Climate of Yakutsk: characteristics

Climate of Yakutsk: characteristics
Climate of Yakutsk: characteristics

The Russian city of Yakutsk is considered the largest in the area of permafrost. Here you can see the largest temperature differences in the world, a unique combination of summer heat and freezing cold. The climate of Yakutsk is very contrasting and at the same time severe. The humidity here is very low, but fogs often fall. In summer there are white nights, and in winter the sun barely rises above the horizon. And now let's find out in detail what the climate is in Yakutsk, consider the weather in the city in different months and conduct a short review.

Geographic location of the city

Yakutsk is the third largest city in the Far Eastern Federal District after Vladivostok and Khabarovsk. It is located in the middle reaches of the Lena River on its left bank, in the Tuymaada valley. Yakutsk is located a little north of 62 degrees north latitude, therefore, practically on the border of the Arctic Circle. For this reason, white nights are considered commonplace here in summer, but in winter the sun is almost invisible. Light day at this time lasts no more than 3 hours. In many ways the typeThe climate in Yakutsk was formed due to the natural zone in which it is located - permafrost. In conditions of flat relief and remoteness from the oceans, sharp temperature drops, both seasonal and daily, characteristic of this area, have formed.

climate of Yakutsk
climate of Yakutsk

Average weather indicators

The climate of Yakutsk, as mentioned above, is sharply continental, and the city is located in the temperate zone. The average annual temperature here is -8.8 degrees, the average wind speed is 1.7 m/s, the average air humidity is 69%. It is noteworthy that the winter in Yakutsk is long and severe, from October to April there are severe frosts and there are never thaws. Summer is very short - from July to August, but at the same time hot, which is not always typical for the permafrost region. Such a contrasting climate in the city of Yakutsk was the reason for the world's maximum temperature range, which is 102.8 degrees. Since we have already briefly familiarized ourselves with the weather conditions of this area, let's move on to a more detailed description of each individual season.


The first serious frosts begin with the advent of October. Already by the middle of the month, thermometers drop to -20 and below. Snow begins to fall, which does not melt, the daylight hours are significantly reduced. The winter climate of Yakutsk, starting from December, becomes especially severe. Frosts reach -35 and even -40, but the amount of precipitation is reduced. In January and February, the air temperature drops to -50 as much as possible, the snow stops falling. Above the citythe weather is mostly clear, but thick fogs form due to the very low temperature. A decrease in the mercury column is observed in the second half of March - to -20 and above, and by the end of April, winter ends.

climate in Yakutsk
climate in Yakutsk


This season within the polar latitudes is extremely short and not blooming at all. The air begins to warm up in early May, first to 0, then the temperature rises to +7 and reaches +12 by the end of the month. The sunny day is increasing, the snow cover is completely disappearing. In fairness, it should be noted that after warming in May, June can bring unpleasant surprises. At the beginning of the calendar summer, the climate of Yakutsk is unstable, so do not be surprised by the "summer snow" and night frosts during this period.

What is the climate in Yakutsk
What is the climate in Yakutsk


The hottest period for the city comes at the end of June, when the air temperature rises to +25 on average. Summer in Yakutsk is very hot and dry, precipitation is extremely rare. In recent years, it has been repeatedly recorded that at the height of the day in the city, thermometers showed up to +400 Celsius. But it is worth noting that the daily fluctuations here are incredibly high. It is always cool at night, the air cools down to +18 - +20. In addition, we note that frosts are not excluded. By mid-August, it begins to get colder, the amount of precipitation increases, the weather ceases to be clear, sunny and warm.

climate type in Yakutsk
climate type in Yakutsk


In the second half of August, the thermometers rarelyrise above +15. It is almost always cloudy outside, and frosts often occur at night. Every day it gets colder and colder, fogs appear, rains fall. By mid-September, the air temperature is already 0 and below, and at night it can reach -10. By the end of the month, snow often begins to fall, but it does not yet form a stable cover. Yakutsk is a city where there is no such thing as golden autumn. Frosts come quickly and unexpectedly, so the trees are exposed almost at lightning speed. In October, big frosts begin again, which last until the middle of the calendar spring.

climate characteristic of Yakutsk
climate characteristic of Yakutsk


For the inhabitants of the temperate continental zone, four seasons are familiar, which are the same in duration and have their own unique features. But the characteristic of the climate of Yakutsk is such that there are no passing seasons. Spring and autumn are calendar concepts, but in fact they are completely invisible. The fact is that winter frosts, which recede at the end of April, are replaced by a sharp onset of heat. In just one month, the temperature rises from -5 on average to +25. At the end of the summer the situation is similar. In August, sharp night frosts begin, which gradually cool the air and contribute to a decrease in daytime temperatures. In the same short period of time - in a month, the heat turns into severe frost. The air cools quickly and the ground is covered with a thick layer of snow.

climate of Yakutsk
climate of Yakutsk

Nature of the Yakutsk Territory

Thisan amazing and contrasting city is located in a flat area in the Tuymaada valley. In addition to the Lena River, on the left bank of which it is located, there are many lakes nearby: Teploe, Saysary, Taloe, Sergelyakh and Khatyng-Yuryakh. The soil in the city is predominantly sandy, mostly reeds grow near water bodies. The steppe regions are dotted with various herbs and shrubs. Around the city there is a coniferous-deciduous taiga, which is located on a slightly hilly ground. Precisely due to the fact that the terrain here is flat, the sharp continental climate could manifest itself in all its glory. The air masses are not held back by mountains; there are no large saline reservoirs nearby, in which warm cyclones could form. Yakutsk is a vivid example of climatic diversity and incredible weather contrast.
