Beautiful word "estate". Is it a forgotten past or a return to basics

Beautiful word "estate". Is it a forgotten past or a return to basics
Beautiful word "estate". Is it a forgotten past or a return to basics

Very interesting to understand the terminology, especially if it is no longer very relevant, and the words are rarely used.

What is a homestead

Dictionaries say that a manor is a complex of various buildings (residential, utility, park), as well as a manor park, which together form a single ensemble. This term takes its roots from the word "garden", and until the 16th century, the words "manor", "manor" were used to designate the estate. In the dictionary of V. I. Dal indicated that the estate is the manor's yard, with various buildings, a vegetable garden and a garden. However, the meaning of this term for culture is much wider than just an architectural ensemble. On the territory of these buildings, the life of Russian society took place, culture and thought were born. This is where the spread of knowledge began. The Russian estate is a concentration of history, culture and nature.

homestead it
homestead it

Types of estates

Usually they call such categories of estates that have a number of features:

  • Boyar estates. They usually included a manor house, outbuildings for guests, stables, a carriage house, a barn, a greenhouse, and a people's hut. The park had a landscape design: the design included ponds, alleys, gazebos, grottoes. Often there was a church on the territory of the manor.
  • Urban estates. This type is typical for Moscow, St. Petersburg and provincial cities. On the territory of city estates there was a house of masters, a stable, outbuildings, premises for servants, a garden. The garden of city estates was public and open to the public.
  • Peasant estates differed only in the absence of a carriage house and a park. But the presence of a garden and a vegetable garden was a must. Also in peasant estates there was a hut and a barn.

Manors today

Now the word "estate" is gradually returning to everyday life. Interest in this topic is growing in society, there are publications in the press, scientific works that cover the issues of history and culturologists of the Russian estate. There are many different foundations that devote their activities to the restoration of old estates and the creation of museums.

homestead it
homestead it

Manors are of interest to people not only as a monument of history and culture, but also as a special lifestyle. A country house is not a synonym for the word estate. Tiny cottages on six acres or typical cottages are no longer in vogue. Homestead is a dwelling conducive to individualism. This is facilitated by belonging, and location, architecture and landscape design. Today's people's interest in estates is a return to our traditions, which were interrupted after the revolution of 1917, when the concepts of private property and privacy were destroyed, which werechanged to public.
