The dictatorship of black colonels in Greece was an unsightly stain in the history of the state. During the 7 years of its existence, all democratic institutions were abolished in the country. The opposition was destroyed, the king was exiled, the media was tightly controlled. After the study of this period of Greek history began, scientists called their power nothing more than a military-fascist dictatorship, attributing to it an anti-people nature of activity.

Causes and prerequisites for the coup
In 1965, King Paul, who was a good politician, died in Greece. He skillfully maneuvered between political parties, the army and civil servants. After his death, his son Constantine ascended the throne. Unfortunately, the heir did not have such influence in the highest political and military circles as his father. A period of political crisis began in the country. The king could not find a common language with any government, so he often dissolved it. As a result, an extremely unstable situation has developed in the political life of the country, which, accordingly, has had an impact on economic and social development. This situation continued until 1967, when the black colonels (or junta) took overpower.
Greece on the eve of the coup
Already in 1966, a wave of demonstrations and rallies swept across the country. In January, workers and employees in the amount of 80 thousand people went on strike, in June - 20 thousand bank employees and 6 thousand postal employees, 150 thousand Athenian civil servants took to the streets of the city, and by October the builders of all Greece rose, numbering 180 thousand people in their ranks.. The demands of the strikes were mainly economic in nature, although there were also political slogans: "Free elections", "Down with the government".
Some politicians predicted the rise of a military dictatorship. In the history of Greece in the 20th century, this happened often: in 1923, 1925, 1936, 1953. As a rule, the dictatorship came to power for a short time to establish stability and order in the country, then transferred power to civilians. Black colonels in Greece 1967-1974 were the exception.
While some predicted the coming to power of the military, others argued that the era of dictatorships in Europe had already passed. "The population of our country and other states will be against this, and the soldiers themselves, who swore an oath to protect the rights of citizens, will not raise their hand against them," said those who denied the possibility of the junta coming to power. However, everything went exactly to that! A course of lectures was even read at the University of Athens, promoting the benefits of dictatorship in difficult political conditions.

Military coup
By the spring of 1967, the political crisis was rampant. April 21an important event occurred - the legitimate government in the country was overthrown. At the helm of the state was the junta of black colonels. It was not a bloody revolution, it was a coup. Early in the morning, the population of the capital was awakened by the movement of tanks through the streets of Athens. There were already announcements on the radio that power had passed into the hands of the military. They claimed that before the coup, Greece remained a politically underdeveloped state in Europe, and the parties acted in an undemocratic way. The leader had power, and those who opposed were excluded from the ranks of the government. There was complete moral and political chaos.
The military managed to seize power without any problems, because the population was almost 100% for them. For the entire 20th century, the military has formed the image of “fair judges”, establishing stability and balance throughout the century. In addition, the black colonels won the support of the population after their statements that they are familiar with the problems and aspirations of the common people firsthand.

Triumvirate 1967-1974
After the coup, the country was officially ruled collectively, but in reality power was concentrated in the hands of the triumvirate - G. Popadopoulos, S. Pattakos, N. Makarezos. The first of them subsequently became the sole ruler of Greece. In 1967, the military came to power, which, in fact, were the black colonels. Greece, after more than 20 years of democracy, remembered what a dictatorship is.
Papadopoulos Georgios
He was born in the family of a rural teacher in the regionPeloponnese. That region was historically very poor, so the population either sought to leave it, or went to serve in the army, and remained there. Such a fate befell Georgios. He quickly moved up the ranks, rising to the rank of colonel. He was engaged in cases of strict secrecy, was involved in making contacts with Mexican intelligence and the CIA. Was very withdrawn and suspicious, suffered from claustrophobia.
Macarezos Nicholas
According to the memoirs of contemporaries, he was the most intellectually developed member of the representatives of the triumvirate. He was notable for his rigidity and cunning, he knew how to find and translate into reality original and, most importantly, necessary ideas. He listened to his advisers and listened to them. During the dictatorship, he was responsible for the most important sphere of the state - the economy, believing that reforms in it are possible only if there is stability within the state. As a member of the Black Colonels triumvirate, he nevertheless remained an ardent supporter of the republican system.
Pattacos Stillianos
He was completely "impregnated" with military characteristics, although otherwise he remained a rather limited personality, however, he did not strive to look like an intellectual. In 1940 he graduated from the military academy with Papadopoulos. His distinguishing feature was that, unlike other high-ranking figures of that time, he did not have personal protection. He was a very religious person and carried the family icon with him everywhere. Often replaced Papadopoulos at official meetings.

