What groups of animals are there?

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What groups of animals are there?
What groups of animals are there?

The world is full of mysterious creatures, they constantly amaze humanity. There are many types of animals that amaze with their uniqueness.


There are such groups of animals:

  • Mammals.
  • Mollusks, echinoderms.
  • Fish, lancelets, cyclostomes.
  • Birds.
  • Reptiles.
  • Amphibians.
  • Arthropods.

Many groups of domestic animals have become dear to man, because without them he cannot imagine his life. But there are wild creatures that people will never be able to tame. By the way, the first animal that man subjugated was the wolf. This happened about 15 thousand years ago. He became domestic, eventually evolved into a dog. Now it is man's best friend.

How to determine the group of an animal?

groups of animals
groups of animals

Different creatures correspond to a certain group. The animal world is diverse, so each classification has its own characteristics. Namely:

  1. Mammals are warm-blooded animals. They are covered with wool, they have a four-chambered heart, and the mammary glands secrete milk. When they give birth, they have a live baby.
  2. Birds -They are warm-blooded animals that lay eggs. They are covered with feathers, have wings, and have a four-chambered heart.
  3. Reptiles are cold-blooded animals. Their body is covered with scales, the heart is three-chambered, they lay eggs.
  4. Amphibians are also cold-blooded. They have a three-chambered heart, they breathe with the help of their skin, their larvae live in the water. Water is able to penetrate through the shell of the egg.
  5. Chordates include some species of fish and fish-like organisms in their list.

Varieties of living beings depending on the food they eat

You can divide animals into groups according to the way they eat. There are herbivorous living beings. They feed on leaves, seeds, fruits, roots, etc. Their oral apparatus has its own characteristics: they have more horny plates or incisors, molars. Nature thus created a device for grinding food of plant origin. But aphids, bugs, cicadas have a sucking apparatus, which gives them the opportunity to feed on plant juices. Additional sections are developed in the gastrointestinal tract, such as the scar, the caecum. They allow fiber to be processed. Herbivorous mammals have peripheral vision. Such animals have rather coarse muscles and are not as developed as those of predators of the same group.

animal world group
animal world group

Select predatory animals that feed on other creatures. They have the skills to attack the victim. Among all teeth, fangs are considered the most developed, such a difference is observed inmammals. The crocodile has an elongated mouth, while the shark has a number of rows of teeth directed inward. Birds of prey have developed and sharp claws. Predatory mammals have good visual acuity. Carnivores attack the victim in a special way: they wait, make a sharp jerk. They are hardy, have precise coordination, and are very fast.

groups of pets
groups of pets

The starfish destroys the enemy in a special way. She crawls onto a mussel, waits for the doors to open, and then injects enzymes into the shell.

But woodpeckers eat insect larvae that live under the bark of trees. To do this, they have a strong large beak, special paws, with which the birds firmly hold on to the tree trunk. For each creature, nature has created certain devices with which you can get food.

There are groups of animals that feed on the remains of organisms. Carrion birds are a prime example. They have a long neck, narrow muzzle, good sense of smell. But, for example, the food of fly larvae is the organic remains of plants and animals.

Another group of parasites. They feed on tissues, juices of their host. They are also adapted to their environment, as their bodies are not digested by the organism in which they live. Parasites are very similar to predators, but they do not kill the host immediately. They use it as a place to live. Divided into the following categories:

  • microparasites;
  • macroparasites.

The following animals are usually parasites:

  • roundworms and flatworms;
  • insects such as fleas, mosquitoes, bedbugs, mosquitoes, lice, midges;
  • pincers;
  • crustaceans;
  • cyclostomes.
animals in groups
animals in groups

There are also groups of animals according to the way of eating that eat food of plant and animal origin. They are called omnivores. They are endowed with features that resemble both predators and herbivores. Such animals are bears, crickets, rats. Reptiles include geckos, agama and other reptiles. This group also includes a person.

Interesting information about animals from different groups

There are some facts that amaze many people:

  1. The giraffe has the biggest heart ever. This animal has a black tongue, the length of which reaches 45 cm.
  2. Gar fish bones are green.
  3. Cat unable to move its jaws.
  4. The whale's heart rate is 9 beats per minute.
  5. The octopus has rectangular pupils.
  6. A record flight of a chicken was recorded. It is 13 seconds.
  7. Caterpillar muscles outnumber human ones.
  8. A female armadillo can prolong pregnancy up to 2 years if stressed.
  9. A tit sometimes feeds her cubs a thousand times a day.

Dangerous animal groups

It is possible to classify all entities in the world according to other criteria. For example, there are groups of animals that are dangerous to human life. At first glance, they may seem harmless. To such an animalis a mosquito. He is a malaria carrier. The insect infects the infection through the blood. About 2 million people die from the bites of these animals every year.

what group of animals does it belong to?
what group of animals does it belong to?

The Australian jellyfish adds to the list of dangerous living creatures. She has very long tentacles that reach up to 4 meters. Their number is 60 pieces. At the same time, a jellyfish can kill 60 people. And many other animals are dangerous to humans.


So, it is not difficult to determine which group of animals a particular creature belongs to. The main thing is to know by what criteria the grouping occurs. After all, animals are divided by place of residence, method of nutrition, classes, species and other factors. Each living creature is adapted to its habitat, has its own characteristics, eats different foods.