Diagnostic study in mathematics, biology, history: goals and objectives

Diagnostic study in mathematics, biology, history: goals and objectives
Diagnostic study in mathematics, biology, history: goals and objectives

Diagnostic research in mathematics is connected with three aspects: semiotic, logical, technical. Let's take a closer look at each of them to understand their significance.

The purpose of a diagnostic study is to identify some specific signs.

Semiotic aspect

The semiotic aspect involves the definition by the researcher of the main content of the concepts that express its final focus. In this case, the evaluated features and variants of diagnostic information are combined into a sign integral system. At the same time, the diagnosed symptom is clearly described, the tool for its specific detection, measurement, and analysis is indicated.

purpose of diagnostics
purpose of diagnostics

Pedagogical research specifics

Diagnostic research is especially relevant in pedagogy,both in its theoretical part and in practice. Yan Kamensky in his work "Great Didactics" wrote that the main drawback of educational activity is the lack of clear goals.

When selecting the goals of training and development, the psychological and pedagogical characteristics are of primary importance, allowing unambiguous diagnostics and opportunities for making the only right decision. In order to improve the modern system of educational and educational work in Russian schools, it is necessary to conduct diagnostic studies.

diagnostic specifics
diagnostic specifics

The importance of diagnostics in pedagogy

They are an important element in developing the purpose and objectives of education. Diagnostic research becomes possible only if the following requirements are met:

  • precisely describes the signs;
  • facts can be measured directly or indirectly;
  • results are comparable to a certain scale

These requirements correspond to the general optimization conditions that are formulated in the system analysis. Optimization of the pedagogical structure involves innovation in every element.

Many teachers believe that they are well aware of the goals of shaping the younger generation, they themselves can conduct a diagnostic study.

Such overconfidence leads to conservatism in parenting based on habit.

Goals in many academic disciplines are written descriptively, which does not allow teachers to identify creative abilitiesschoolchildren.

diagnostic options
diagnostic options


Diagnostic examination involves the use of special examination methods. Each technique used for diagnostics must contain a description in accordance with standard requirements:

  • have a diagnostic item;
  • contain information about the scope and how to use it;
  • indicate the contingent of subjects

Diagnostic study in mathematics should contain detailed information about the procedure, the reliability of the results. The test norms used in diagnostics must be confirmed by a description of the choice of algorithm and type of diagnostic operations in the examination. To assess the reliability of the information received, the option of participation in the diagnosis of the subjects is indicated: voluntariness or obligation.

The procedure for calculating the scores for the test, as well as the interpretation of the results, should be clearly and clearly described. This will make it possible to obtain similar results when different users process the same protocols.

purpose of diagnostics
purpose of diagnostics

Logical aspect

The tasks of diagnostic studies also include the construction of a conclusion about the object under study. Pedagogical diagnostic thinking appears only as a result of cognition, thinking through object-subject relations, contact between children and adults, which influence the formation and development of the personality, the transition from childhood to adolescence. The logical aspect is important not onlyfor pedagogical research, but also for tests carried out by schoolchildren as part of research work.

features of a diagnostic study
features of a diagnostic study

Diagnosis in project activities

How to conduct a diagnostic study on history. Grade 9 according to the Federal State Educational Standard of the new generation involves the defense of an independent (collective) project by graduates. They may also be related to diagnosis. For example, if a child studies the traditions of his people, it would be advisable to conduct a survey, according to the results of which the author will be able to draw a conclusion about the relevance of the chosen topic, the interest of the population in it.

What is the purpose of such a diagnostic study of history? Grade 9 in domestic schools has a curriculum in which, in addition to time for studying individual academic disciplines, it allocates time for career guidance activities. Thanks to such techniques, the psychologist helps the children choose the direction for their subsequent professional activities.

what are diagnostics
what are diagnostics

Features of research

Diagnostic examination in biology, chemistry, physics consists of several separate stages.

Scientific research is systematic and purposeful. That is why the main task is to clearly identify the scope of diagnostics. This enables the researcher to compose the three most important elements for subsequent work: "objective area", "object", "subject" of research.

Object area of studythe sphere of science and practice, within which the direct object of research is located, is acting. In academic disciplines, it can be associated with a specific academic discipline, for example, biology, mathematics, physics.

The subject of diagnostics can be a specific area of the object, within which the search is carried out.

The subject of research can be some phenomena, their parts, the relationship between the whole and individual parties. The subject of the project involves the choice of a diagnostic technique.

There are moving (conditional) boundaries between the subject, object, field of study.

For example, if the object of diagnostics is the creative connection between French and Russian literature of the 19th century, then the subject of study can be the analysis of intercultural borrowings. An even narrower area of research within a particular subject is the topic of the work. Her choice is a difficult and responsible stage.

Diagnosis helps to specify the subject of work, which contributes to obtaining an excellent result. The topic is the perspective from which a certain issue is considered.

Testing allows you to identify the relevance of the chosen topic, its "fit" into the overall perspective of the student's professional growth.

purpose of testing
purpose of testing


Thanks to diagnostic studies, you can get an objective picture regarding a particular issue. When applying certain techniques, it is possible to identify the psychological characteristics of adolescents,choose the best methods and techniques for subsequent training and education. In addition to research conducted by school teachers and psychologists, modern schoolchildren also use diagnostics. If the material “Specificity of lichens and mosses in the urban forest park zone” is chosen as the topic for the project, field conditions or hard-to-reach devices will be required for its implementation. The topic can be considered the hallmark of research activities. Diagnosis helps the child to choose the direction of his activity, to choose the methods of experimental activity.

The results of statistical studies help justify the relevance of the study.

Relevance, for example, may lie in the need to obtain updated information, verify it with new methods.

When substantiating it, you can provide the diagnostic results obtained on a specific issue. Class teachers, school psychologists actively use a variety of diagnostics in their professional activities. They help them receive timely information, on the basis of which educational and educational programs are built.
