The Ural Academy of Law (University) today implements programs of secondary vocational education, higher vocational education, postgraduate education (doctoral studies, postgraduate studies) and additional education in accordance with a license that allows conducting educational activities. Ural University (Academy) enjoys a well-deserved reputation among many universities with a legal focus.

The Ural Academy, whose legal orientation is already implied in the name, does not really go beyond the field of jurisprudence in the preparation of students. It includes several institutes that also study aspects of domestic and foreign law. Ural Academy - legal from beginning to end.
Institutions that are part of its structure are as follows: the Institute of Justice, the Institute of Business Law, the Institute of the Prosecutor's Office of the Ural State Law Academy. In addition, in the structure of USGUUthere are two more divisions: the institute of international and state law, the institute for retraining and advanced training of personnel.
Students trained by the Ural Academy are the legal security of the future society of our country. Education takes place at the faculties: training of bachelors of law, master's training, evening faculty, SOP (abbreviated educational programs), regional correspondence, pre-university training, additional education, training and advanced training for judges, doctoral studies and postgraduate studies.
All institutions are functioning successfully, doing scientific research in the field of jurisprudence. The Institute of the Prosecutor's Office of the Ural State Law Academy regularly selects candidates for applicants, and this is not easy: in addition to excellent he alth, considerable knowledge is required there. The passing score is traditionally very high. But the institute of the prosecutor's office of the Ural State Law Academy has never felt a lack of people who want to get a legal education here.
His goal is to train qualified personnel for the prosecutor's offices of the Far East, Siberia and the Urals, and he fulfills his obligations, as required by the state educational standard. In this institute, there are almost three times more budget places than paid places, nevertheless, the competition is very high. This has always distinguished and now distinguishes the entire Ural Academy of Law, the institute of the prosecutor's office is no different in this respect from other departments. A lawyer at the Institute of Justice, for example, does not becomeless difficult.

The whole story with the academy began not even in the Urals, but in the very distant Siberian city of Irkutsk in 1931 with the Siberian Institute of Soviet Law organized there. The Ural Academy - a legal luminary - was still very far from its birth. The first intake of the Irkutsk Institute was small - only 56 students, but there were many teachers - as many as fifteen people. In 1934 the Institute moved to Sverdlovsk and changed its name to the Sverdlovsk Law Institute. Even then, world-famous lawyers-scientists worked there. Since 2014, the Ural State Law Academy (Yekaterinburg) has come to be called the Ural State Law University.
For all the years of its existence, SUI USUA has trained more than sixty thousand top-class specialists who have made a tangible contribution to state and legal construction, contributed in every possible way to the best work of the justice authorities and the entire judicial system. The advocacy and notaries were developing, as well as banking, investment, and insurance activities, which was facilitated in every possible way by the Ural Academy. The legal training received at the academy allowed graduates of this university to hold very responsible government positions. The academy also has many awards.

Famous graduates
Ural Law Academy gave a start in life to many wonderful people. For example, the Chairman of the Committee of Constitutional Supervision of the USSR, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Law, Professor S. S. Alekseev; Chairman of the Supreme Court E. A. Smolentsev; Minister of Justice, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Professor V. F. Yakovlev; Yu. Ya. Chaika, Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation, Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation; To the Prosecutor General of the USSR N. S. Trubin; Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation P. V. Krasheninnikov; Judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation G. A. Zhilin, L. O. Krasavchikova and O. S. Khokhryakov; Judges of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation G. N. Popov, V. Yu. Zaitsev, S. A. Razumov, V. N. Podminogin, V. P. Stepanov, L. A. Korolev and many, many others.
Year after year, the awards found their heroes. Reviewing academy life from just 2004, there was not one without an award. The Ural State Law Academy has won a laureate medal in the nomination "One Hundred Best Russian Universities". The next year, the European quality of education was confirmed by Professor V. D. Perevalov, the rector of the Academy, when he became a laureate of the International Program "Leaders of the Twenty-First Century".
Following, in 2006, there was a gold medal from the French Association, which promotes industry. Even the food industry recognized the USLA plant, which deals with canteens and buffets, as the best, and the academy received another award - the Golden Crane, a national award. The corporate newspaper "Jurist" got the second place at the Interuniversity Festival of Periodical Newspapers, and here the students and teachers of the academy showed theircreative talents, and the Ural Law Academy has increased its fame.

