De-Stalinization is The process of de-Stalinization

De-Stalinization is The process of de-Stalinization
De-Stalinization is The process of de-Stalinization

De-Stalinization is the process of eliminating the ideological and political system that was created during the reign of IV Stalin, including the personality cult of the great leader. This term has been used in Western literature since the 1960s. In today's article, we will look at the process of de-Stalinization (as it was conceived and carried out by Khrushchev), as well as its consequences. And in conclusion, we will discuss a new round of this policy in Ukraine and Russia.

de-Stalinization of society
de-Stalinization of society

Beginning of de-Stalinization

The discussion around this issue has not died down so far. Some people believe that the debunking of Stalin's personality should be continued, while others call such a policy Khrushchev's mistake. It all started in 1953. The tyrant leader died, and with him the old system. The sharp and decisive Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev quickly came to power. He had no education, but this was fully compensated by an amazing political instinct. He started with the mostlow positions in the party and easily foresaw new trends. In 1956, at the 20th Congress of the CPSU, it was decided to debunk the blind worship of Stalin's personality. According to the historian M. Gefter, resistance to the regime existed even before the death of the Leader. Belief in Stalin's clairvoyance was undermined by heavy defeats during World War II. At first, the cult of personality was associated with Beria. But the official de-Stalinization of society gradually began.

beginning of de-Stalinization
beginning of de-Stalinization

Khrushchev's "Secret Report"

XX Congress of the CPSU gathered 1436 delegates. It was convened eight months ahead of schedule due to the urgent need to reconsider the course after Stalin's death. And ended with the so-called "secret report" of Khrushchev. The main attention was paid to the information received by the Pospelov commission about the repressions. According to Khrushchev, 70% of the Central Committee candidates elected at the 17th Congress were shot. However, Nikita Sergeevich insisted that de-Stalinization is not the destruction of the foundations of socialist society, but the elimination of a harmful personality cult. Industrialization, collectivization and a tough fight against opposition forces were recognized as necessary milestones in the development of the USSR as a strong state. Stalin and his henchmen were personally accused of repressions. Khrushchev did not recognize that the origins of the problems lie not in the personality of the leader, but in the system itself.

de-Stalinization is
de-Stalinization is

Consequences for the country

Khrushchev's "Secret Report" was not published, but was only read out at meetings of party workers with appropriate comments. Stalin was not recognized as an absolute evil. The period of his reign "did not change the nature" of true socialism. Society is still moving along the right path, that is, towards communism. The negative phenomena were declared overcome thanks to the efforts of the leaders of the CPSU. Thus, responsibility was practically removed from the adherents of Stalin. They have remained in key positions. In general, Khrushchev's "secret report":

  • changed the psychology of the Soviet people;
  • split the worldwide communist movement;
  • became evidence for the West of the weakness of the USSR.
destalinization period
destalinization period

De-Stalinization: period from 1953 to 1964

The society had different attitudes towards the new policy. A sharp opposition between the USSR and the West began. So, let's start from the very beginning. Stalin dies in 1953. Over the next year, his name and image were constantly discussed at the speeches of the party leadership. After the "secret report", the official policy of de-Stalinization began. However, there was a range of different opinions in society about the former general secretary. The discrediting of Stalin's personality as a symbol of an entire era gave rise to a whole war of suicides. Many did not understand why Khrushchev began to express his opinion about the repressions only after the death of the great leader. At the first stage, de-Stalinization is primarily the division of the control system. More than 10 thousand enterprises were given to the republican jurisdiction. According to the Law of 1957, more than a hundred economic regions were created with collegial governing bodies - economic councils. positivethe moment of decentralization was the surge of local initiative. Negative - a decrease in technological progress. The Soviet system lost the ability to concentrate funds for development. Decentralization peaked in 1961.

de-Stalinization policy
de-Stalinization policy

XXII Congress of the CPSU

Late on October 31, 1961, Red Square was cordoned off. It was announced to the people that a rehearsal of the parade was being held by November 7th. However, in fact, the decision of the XXII Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union was carried out. Namely, it was necessary to take Stalin out of the Mausoleum. Everyone understood that such an action could lead to riots. For many, de-Stalinization is just that event. There were many front-line soldiers among the dissatisfied. Local communities began to arbitrarily bring down monuments to the great leader. People joked that Khrushchev was making room in the Mausoleum next to Lenin for himself. Many cities were renamed in 1961.

de-Stalinization process
de-Stalinization process

In Ukraine

De-Stalinization is a policy that significantly influenced the situation in the Ukrainian SSR. During this period, the campaign against nationalist sentiments was stopped, the process of Russification slowed down and the role of the Ukrainian factor increased in all spheres. Kirichenko was elected to the post of First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine. Leading positions began to be occupied by native Ukrainians. In 1954 Crimea was transferred to the Ukrainian SSR. This decision was motivated by territorial proximity and economic community. The problem was the ethnic composition of the population. Ukrainians accounted for only 13.7%. positivethe moment of the process of de-Stalinization was the expansion of the rights of the union republics. However, in many ways, she has brought even more divisions into society.
