The hero of this article is Sergei Semyonovich Uvarov. Brief biography: born on September 5, 1786. Russian statesman and antiquarian. Minister of Education and Privy Councillor. Honorary Member and President of the Academy of Sciences. Developed the ideology of the official nationality.
Uvarov Sergei Semenovich (date of birth according to the old calendar August 25, 1786) was born in St. Petersburg, into a noble family. All relatives on the paternal and maternal lines were courtiers. Father, Semyon Fedorovich, was a lieutenant colonel of the horse guards. Courageous, cheerful, loved to squat and play the bandura.
Prince Potemkin made him his adjutant and married him to an enviable bride - Daria Golovina. The godmother of Sergei Semenovich was Empress Catherine the Great herself. When young Uvarov was 2 years old, he was left without a father. The son was raised by his mother. Then aunt - Natalya Ivanovna (married Princess Kurakina).

Like all children from noble families, Sergei received an excellent home primaryeducation. He studied at the house of Prince Kurakin. Sergei's teacher is the French abbot Manguin. Young Uvarov turned out to be a very gifted young man. And he easily mastered European culture, foreign languages, the history of antiquity, etc.
As a result, from childhood Uvarov Sergey Semenovich knew French and some other languages perfectly, was well versed in literature. Later he learned Latin, English and Ancient Greek. He composed poems in different languages and recited them with talent. Thanks to the admiration of adults, he got used to success and in subsequent years sought to maintain this attitude towards himself.
Sergey began his service in 1801 at the Collegium of Foreign Affairs. In 1806 he was sent to Vienna, to the Russian embassy. In 1809 he became secretary of the embassy in Paris. Over the years, Sergei Semenovich formed political convictions. He became a supporter of enlightened absolutism. In 1810 he left the diplomatic service.

In the first years of service Uvarov Sergey Semenovich, whose portraits are in this article, wrote the first essays. He met with many statesmen, writers, scientists. This not only increased his horizons, such meetings helped develop an aesthetic refined taste, a breadth of interests.
Sergey has a desire for constant self-education. It was during these years that he showed great interest in ancient antiquities, and he began to collect them. In 1810, his first major work was published - “The Project of the AsianAcademy . It put forward the idea of forming a Russian scientific institution, which should study the eastern countries.
Sergei Semenovich believed that the spread of Oriental languages would lead to an understanding of Asia's attitude towards Russia. Uvarov called this field the key to national politics.
Creative and government activities
From 1811 to 1822 Uvarov Sergei Semenovich, whose activities are closely connected with education and creativity, was a trustee of the St. Petersburg educational district. Then - the director of the department of internal trade and manufactories. In 1824 he became a privy councillor, and in 1826 a senator.

He was a member and one of the organizers of the literary society "Arzamas". In it, he had the nickname "Old Lady". But after a couple of years, this society cooled off.
In January 1811, Sergei Semenovich was elected an honorary member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. In 1818 he became its president, which he remained until the end of his life. In April 1828 he was elected an honorary member of the Russian Academy, and in 1831 he became its full member. In addition to the organizations listed, he has been involved in activities:
- Paris Academy of Letters and Letters;
- Royal Copenhagen Society of Sciences;
- Royal Society of Madrid;
- Göttingen Society of Sciences;
- Royal Naples Society.
Uvarov Sergey Semenovich, whose biography is connected with creativity and education, was a member of the circle of Alexei Olenin, an outstandingarchaeologist, artist, writer and director of the Public Library. He constantly gathered masters of different generations. For Uvarov, the society that surrounded Olenin became a kind of unique school.
Moreover, Alexey Nikolaevich himself was one of the founders of Russian archeology. Uvarov wrote about him that Olenin was a lover of antiquities and was engaged in all subjects related to this concept. His interests ranged from ancient stones to Kerch jewels and Moscow monuments. In 1816, he received an honorary membership in the Institute of France for French-speaking work.

Natura Uvarov Sergei Semenovich
One lady from high society described Uvarov as an aristocratic minion of beauties and gatherings. He was a witty, cheerful and dexterous man with a touch of pride inherent in him. But in many of the big parties he was in, he still remained a stranger.
Uvarov was a very curious and versatile person with broad interests. He was not limited only to the service and actively participated in the public life of St. Petersburg.
Uvarov Sergey Semenovich: reforms and development of education
In 1826, the year of the celebration of the anniversary of the Academy of Sciences, Uvarov took the opportunity to build new buildings and repair old ones. The emperor and his brothers were elected honorary academicians, which ensured respect for the nobility of the Academy of Sciences. Uvarov held elections, as a result of which many Russian and foreign minds became members of the academy.

In April 1832 he was appointed Deputy Minister of Education and from 1833 to 1849 he was already a full-fledged minister. In 1833, when he assumed this position, he wrote to all educational districts that education should be given in the spirit of the union of Orthodoxy, nationality and autocracy. This triad later became the embodiment of the Russian doctrine of monarchs.
Uvarov Sergei Semyonovich tried to strengthen government control over gymnasiums and universities. Under him, the foundation was laid for Russian real education and practice abroad. He was able to bring enlightenment to a new level. Gymnasiums and universities reached the European level. And Moscow University has become one of the leading ones.
In 1934, Uvarov created the "Journal of Public Education", which was published until 1917. Sergei Semenovich himself worked out a plan, compiled headings, appointed fees and invited the best of the "writing brethren". The magazine was sent not only in Russia, but also abroad.
In March 1846, Uvarov, being not only the Minister of Education, but also a real Privy Councilor, will receive the title of Count.

In 1849, during the revolution, he inspected the publication of articles on the defense of universities. This activity was not to the liking of Nicholas I, who wrote that everyone should only obey and not express their reasoning. After these words, Sergei Semenovich resigned on his own initiative.
In his own estate, located near Moscow,Uvarov Sergei Semenovich created a botanical garden. Subsequently, it became a national treasure. A. Bunge named in honor of Sergei Semenovich one plant from the Verbena family uvarovia. One of the minerals is also named. In 1857, the Uvarov Prize was established by the son of Sergei Semenovich.
Porechye Village
In the count's estate, which was located in the village of Porechye, literary evenings were constantly held in those days. This village is located 20 kilometers from the village. Uvarovka and 40 km from Mozhaisk.
Now the main attraction here is the count's palace. This building has two buildings. The roof is made of glass. Now under it are the plants that the count grew in his winter garden. The forest near the count's palace is also of great value. During his travels, Sergei Semenovich always brought rare plants or curiosities. And he planted them in the forest park area adjacent to the palace.

Since then, the chestnut tree, which is already 300 years old, has remained growing there. There is a spruce - the "trident of Zeus", etc. The Winter Garden is located next to the central building, and its pavilion is made of metal and glass. During the life of the count, he was heated with a boiler room. From there, hot water flowed into pipes attached to the walls.
Private life
Uvarov Sergei Semenovich married in 1811 Countess Razumovskaya. She was the daughter of an earl. In their marriage, four children were born - a son and three daughters. Elizabeth died without marrying. Alexandra married Pavel Alexandrovich Urusov. Natalya married Ivan Petrovich Balabin. And son Alexei became a famous Russian archaeologist and scientist, a lover of antiquity. He married Shcherbatova P. S.
All Petersburg high society discussed Uvarov's homosexual predilections. In one of Pushkin's works, he was ridiculed in connection with the appointment of his beloved Dondukov-Korsakov to the post of vice-president of the Academy.