Collegiate sports
In a rare university, sports are given as much attention as at the Ural Law University, which, according to old habit, still sounds like the Ural State Law Academy. The USLA of Yekaterinburg is most of all remembered for the competitions repeatedly won by the students of this university. Here, mass sports events are held extremely often, since almost all sports are held in high esteem here. Spartakiads, Cups of institutes in football, basketball, volleyball and many other sports are held. The Ural State Law Academy participates in sports events of various levels, and very often this participation is accompanied by medals of various denominations.
Groups of judo, sambo, boxing, armwrestling, freestyle wrestling, aerobics, cross-country skiing are constantly engaged, it is even impossible to list everything. A special honor to the university coaches, they can be quite proud, because the victories that their pupils bring to the university, including at the world championships, are also hard to count. They do not even work for the sake of victories, here in honor is high pedagogy and a purely human attitude towards all students, even those who will not bring victories due to various circumstances. The Ural State Law Academy always finds students who can entrust their sporting honor.

International Activities
The academic mobility of the academy is facilitated by international connections, which are highly valued here. There are many scientific projects here that are being researched jointly with a number of the best universities in Europe, the CIS and the USA. Seminars and summer schools where they study French, German, European law have already become a tradition. Dissertations are often defended in two languages, student and teaching internships are held abroad. It is also traditional for university professors to give lectures at foreign universities and return visits of foreign professors to Ural University.
The Ural Law Academy has been the base for holding the Eurasian Legal Congress since 2007. Ekaterinburg willingly accepts scientists - theorists and practitioners, as well as authorized representatives from law enforcement agencies and authorities, specialists from many areas of jurisprudence, representatives of public organizations and other universities, not only Russian, but also foreign.

New Frontiers
In the rankings conducted by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the academy constantly occupied places in the top lines. The rating of universities "Education of the state elite" in 2006 and many other ratings, she is also always in the forefront. Teachers, professors and graduate students participate in regional, all-Russian and international seminars and conferences, scientific and methodological events are traditional here, so many leading and foreign universities take part in them. In 2014, the rating of the agency"Expert RA" included USGUU in the list of the best universities in the CIS and assigned it the "E" rating class.
Every year in April, the University hosts the Days of Science, where federal and regional government bodies, representatives of Russian and foreign universities and organizations take part in the scientific and practical conference. In parallel, the Days of Student Science are held, as well as the All-Russian Student Scientific and Practical Conference on the Evolution of Russian Law.
For several years now, the University has been the base for holding such an event as the All-Russian open competition of student scientific papers in jurisprudence, which is held by the Ministry of Education and Science. Students and graduate students of the university were repeatedly encouraged by scholarships of the President, the Government of the Russian Federation, the governor of the region, and the Academic Council of the USLA. Repeatedly students were financially marked by various funds as winners of olympiads and competitions.

Library and leisure
The scientific library grew simultaneously with the university and in seventy-five years has become the largest book depository of legal literature - there are more than a million copies of various publications, including the literature fund in Russian, where there are books of the eighteenth century, and the foreign fund, where many prominent representatives of the jurisprudence of Western countries are present.
The collections of magazines and fiction are also extensive. A special relationship to the collection of pricelessly rare books and manuscripts of the early seventeenth century, which includes political andlegal writings in Latin - their skin and parchment breathe such antiquity that they are taken in hands with indispensable reverence.
University students have many great opportunities to spend their free time beneficially. They are engaged in vocals, folklore, choreography, write poetry and play musical instruments. The university is also famous for the theatrical activities of its students. The academic choir, restored within the walls of the university ten years ago, was once known throughout the country. The members of the choir hope to return the university to its former glory in this field as well. All creative teams of the university are regular participants in interuniversity festivals and competitions. Many of them are laureates and diplomats.