Vasily Ivanovich Petrov was born in the winter of 1917 in the village of Chernolessky. The Hero of the Soviet Union died on February 1, 2014 in the capital of Russia.
Can it be that a person does more than he is capable of? Or at least more than he thinks he can do? The soul is filled with sincere admiration when we learn about the feats that Marshal Vasily Ivanovich Petrov accomplished. The biography of this amazing person is truly exciting and inspires the most noble and sublime feelings that the human soul can only experience.
The beginning of a great journey of a great man
How did it all start? Petrov Vasily Ivanovich at the beginning of his journey was an ordinary boy, but an unusual fate was destined for him. Many in childhood dream of becoming heroes, saving the world and the people around them. But does everyone get it right? How many retain in their souls the courage and faith in the ability to achieve any goal, even the most dangerous one?

The guy from the village of Chernolessky carried these qualities through his whole life. Vasily Ivanovich Petrov studied at the Pedagogical University, dreaming of informingstudents the best and correct thoughts. However, life turned out in such a way that he had to not only prove, but also set an example with his own exploits.
His career began. He trained as a junior lieutenant. The next step promoted him from an ordinary fighter to the commander of a cavalry platoon. Leadership qualities, courage, perseverance and perseverance were manifested in him from a young age.
His labors, courage and courage do not go unnoticed. On November 6, 1942, a worthy warrior receives the Order of the Red Star. His activities at the headquarters brought many benefits and positive results. Further, until the winter of 1944, Vasily Ivanovich Petrov was busy with staff work.
Receiving the Order of the Patriotic War
Vasily Ivanovich's leadership qualities continue to bring beneficial results, for which he is awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd degree. In the future, he will rise to a higher step of this pedestal.

At that time, Vasily Ivanovich headed one of the divisions of the rifle division. The reason for the praise addressed to him was the successful operation on the coast of the Dnieper. The regiment brilliantly coped with the task. In the same year, he was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree. It is pleasantly surprising that this person was able not only to direct his colleagues, but also wanted to show by his own example how to act. As you know, the best science is a personal example.
Feats in many lands
He knew how to act in a criticalsituations quickly, smoothly, clearly, caring not only about saving their lives, but also protecting their colleagues in military affairs, and not only them, but the entire state. And not one country (not a small one, it is worth noting), but many states.
Vasily Ivanovich has always been distinguished by a quick reaction, composure, confidence and firmness in decisions. This brave man participated in the defense of hero cities by the sea. He also distinguished himself by high-quality work in the Caucasus. Petrov Vasily Ivanovich was one of the liberators of Ukraine, engaged in combat operations on the banks of the main rivers of the country.

Also with military missions, the soldier visited the Hungarian and Romanian lands. Marshal Petrov Vasily Ivanovich left his mark on many fronts in a wide variety of territories.
Theory and practice - Siamese twins
Along with brilliant deeds, the warrior did not want to leave his education without development and took an accelerated course at the military academy, but this was only the beginning, and in 1948 he expanded his knowledge by completing the main course at the same educational institution.
Eleven years later, Vasily Ivanovich graduated from top-level academic courses, which were taught within the walls of the Academy of Military Affairs of the General Staff. This is truly a man who thoroughly knew military affairs both from a practical and theoretical point of view! After all, as we know, one cannot organically exist without the other.

Vasily PetrovIvanovich - the Hero of the Soviet Union in the future - understood this very well and diligently, hardworkingly, persistently went to his great reward. And was it the praise? This man knew no fear and doubt. He was determined and unbending in his intentions.
Service on the lands of the Far East and rapid career growth
Life continues to throw him into the most remote corners. He visited many battlefields, participated in various battles, courageously defending the Motherland. With amazing efficiency, the marshal knew how to settle in unfamiliar territories, change the history of the land on which he was in a positive direction, save it from external threats.
He was one of those fatal people who remain in the memory for a long time. Marshal methodically moved up more and more steps in the career ladder. His whole life was in full swing and flowed in a rapid rhythm, in which each new step is a heroic achievement.

This man saw terrible things and was forced to take desperate steps to achieve his goal. He acted for the good of his native people, and this realization reinforced his inexhaustible strength of spirit. After all, this is what inner strength consists of, so as not to lose restraint and composure at the most difficult moment.
Resting on our laurels? No way
Vasily Ivanovich managed to visit the territory of Ethiopia in 1977. His invaluable experience helped organize the battle strategy there. Wherever this person got, everywhere he brought benefits, took the situation into his own hands and ledpeople to victory. His leadership qualities could be called a gift from God. The marshal moved to the very top of the career ladder - to the USSR Ministry of Defense. The ground forces were placed under his wise command.

All life has been like the rapid flight of a comet that can crash against other cosmic bodies, can lose its ardor. But he didn't break or weaken. The Marshal courageously overcame all the obstacles that appeared before him. It even becomes strange for an ordinary layman when he gets acquainted with the history of this man who knew no doubts. His life can be cited as an example to all living now and to those who will live after us.
Hero of the USSR
Vasily Ivanovich was awarded the highest ranks of that time in 1982. In addition to the title of Hero of the USSR, he was awarded the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal. Now he was a truly enormous man. He was raised to such heights by tireless work and courage.
Until the end of his life, he actively works in the country's government. His experience, clear mind, ability to direct others on the right path helped not only him in his career, but also all those people who surrounded him. After all, it was not just a cog in the system. It was a load-bearing wall, it was the pivot that held so much.
It was not a person, but an entire era
Marshal Petrov Vasily Ivanovich was an amazing person. His funeral took place in early February 2014. He lived for almost a century. And indeed, not a man died, but a whole era, a century,full of anxiety and cruelty, breakthroughs and victories. Now his body rests in Moscow.
All the honors due to his high rank and exceptional human qualities were given. 97 years! He had enough energy not only to accomplish a lot of courageous feats, but also to live such a long life. He was the personification of strength, courage and confidence. Such a person could be relied upon.

All his awards are deserved by sweat and blood. Even more than. Until his last breath, he worked for the benefit of his native land. The descendants honor the hero. He is a living example of the ideal of people who could build an honest and just society without fears and weaknesses. Without such heroes, there would be nothing wonderful that our ancestors won back on the battlefield. For the most part, this is our freedom.
Eternal memory
Today we must take care to preserve the memory of who Marshal Petrov Vasily Ivanovich was. The family of every person living peacefully in the world, clear skies above their heads, peaceful sleep at night - this is to some extent the merit of the marshal and his ilk.
One simply cannot forget about such extraordinary people. At least mentally, from time to time we should lay flowers at the memorial to their memory. After all, looking at their example, we can awaken the most courageous and courageous feelings in our hearts and quietly, sincerely whisper words of gratitude at their graves.