The history of mankind knows many tragic and gloomy moments. On the way to progress and enlightenment, almost all races resorted to such a terrible form of social development as slavery. The United States, too, has not escaped this dark phase in its eventful history. From the very moment of the formation of this country, slavery in the United States has become an integral part and norm of American life.

Perhaps the strangest form of slavery in history has taken shape in the United States. Formed in the bowels of American capitalism, slavery reflected its formation in the agrarian sector of the young country's economy. American planters, due to the extreme scarcity of the labor market, were forced to resort to the exploitation of black slaves.
The use of slave labor left an indelible mark on the plantation bourgeoisie, turning it into perhaps the strangest and most unusual slave class in the history of the planet. The American planters of that time are unimaginable and completelya bizarre synthesis of typical capitalist and slave-owning traits.

Slavery in the US is a complex set of socio-economic, civil, ideological, racial and socio-political problems, the roots of which lie in the depths of American history. The emergence of this form of social development is primarily due to the presence of endless land spaces in North America, which created the most favorable conditions for the development of the agricultural economy and its movement along the path of free enterprise.
No wonder it was here that all the prerequisites for the formation of such a liberal form of slavery as patriarchal slavery were formed, in which black slaves were considered simply disenfranchised members of the families of white planters. This is mainly true for the northern states. In the south, however, things were somewhat different. Classical slavery flourished here. On the eve of the outbreak of the civil war that ended this form of social development, 89% of black slaves lived in the south.

The last state to ratify the abolition of slavery was the southern state of Mississippi. Plantation slavery in the USA, being a commercially profitable enterprise that brought fabulous incomes to the rising class of American capitalists, lasted for almost two and a half centuries and caused sharp contradictions in the economic and political spheres between the North American and southern states. Slavery in the United States served not onlyenrichment and development of the agrarian economy, but also to strengthen the political and social influence of large plantation slave owners.
And it all started with the Dutch slave traders. Somewhat later, British shipowners also joined this profitable business. The first Dutch ship with "living goods" landed on the coast of the North American continent at the end of the summer of 1619. He delivered twenty black slaves, who were instantly bought by we althy white colonists. From that moment on, advertisements for the sale of “live goods” began to appear regularly in port cities and towns. Until, finally, in 1863, a declaration of independence was adopted, where, in particular, it was mentioned that slave labor was inadmissible.