For the first time, perhaps, it turns out that we do not have a clear idea of what, in fact, will be discussed, because the sources do not have a common opinion about the origin of the expression "keep your fists." You know, it happens when, for example, a relative or friend has something important to do, and you say this phrase to him and don’t even think where it comes from in the language.
Special forces training and babies

Slightly strange sub title reflects the true state of affairs. No one really knows who or what we owe the appearance of the phrase in everyday speech, but the expression is a running one, so let's try to figure it out.
So let's start with non-language versions. Someone associates the gesture with the training of special forces. During operations, the commander shows a clenched fist, which means everyone to freeze or concentrate, and along the way, probably, to calm down so that the fighters do not make a single rustle and sound.
The second "strange" version tells about babies who are born with compressedfists, which symbolizes their mighty craving for life. Accordingly, when we say that we will “keep our fingers crossed”, this means: we borrow our vitality for a person to fulfill his desire or achieve his goal.
If you approach the versions sensibly, without falling into mysticism, then it seems that clenched fists are a symbol of strong desire, when a person strains all mental strength, he wants so much to achieve anything.
Polish trace

Of course, we think the language version is more believable. It is known that we borrowed some words from Polish. More often he acted as an intermediary between Russian and Latin, Russian and French, Russian and German. So, from Polish, “keep your fists” means the same thing as “cross your fingers.” As you know, fingers are crossed, hoping for a lucky break. Let's talk about it in more detail.
What do crossed fingers mean?

Sources claim that Jesus Christ used this gesture during sermons. And yet, crossed fingers served as a talisman for persecuted Christians. They could, as they like, renounce the teachings of Christ, but they kept their fingers crossed behind their backs. For the time being, fingers replaced the main symbol of faith - the cross.
To be honest, we don't know if this is true or not, but this version was found. At least she explains why teenagers in American films cross their fingers behind their backs when they lie and feel morally wrong.infallible.
What does the gesture mean? Now this is how they lure good luck or the fulfillment of a cherished desire. But in Russia, this does not have a serious distribution.
Meaning and synonyms
Probably the reader understands what “I will keep my fingers crossed for you” means. In this case, we want our acquaintance, friend or relative to succeed in everything that he conceived. That is, this gesture, like the previous one, symbolizes good luck. Let's immediately select analogues for him in order to remove the remaining questions.
- I wish you good luck.
- I'll be rooting for you.
- No fluff or feathers.
- I'm with you.
- I hope for a happy ending.
The result is not synonyms, but "interpreters of the meaning." But one phraseologism still managed to remember. By the way, instead of “keep your fingers crossed” you can say “cross your fingers for me”, but we already mentioned this too.
The main thing that the reader should remember is that the object of research is an expression of support and a wish of good luck at the same time. If he understands the basic meaning of the gesture, then there will be no problems later. And there are no exact synonyms for "keep fists" because the concept is complex.
If we talk about the effectiveness of such support, then, as you understand, there is no evidence that it works. But a person is always pleased when they worry about him. But still, it is better to receive emotions alive and directly. That is, for example, in football, fans really drive the players of their favorite team forward, a rich emotional atmosphere reigns in the game. And sometime someonea person thinks, such, probably, comforts, but not too much. Nevertheless, we will still keep our fingers crossed that the reader will like the material, despite its inconsistency.