The fate of Fyodor Mikhailovich Orlov was difficult and heroic. The man whose name a street in Moscow is now named, unfortunately, is little known to posterity. And at the same time, the biography of Divisional Commander Orlov is an example of strength, courage and love for his Motherland.
What is Orlov famous for?

Fyodor Mikhailovich devoted almost his entire conscious life to military service. Divisional Commander Orlov participated in the Russo-Japanese War, went through the First World War. In the Great Russian Revolution, he fought side by side with Frunze and reached the position of commander of the 2nd rank, which can be roughly compared with the current rank of general.
Fyodor Mikhailovich survived 24 wounds and several shell shocks, and after a stroke he was sent to the rear, retired, where he was offered to do administrative work. Unfortunately, he did not enjoy the world for long. In 1941, the Great Patriotic War began, and Orlov went to the front as a volunteer. At that time he was 63 years old.
Biography of Fyodor Mikhailovich Orlov
Fyodor Mikhailovich was born in a village in Belarus.
He began his military career as a private in a lancer regiment, later he took part in the 1905 war with Japan. Participated in the rank of non-commissioned officerWorld War I. And after 1917, Orlov was sent to the Caucasus to organize partisan detachments.
In 1920 he received his first Order of the Red Banner (before that he already had many awards and valuable gifts, for example, a gold personalized cigarette case).
Despite his many injuries, he did not leave his job. Fedor Mikhailovich was also the commander of the Kharkov military district, and the deputy head of military propaganda. And only after a stroke was forced to leave the army. From 1938 to 1941 Orlov - Deputy. head of one of the departments of the artillery plant No. 1.

The Great Patriotic War found him in old age. At the age of 63, he voluntarily appeared at the mobilization point, where he was refused - the age is not the same. But divisional commander Orlov would not be himself if he resigned himself to this state of affairs. Through long persuasion and requests, he was deceived into joining the militias. And so his military path began again - he had to start again from the military bottom, because he was recorded as a private.
In a short time, he rose to the rank of commander of the reconnaissance battalion of the people's militia. In the battles near Yelnya, Orlov was shell-shocked, but remained in the ranks, after which he took part in the formation of the 160th Infantry Division, which he himself led, becoming a commander.
In 1942, near Kaluga, as a result of an air raid, he was seriously injured, but in less than six months he recovered and returned to duty. Divisional Commander Orlov left military service only in 1946 with the rank of colonel.
He had many awards: orders, medals and justmemorable gifts.
Died commander Orlov in January 1954.
Orlov's personal life
Fyodor Mikhailovich married a woman to match. His wife, Maria Iosifovna, by the end of the war, initiated the construction of a tank for all family savings. The new T-34 went to the unit in whose ranks their youngest son, Vasily, fought for the Motherland. During the war, this tank destroyed many enemy guns and vehicles.
The eldest son of divisional commander Orlov - Vladimir - rose to the rank of captain and died in the battles near Leningrad.
Eugene, like his older brother, became a captain, received many awards, including for the capture of Berlin and Prague.
Vasily, the youngest son, received the posthumous title of Hero of the Soviet Union, only two months before the victory.
Orlov's daughter, Maria, became a pilot and ended the war with the rank of lieutenant colonel.
In memory of division commander Orlov

A street in the north of Moscow near the Botanical Garden was named after the divisional commander.
Every year on Victory Day, students of the school district in which Komdiv Orlova Street is located bring flowers to the memorial plaque and hold a solemn line in memory of the hero.
In 2003, the tank, built at the expense of the Orlov family, was repaired in St. Petersburg and installed at one of the schools in the Moscow region, which has a museum of military glory.