Counterrevolution is Definition and history of the term

Counterrevolution is Definition and history of the term
Counterrevolution is Definition and history of the term

"Counter-revolution" is a historical term that determines the process of fighting the revolution and the social order it created. In order to understand the meaning of this definition, it is necessary to consider it in terms of historical context.

What is counter-revolution: definition

There are many different interpretations of the definition of "counter-revolution". According to Ushakov's well-known Russian dictionary, counter-revolution is a social and political movement that aims to destroy the consequences of the revolution and restore the pre-revolutionary order in society.

Ozhegov's Dictionary of the Russian Language presents the definition of "counter-revolution" as the vigorous activity of the rivals of the revolution in the struggle to establish social order.

The etymologically described term is borrowed from French, in which it looks like contre-revolution.

counter-revolution is
counter-revolution is

Examples of counter-revolutions in history

The first full-fledged counter-revolutionary historical processes of a feudal nature originated in Europe as a reaction to the revolutionary overthrow of monarchs. Examples of such events are the English restoration of the Stuart dynasty (1660-1688), as well asrestoration of the Bourbon dynasty in France (1814-1830). The success of these counter-revolutions is due to the ill-conceived actions of the revolutionary bourgeoisie. Moreover, these forces went over to the side of the counter-revolutionary representatives, who offered them conditions for beneficial cooperation.

One of the most famous examples of counter-revolution is the struggle of white generals against red power in the era of the Civil War in Russia in the first half of the 20th century. The revolutionary overthrow of the Russian government and the abolition of the institution of the monarchy are the factors under the influence of which an active counter-revolutionary movement of the Whites was formed. However, as in the case of the European counter-revolutionaries, the attempt to overthrow the revolutionary order ended in failure.

what is counterrevolution
what is counterrevolution

Internal and external counterrevolution

The counter-revolution as a historical process can be classified according to internal and external orientation. Internal is a process carried out within a certain state using various forms and methods: from rebellions and conspiracies to inciting civil wars.

The counter-revolution of external origin is characterized by an international focus. This means that the pressure on the revolutionary regime occurs under the influence of external factors. Historically, international counter-revolutionary organizations have been created. For example, the "Holy Alliance" was created as an instrument of reaction to the revolutionary politics of France in the 19th century.
