Why does s alt water boil faster than regular water, is that true?

Why does s alt water boil faster than regular water, is that true?
Why does s alt water boil faster than regular water, is that true?

To cook food faster, most housewives add s alt to the pot before the water starts to boil. In their opinion, this will speed up the cooking process. Others, on the contrary, argue that tap water boils much faster. To answer this question, you need to turn to the laws of physics and chemistry. Why does s alt water boil faster than regular water, and is it really so? Let's find out! Details in the article below.

Why s alt water boils faster: the physical laws of boiling

In order to understand what processes begin to occur when a liquid is heated, you need to know what scientists mean by the technology of the boiling process.

Does s alt water boil faster than regular water?
Does s alt water boil faster than regular water?

Any water, regular or s alty, starts to boil completelyequally. This process goes through several stages:

  • small bubbles begin to form on the surface;
  • increasing bubble size;
  • their sinking to the bottom;
  • liquid becomes cloudy;
  • boiling process.

Why does s alt water boil faster?

Proponents of s alted water say that when heated, the heat transfer theory works. However, the heat released after the destruction of the molecular lattice does not have much effect. Much more important is the technological process of hydration. At this time, strong molecular bonds are formed. So why does s alt water boil faster?

How does water boil?
How does water boil?

When they become very strong, it is much more difficult for air bubbles to move. It takes a long time to move up or down. In other words, if there is s alt in the water, the air circulation process slows down. As a result, s alt water boils a little slower. Air bubbles are prevented from moving by molecular bonds. This is why s alt water doesn't boil faster than non-s alt water.

Maybe we can do without s alt?

The argument about how fast s alt or tap water boils can go on forever. If you look at the practical application, there will not be much difference. This is easily explained by the laws of physics. Water begins to boil when the temperature reaches 100 degrees. This value may change if the air density parameters change. For example, water high in the mountains begins to boil at temperatures below 100degrees. In domestic conditions, the most important indicator is the power of the gas burner, as well as the heating temperature of the electric stove. The speed of heating the liquid, as well as the time required for boiling, depend on these parameters.

On the fire, the water begins to boil after a few minutes, since the burned firewood emits much more heat than a gas stove, and the area of \u200b\u200bthe heated surface is much larger. From this we can draw a simple conclusion: in order to achieve a quick boil, you need to turn on the gas burner at maximum power, and not add s alt.

Why does s alt water boil faster than regular water?
Why does s alt water boil faster than regular water?

All water starts to boil at the same temperature (100 degrees). But the speed of boiling can be different. S alt water will start to boil later because of the air bubbles, which are much more difficult to break molecular bonds. I must say that distilled water boils faster than ordinary tap water. The fact is that in purified, distilled water there are no strong molecular bonds, no impurities, so it starts to heat up much faster.


Boiling time for ordinary or s alt water differs by several seconds. It has no effect on the speed of cooking. Therefore, you should not try to save time on boiling, it is better to start strictly observing the laws of cooking. To make the dish tasty, it needs to be s alted at a certain time. That's why s alt water doesn't always boil faster!