even more important than the sun. This is due to the fact that the Moon controls the water, all the ebb and flow is fully consistent with its rhythms. Similarly, the night luminary controls the fluid in the human body, affecting well-being and emotional state. Plants, too, have not escaped the influence of our natural companion, because they all have juice inside. For a long history of observations, a calendar was created with a description of the lunar days and phases. Most often it is used for horticultural work.

The lunar cycle consists of 29 days, divided into 4 phases.
- First phase: from the moment of the new moon tofirst semicircle.
- Second phase: from the first half circle to the full moon.
- Third phase: from the full moon to the semicircle on the opposite side.
- Fourth phase: from the semicircle to the new moon.
Besides this, there is such a thing as lunar days, days. They have different payment systems. According to one system, they are counted from the moment of the new moon, adding to it an interval of 24 hours. According to another system, the counting of the day occurs from one sunrise to the next. The interval between them is longer than that of the sun, it ranges from 24.5 to 25 hours.
Seasonal clock change
People have known about him since the beginning of the last century. It was first used in Europe, then this idea was adopted by other countries of the world, including Russia. The hands of the clock moved forward an hour in the spring, and returned back in the autumn. This was explained by the fact that in this case, daylight hours are used more efficiently. Over the years, it turned out that this belief is doubtful, in addition, it is also stressful for the body: in addition to the effect of surprise, people are forced to live out of sync with the solar cycle. In recent years, many have begun to deny the importance of seasonal clock changes, preferring stability. Maybe this is right, because often solar time in this case becomes even more distorted.
Unity of two luminaries
In most countries, their time is a single system of life in harmony with nature. As mentioned earlier, the solar cycle determined the seasonal activity, and the night visitor cycle determined the daily andhousehold. By the way, do not forget that the lunar calendar is also used in Orthodoxy to calculate such a great holiday as Easter.
Solar and lunar time affect us differently. It has been established that living in accordance with the rhythms of the luminaries is very useful. This makes a person more disciplined, consistent, more emotionally stable. First of all, it is useful for children, because their body is least protected from stresses that undermine the immune system that has not yet been formed. It is especially important to maintain a sleep schedule, chronic lack of sleep has become common, and this is not a good sign. Good sleep has the ability to cure many diseases.
Lunar time is responsible for the emotional state. The sun can also affect a person.

From time to time there is activity on it, during which powerful plasma emissions occur that affect the magnetosphere of our planet. At this time, many people may feel worse. On the Internet, you can find out the degree of solar activity in real time and prepare in advance for its bursts.
The sun is our own star, which still holds many mysteries, but it is it that has the ability to charge and inspire. Solar time is an amazing system that helps to make a person's life more structured and orderly.