How to draw up a plan for self-education of a preschool teacher

How to draw up a plan for self-education of a preschool teacher
How to draw up a plan for self-education of a preschool teacher
dow teacher self-education plan
dow teacher self-education plan

What is self-education and what is it for? This process is understood as a specially organized, systematic and amateur cognitive activity of a teacher, which is aimed at achieving certain socially and personally significant goals. Why is it needed and why is a plan for the self-education of a preschool teacher being drawn up? Self-education is closely connected with the specifics of pedagogical activity, its role in society, as well as with the fashionable now continuous education, which is associated with the constantly changing working conditions of teachers. The whole point of this process lies in the satisfaction of cognitive activity, and its essence is in mastering the culture of thinking, the ability to independently, without any help, work on one's improvement, overcome problems, including professional ones.

Exemplary plan for self-education of a preschool teacher

Themes for self-education are chosen by the teacher. A senior teacher can also recommend them. The term within which the topic is studied can be from one to three years. The following stages are distinguished:

senior self-education plandow teacher
senior self-education plandow teacher
  1. Diagnostic. The content of the work: the analysis of possible difficulties, the formulation of problems and the study of literature.
  2. Prognostic. Its essence: defining goals, objectives, developing an optimal system and possible measures aimed at solving a problem, predicting possible results.
  3. Practical. Work: introduction and dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience, as well as a system of measures aimed at solving a problem, a clear formation of a methodological complex, tracking the entire work process, its current and intermediate results, adjusting work.
  4. Generalizing. Work: summing up, formalizing the results of your own research on the chosen topic, providing materials.
  5. Innovative. The essence of the stage: the use of the acquired new experience by the teacher in the course of his further work, the dissemination of the experience gained.

Result presentation forms

After each stage of work, the teacher draws up and presents his results. The forms in which he can do this are also included in the plan for self-education of the preschool teacher.

self-education plan for the teacher of the younger group
self-education plan for the teacher of the younger group

They can be as follows:

- interview with the head of the methodological association or with the senior educator;

- speech at a meeting of the methodological association or at the pedagogical council;

- open classes;

- abstract, presentation or individual creative project.

It is worth noting that at the beginning of the school year, after the teachers have decided on the topics, a general plan for self-education of the senior preschool teacher should be drawn up.


Any work should have a clear structure, we offer you one of the design options, what a self-education plan for a preschool teacher might look like. First, the name of the work is indicated, for example: “Individual plan of self-education for 2014-2015”. The position is listed below. It is worth noting that in the design of the self-education plan of the educator of the younger group, middle or older, they will not fundamentally differ from one another. Next, the full name is indicated. teacher, his education, as well as refresher courses. Then you should indicate the topic of self-education, problems to be worked on, deadlines, as well as tasks and goals.