An attempted counter-coup
Of all the representatives of the political elite of the "pre-junta" regime, only one openly resisted the dictatorship. It turned out to be King Constantine. He found two associates, who turned out to be P. Kanellopoulos and G. Papandreou. They were well aware that there was practically no chance of overthrowing the triumvirate, but, nevertheless, they supported the king.
The black colonels knew about the upcoming counter-coup and even provoked it themselves. So, on December 12, they presented the monarch with an ultimatum, according to which he was to remove K. Kollias from the post of prime minister and appoint Papadopoulos in his place. The action itself began the next day. It was planned to seize the post of chief of the general staff of the army. The king spoke on one of the radio stations with an appeal to the Greek people. However, the population of Greece did nothing of what the monarch called for. Moreover, the troops remained loyal to Papadopoulos, the suppression of the uprising passed as unnoticed as it began. The king himself was forced to go into voluntary exile in Rome.
The next day, the black colonels themselves spoke on the radio. They reported that the criminal organization wanted to destroy the state and remove power, using the king himself. Thus, the monarch was not charged. Moreover, members of the government showed their loy alty to the monarchy, and portraits of members of the royal family "decorated" the offices of civil servants.

Political features of the junta
The regime of black colonels inGreece clearly adhered to a certain sequence in its actions and relied on specific "rods".
Firstly, there was a struggle with all the opposition. It was banned, and all those who had other political views were persecuted. At this time, the activities of the concentration camps were expanded.
Secondly, all the years the junta was in power were held under the slogans of the fight against communism. Greece was surrounded on all sides by the countries of the socialist camp. And, according to the government, communism could "break into the heads of the Greeks."
Thirdly, the parliament and all political parties of the country were dissolved. At the same time, Papadopoulos himself rejected the idea of creating his own party, since, in his opinion, this was not necessary. The authorities coped with their duties in full anyway.
Fourthly, the black colonels created the ideology of the Greek-Christian spirit, opposing it to the communists who fought against religion. The junta built a society based on Christian ideals, with the goal of creating a "great Greek people." The ideas of Christianity were promoted everywhere: in schools, educational institutions and even in the army. Posters were hung in all cities of Greece calling for the cultivation of Christian values.

Crisis in the economy of 1973-1974. and the fall of the junta
Black colonels came to power under the slogans of solving economic, political and social problems. That part of the population that believed in this, over the years, began to become disillusioned with the authorities.the military, who were not going to leave, transferring power to a civilian government. As the years passed, the economic situation deteriorated. Inflation processes began, the rate of which greatly exceeded the growth of wages in the country. The population no longer supported the junta. Then the government decided to set a limit on price growth, to which manufacturers responded sharply negatively, after which the dictatorship of black colonels sent prices for more than 150 types of goods and services to free float. Prices have risen even more!
The country held open protests against the existing regime demanding democratic elections, as well as the return of the king. The government responded to complaints about wage increases that the level of wages directly depends on labor productivity, making it clear that no increase is expected. The repression continued.
In order to somehow distract the population from internal problems, the regime of black colonels decided to hold a small victorious war, during which it was supposed to annex Cyprus. It happened in July 1974. However, the attacks of Greece were repulsed, the troops were forced to leave the island. After that, the junta was removed, and power passed into the hands of a democratic government. On this, the 7-year period of the rule of black colonels in Greece ended.

During the years of being in power, the black colonels failed to lead Greece out of the political and economic crisis. The situation inside the country worsened even more, the population became poorer day by day. Everything led tothe counter-coup would take place, it only remained to wait for the highest peak of dissatisfaction with the dictatorship. It happened after another failure in Cyprus. Dictators were condemned. Papadopoulos, Makarezos, Pattakos were sentenced to death, but then the sentences were changed to life imprisonment. Thus ended the era that remained a black spot in the history of Greek civilization.