The meaning of the word "dumb" - different options

The meaning of the word "dumb" - different options
The meaning of the word "dumb" - different options

The meaning of the word "dumb" is very unpredictable at first glance. It turns out that there are a huge number of possible definitions of this concept. Indeed, after the main meaning of the word began to be transferred to other spheres of human life, it became ambiguous. This article will look at what the main meanings of this term are.


The meaning of the word dumb
The meaning of the word dumb

All people face fear sooner or later. For some, it becomes pathological. This physiological and emotional state is natural, as it helps a person to survive not only in natural conditions, but also in a metropolis. And the meaning of the word "dumb" in the most general sense characterizes any negative emotional manifestations of a person, most often it is fear.


The word "dumb" means that some object is perceived by another person as negative. For example, it can be a bad mobile phone, a car. For many girls, the phrase "dumb dress" also causes a number of unpleasant feelings. Butsometimes they themselves speak out about their clothes when it comes time to buy new ones. In general, this expression is colloquial, it has come into wide use from the jargon of representatives of the counterculture or even anticulture. For example, the so-called gopniks, street criminals, are often expressed this way. For example, in many comedy films, statements like this are often written into the script: "What are you doing, bro? This is a dumb mobile."


The meaning of the word dumb girl
The meaning of the word dumb girl

Here, too, we are talking about fear, only about the unknown. For example, you can hear "dumb man." He may not cause any harm, but his eyes are so mysterious that they really cause fear that a person cannot cope with. That's what an interesting meaning of the word "dumb". Everything we don't know can scare us. It's human nature.

Another interesting interpretation of this concept

Many people often ask the meaning of the word "ugly girl". In this sense, this word acts as a synonym for the word "ugly". Although this concept can be interpreted according to the points listed above. For example, if a girl has a suspicious appearance, then she can be scary because of the unknown, and if she also has a gun in her hand, then she should generally run away. Dirty is always bad. Although sometimes this word is used in a positive sense. For example, in some subcultures, this concept means the approval of something. But for most people thisunclear.
