Digits of numerals in Russian. How to determine the rank of a number?

Digits of numerals in Russian. How to determine the rank of a number?
Digits of numerals in Russian. How to determine the rank of a number?

Very often, using numerals in everyday speech, we do not even think about the fact that they are not all the same, and there are even different categories of nouns. For example, who can answer the question, what distinguishes the numeral "one" from "first"? And "ten" from "thirty"? And the word "both" can be generally attributed to the numerals? If you find it difficult to answer these questions, then this article is for you. In it, we will analyze the categories of numeral names and find out how they differ.

digits of numerals
digits of numerals

And also analyze various examples.

Digits of numbers

First of all, they can differ in meaning, therefore, different numerals are used in different situations. Usually there are four categories of numerals by value. The first two are quantitative and ordinal. These are exactly the numbers that we encounter literally every day. The third digit is fractional. And the very last - collective, which alsoquite common in everyday communication.

You can also find another classification, in which there are much fewer digits, since some scientists consider fractional numbers to be quantitative, and ordinal numbers are even attached to adjectives. But this article will start from the first option, where four digits are allocated.

In addition, some may have noticed that numerals may differ in spelling. Some can be written in one word, others in two, three or more. Therefore, the following categories of numerals are also distinguished: simple, complex and compound.

To understand what each of the listed digits is, we will consider them in order and analyze the features of their use.

Digit of cardinal numbers

They are used when it is necessary to indicate how many items are located somewhere, i.e. to name their number.

One table - an indication of the quantity
One table - an indication of the quantity

For example: one table, ten notebooks, three kilograms, five plates, etc. Or when it's just some whole numbers: one, five, ten, thirty plus five, etc.

Ordinal numbers

This category of numbers in Russian is used when you need to indicate the order in which some items are located: the first notebook, the third plate from the left, the fourth book, etc. Ordinal numbers are also used when any calendar dates are called: May 1st, December 31st, etc.

the twenty fifth
the twenty fifth

FromThese examples make it clear why some linguists classify ordinal numbers as adjectives. They have very similar properties, even leaning the same way. Compare the noun "first" and the adjective "beautiful". If you have difficulties with the declension of ordinal numbers, you can focus on the principle of declension of adjectives.

Fractional numbers

If the quantitative digit indicated an integer, then fractional numbers denote a fractional value. Examples: one second, three fourths, five eighths, etc. These numbers are used when it is not about the whole subject, but only about some part of it.

It's not about the whole subject
It's not about the whole subject

The formula for fractional numbers can be represented as follows: cardinal number plus ordinal number. After all, the first word in a fraction is quantitative, and the second is ordinal. Example: five (how many?) tenths (what?).

It is also necessary to remember that the numerals "one and a half" and "one and a half hundred" have only two case forms. In the nominative and accusative cases, they look like this: one and a half, one and a half hundred. In all other cases, these words will look like this: one and a half, one and a half hundred.

Collective numbers

Often, many do not perceive this category as numerals. But, nevertheless, it applies to them. In everyday communication and not only, we very often use words such as "both", "two", "three", etc. - up to "ten". All these words are collective numbers.

Featuresuse of collective numbers

Some may find it difficult to decide which parts of speech to use collectives with. It's best to just learn and remember these rules so you don't have any doubts later:

  • Firstly, collective nouns are used with masculine and common nouns if they refer to males: five students, three on duty.
  • Secondly, this category of numerals is used together with the words "children" or "guys": five children, three children.

You can also combine them with the names of baby animals: both kittens, three puppies.

both kittens
both kittens

With paired nouns, that is, with those that have only the plural form, collective numbers are also used: two boots.

And finally with personal pronouns. Perhaps this is the most common case. Examples: we are five/three/two/six.

Simple numbers

And now let's analyze the category of numerals, which is allocated according to the structure. Simple can be cardinal and ordinal numbers. If a word has only one root, then it is simple. Examples: one, two, ten, twenty, twelve, first, second, etc.

Compound numbers

A word denoting a complex number will contain two roots. Examples: sixty, eighty, ninety, seven hundred, nine hundred, etc. Both cardinal and ordinal numbers can also be complex.

Compound numbers

In thiscase, the numeral will consist of two or more words. Examples: twenty-five, thirty-one, one hundred and forty-two, etc. Compound, again, can be both cardinal and ordinal numbers.


To make it easier to present this classification, below are the digits of the numbers in the table. Examples have been given above.

Rank name Simple Complex Compound Questions
Cardinal numbers One-syllable word One word of two syllables Two or more words How much?
Ordinal numbers One-syllable word One word of two syllables Two or more words Which/-th/-th/-th?
Fractional numbers -//- -//- -//- How much?
Collective -//- -//- -//- How much?

Learning how the digits of numerals correspond in a table, and not in a list, is sometimes a little easier, because the data is presented more clearly and systematized.

Methods for determining the category

How to determine the place of the numeral? First of all, it is necessary to analyze in what situation it is used. If simply the number of objects is called, then cardinal numbers are used, if they talk about word order, then ordinal numbers, etc.

Also, to distinguish a cardinal number from an ordinal number, you can setquestion to him. If it answers the same question as the adjective, then it will be an ordinal number. If it answers the question "how much?", then it is either a quantitative, or a fractional, or a collective numeral. In this case, you need to look at the sense in which it is used.

Compare two sentences:

  1. Two notebooks are on the table. In this case, the numeral "two" indicates the number of items and answers the question "how many?", Therefore, it refers to quantitative.
  2. The first notebook is mine, and my friend forgot the second one. What notebook? First. The numeral "second" also answers the question "what?" and has the properties of an adjective, therefore, these are ordinal numbers.

If we are talking about a part of an object, then most likely a fractional number will be used. And if we are talking about a certain number of people or about some objects as a single whole, then, most likely, these will be collective numbers.

two notebooks
two notebooks


  1. Can I please have one and a half kilos of apples? In this case, the word "one and a half" answers the question "how much?" and indicates that you need a kilogram and some other part of it, therefore, this is a fractional number.
  2. Both of my friends have already arrived. How many girlfriends? Both. But in this case, the numeral "both" seems to combine the word "girlfriends" into a single whole.

How difficult can it be?

It would seem that everything is clear with numerals. There are severaldischarges, and each is used in different situations. However, everything is not so simple. The main difficulty lies in the declension of cardinal numbers, especially compound ones, because each word must be declined in them. In the declension of ordinal numbers, everything is much simpler, they change like adjectives, and in compound ordinal numbers, only the last word changes.

use numerals
use numerals

Therefore, in order to confidently use this part of speech, you should also carefully study the features of the declension of cardinal numbers.
