The polarization of society is The term, history and varieties of polarization

The polarization of society is The term, history and varieties of polarization
The polarization of society is The term, history and varieties of polarization

Since ancient times, the development of human civilization has been accompanied by the polarization of society. After all, even in ancient times, there was a tendency to divide cities into ghettos, where slaves were determined, and various quarters, where various kinds of artisans worked, the nobility, the clergy, etc. lived.


The polarization of society is the tendency to increase the difference between social groups of different nature, leading, ultimately, to a conflict of interest. A clear manifestation of features always leads to an increase in the gap between social groups. So, for example, an ordinary worker will always differ from a qualified specialist by type of activity. Leaders and subordinates will always be at different social levels. The increase in polarization occurs as a result of a sharp change in the behavior of one of the two social categories. An example is the manifestation of bourgeois inclinations among the proletariat and vice versa.

Polarization of society
Polarization of society

In this regard, the social policy of many countries suggests reducing the rate of increase in inequality in order to prevent possibleexacerbation in society.

From the history of the term

The polarization of society is a relatively new term that entered the lexicon of sociologists at the end of the millennium. During the rise of the American economy, which took place in the 60s - 70s of the last century, the quality of life of the population increased significantly. In this regard, the American working class began to display habits and behaviors that are not typical of the middle class.

Contradictions in society
Contradictions in society

Subsequently, some sociologists came to the conclusion that the social polarization of society is a sign of the evolution of society. Researchers are divided on this issue. Some considered it a positive trend in the development of society. Others, relying on the "friend or foe" model, believed that polarization would only lead to aggravation of conflicts between social strata

Varieties of social polarization

Scientists distinguish between several varieties:

  1. Income polarization implies an increase in the number of people with different levels of income.
  2. Class polarization refers to an increase in the number of people belonging to a higher, relative to the middle, or lower class.
  3. Polarization based on the concept of "friend or foe". It consists in growing inequality on other grounds. So, for example, the availability of social benefits for some social groups and inaccessibility for others, inevitably leads to the polarization of society. This, of course, cannot positively influence the development of society.

Sociologicalstudies of the first type of polarization speak eloquently of the growing inequality along this principle in many developed countries since the 1980s. Class polarization is much more difficult to define, since the concepts of "middle class", "working class" and "elite" are still vague and do not apply to many countries.

Image"Friend or foe"
Image"Friend or foe"

The last type of polarization - "friend or foe" - is closely associated with the inability to get a job because of race, gender and other affiliation. As a result, the emergence of a ghetto, where people who do not have a stable income and live on benefits from the state are forced to live.
