Surely, you have seen many times in movies or movies the hero has a sign with his name or surname and a strange postscript - PhD. At the same time, the main character most likely worked at a university or college. Or was indirectly associated with science, which is why he received such a title. But what does it mean?
PhD - what is it?
PhD is a degree that can be fully deciphered as Doctor of Philosophy, and literally translated as "Doctor of Philosophy". A PhD (usually pronounced PAHD) is a degree awarded in the West, as well as in some countries of the former USSR, in particular in Kazakhstan and Ukraine.
Interestingly, this degree is awarded for special achievements not only in the study of philosophy, but also in other areas of science. For example, you can earn a Ph. D. in literature or chemistry. Obtaining a PhD degree is the last stage of education.
There is also a variety of PhD called Sc. D. This name is deciphered as "Doctor of Science" or Doctor of Science. This degree is awarded by a special commission for achievements in certain fields of science. However, thisregalia is equal to PhD, there are practically no differences between the two degrees.

History of PhD
The first mentions of this degree are found in France, Italy and the UK. They are dated XII-XIII centuries. In medieval universities, there was a standard structure, which meant that the educational institution had four faculties: philosophy, jurisprudence, theology and medicine. Three of the four qualifications are awarded the following academic degree: graduates of the Faculty of Law - Doctor of Law, Medical - Doctor of Medicine, Theological - Doctor of Theology. All other students receive a Ph. D. So it was now, so it happened now.

Preparation for a degree
Before you can try to get a PhD, you must complete a master's degree and become a master's degree in some field of science. After overcoming this stage, you can try your hand at defending a doctoral dissertation.
It should be remembered that the PhD degree is a hard work over several years. You will have to study the chosen topic on your own. It is important to choose one that has not been scrutinized by your peers. While you are researching your chosen topic, you can seek help from your academic advisor or other expert to help you navigate the challenges that come your way to earning your coveted degree.

Getting a PhD degree
So, to get a PhD or PhD, you need to write a doctoral dissertation. This requires a thorough study of the list of literature on your chosen topic. After you have got acquainted with all the information necessary for work, you can start writing a dissertation. To do this, you, like other PhD writers, will have to conduct your own research on this topic, interview users and residents of your locality, collect information and analyze the results.
Next, you need to provide your own abstracts on the topic of your choice. A thesis is a statement that summarizes the essence of your work. They should be presented at the beginning and end of the doctoral dissertation. After you have decided on the theses, presented them to your supervisor, you can start writing the dissertation itself. To do this, it is necessary to draw up her plan, which must be followed in the process of work.
So, the dissertation is written, it remains to draw up a list of references and provide the results of your research to the expert commission. You will be assigned a dissertation defense day. If everything goes well, you will become a PhD.

Stages of writing a doctoral thesis for a PhD degree
The first stage is the beginning of work on the project. At this time, you need to decide on the supervisor, topic and theses of the dissertation. During this period, a work plan is drawn up. The most important thing at this stage is to chooseliterature on the topic you will be working on for such a long time.
Also the catch is that you will need to come up with something that scientists have not yet worked on. In other words, find a topic that is not covered in scientific journals. You must become a "pioneer" in its development. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to search for new materials for a long time, create projects, delve into libraries.
At the end of the first year, you can update your master's thesis. This will happen if you originally planned to get a master's degree, but now decided to get a PhD status. But for this you need to work hard. If you provide a successful result of your scientific research, you will be transferred to a PhD student.
In the second year, you will need to focus on the study itself. At this time, all your research, work should give results. Ask for help from your supervisor, he should help you deal with all the difficulties that you will have on the way to completing the dissertation. At this time, you are revealed as a scientist, and rightfully deserve the title of PhD research (researcher). The second year of writing a work is the apotheosis of your scientific activity, right now you should find as much information, information, data as would be enough for several works like yours.
In the third year of writing the work, you will need to correctly and competently arrange the finished work, check the list of literature used in the work, all footnotes and notes. On eachAt the stage of work, be sure to show what you get to your supervisor. He will point out errors in your work, give you the corrections that you must make to your work in a timely manner.
Now you know that PhD is a very hard but rewarding job. We hope that difficulties will not scare you.

A PhD degree in Russia corresponds to a doctoral or PhD degree?
Opinions differ on this. The fact is that there is no exact wording of this regalia. But it is known that a candidate's dissertation in Russia is valued lower than work for a PhD degree. But at the same time, the Russian doctoral dissertation is much more difficult than its Western counterpart. Therefore, it would be appropriate to say that the PhD degree is a cross between a candidate and a doctor of science in Russia. In any case, getting an academic title is worth it, as this is your ticket to a happy future.