Rational and irrational nature management - what is it?

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Rational and irrational nature management - what is it?
Rational and irrational nature management - what is it?

User of nature is a set of human actions related to the use of natural resources. They are soil, subsoil, water bodies, etc. Distinguish between irrational and rational nature management. Consider their features.

irrational use of natural resources
irrational use of natural resources

General information

Rational is such nature management, in which conditions are formed for human life and obtaining material benefits, the most efficient exploitation of each natural complex. At the same time, human actions are aimed at preventing or reducing possible harm to the environment, maintaining and increasing the attractiveness and productivity of natural resources.

Unsustainable environmental management includes actions that reduce the quality of resources. Such activity leads to waste and exhaustion of mineral resources, pollution of nature, deterioration of the aesthetic and he alth properties of the environment.

Development of nature management

Human impact onenvironment has undergone significant changes in the course of historical development. At the initial stages of the formation of society, a person was a passive user of resources. With the growth of productive forces, due to changes in socio-economic formations, the impact on nature has increased markedly.

rational and irrational nature management
rational and irrational nature management

In the slaveholding period and in the era of feudalism, irrigation systems arose. Under the conditions of the capitalist system, people sought to extract as much profit from resources as possible. Private property relations were accompanied by irrational use of natural resources. This has resulted in a significant reduction in renewable resources.

The most favorable conditions for the rational use of resources, according to many experts, are formed under a socialist system with a planned economy. In this case, the state is the owner of all the country's we alth and, accordingly, controls their spending. The use of resources under the socialist system is carried out taking into account the likely consequences of various transformations of nature.

Features of rational nature management

With the proper use of natural resources, the restoration of renewable resources is ensured, production waste is used many times and in full. Due to this, pollution of nature is significantly reduced.

irrational nature management is
irrational nature management is

In the history of mankind there are many examples of rational and irrationalnature management. The amount of beneficial impact on nature, unfortunately, decreases over time. Nevertheless, even today there is a rational use of natural resources. Examples of such activities include the creation of landscapes, national parks, nature reserves, the use of advanced production technologies. To reduce the negative impact on nature, treatment facilities are being created, recirculating water supply systems are used at enterprises, and new, environmentally friendly types of fuel are being developed.

Which activity is considered unsustainable nature management?

Wrong is the use of resources in large quantities or not in full. This leads to their rapid depletion. Irrational environmental management is such an impact on nature, in which a large amount of waste appears that is not reused. As a result, the environment is heavily polluted.

There are quite a few examples of irrational nature management. As a rule, the misuse of resources is characteristic of an extensive economy. Examples of unsustainable environmental management are:

  • Use of slash-and-burn agriculture, overgrazing. This way of managing is used mainly in underdeveloped African countries.
  • Deforestation of the equatorial forest.
  • Uncontrolled dumping of waste into lakes and rivers. Such irrational nature management is a big problem for the states of Western Europe and Russia.
  • Thermal air and water pollutionobjects.
  • Uncontrolled extermination of animals and plants.

Working to prevent the destruction of natural resources

Today, many countries are fighting against irrational use of natural resources. This work is carried out on the basis of special programs and laws. To reduce the negative impact on nature, additional sanctions are introduced. In addition, special supervisory structures are being formed. Their powers include control over the use of resources, identification of facts of irrational use of natural resources, identification and prosecution of those responsible.

an example of irrational nature management is
an example of irrational nature management is

International interaction

Cooperation of countries at the international level is extremely important for the effective fight against irrational nature management. This is especially true for those states in which environmental problems are very acute.

Interaction at the international level should be aimed at developing joint projects on:

  • Assessing the condition and productivity of fishing resources in water bodies under national jurisdiction, bringing fishing capacity to a level comparable to long-term productivity. It is necessary to develop programs to restore populations of fish and other aquatic life to sustainable levels. At the same time, the developed measures should also apply to the resources available in the open seas.
  • Conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity in the aquatic environment. ATin particular, we are talking about ending the practice of irrational nature management, leading to irreversible consequences: the destruction of populations, large-scale destruction of the habitat.

It is necessary to develop effective legal mechanisms and instruments, to coordinate actions on the use of land and water resources.

examples of rational and irrational nature management
examples of rational and irrational nature management

Environmental Issues

Pollution of nature is such an undesirable change in the properties of the environment that leads or may lead to a negative impact on humans or ecosystems. Its most famous and widespread type is chemical emissions. However, no less, and sometimes even greater threat is posed by radioactive, thermal, and noise pollution.

As a rule, people have a negative impact on the state of natural resources in the course of their economic activities. Meanwhile, pollution of ecosystems is also possible due to natural phenomena. For example, volcanic eruptions, mudflows, earthquakes, etc. have a negative impact on nature.

Soil pollution

As a rule, the state of the top layer of the earth worsens when metals, pesticides, various fertilizers get into it. According to statistics, more than 12 billion tons of garbage are removed from large metropolitan areas every year.

Mining operations over large areas lead to the destruction of the soil cover.

Negative impact on the hydrosphere

With irrational nature management, a person causes significant damage to the environment. Particularly acute in recent years is the problem of pollution of water bodies by wastewater from industrial (chemical, metallurgical, etc.) enterprises, waste from agricultural land, livestock farms.

Oil products pose the greatest danger to the aquatic environment.

refers to unsustainable environmental management
refers to unsustainable environmental management

Atmospheric pollution

A variety of enterprises that emit products of combustion of mineral fuels, chemical and metallurgical production wastes have a negative impact on the state of the air environment. The main pollutants are carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur, radioactive compounds.

Pollution control measures

As a result of irrational use, many environmental problems arise. First they appear at the local, then at the regional level. Without proper attention from the authorities, environmental problems become global. Examples are ozone depletion, water depletion, global warming.

The ways to solve these problems can be very different. At the local level, industrial enterprises, taking care of the well-being of the population and the preservation of nature, are building powerful treatment facilities. Recently, energy-saving technologies have become widespread. Non-waste production allows to significantly reduce the negative impact on nature. It involves the recycling of waste materials.

Establishment of protected areas

This is anothera way to ensure the safety of natural complexes. Specially protected zones are objects of national heritage. They are land plots with water bodies and air space above them, which have recreational, aesthetic, he alth-improving, cultural, historical, and scientific significance.

Such territories are withdrawn from circulation by the state. Within these zones, a special nature management regime operates.

According to international environmental organizations, there are specially protected zones in many states. There are many nature reserves and national parks in Russia. In such territories, conditions close to natural are created.

what kind of activity is related to irrational use of natural resources
what kind of activity is related to irrational use of natural resources


Environmental problems, unfortunately, are very acute today. At the international level, work is constantly underway to reduce the negative impact on nature. Almost all countries of the world participate in the Climate Agreement.

Programs are being developed within states to conserve non-renewable resources. This work is especially active in Russia. On the territory of the country there are national parks, reserves; some territories are under international protection.
