Cold fusion - what is it? Myth or reality? This direction of scientific activity appeared in the last century and still excites many scientific minds. Many gossip, rumors, and conjectures are associated with this type of thermonuclear fusion. He has his fans, who avidly believe that one day some scientist will create a device that will save the world not so much from energy costs, but from radiation exposure. There are opponents who ardently insist that this is pseudoscience. Meanwhile, in the second half of the last century, the smartest Soviet man Filimonenko Ivan Stepanovich almost created a similar reactor.
Experimental setups
1957 was marked by the fact that Filimonenko Ivan Stepanovich brought out a completely different option for creating energy using nuclear fusion from helium deuterium. And already in July of the sixty-second year, he patented his work on processes and systems of thermal emission. The basic principle of operation: a type of warm nuclear fusion, where the temperature regime is 1000 degrees. ForEighty organizations and enterprises were allocated to implement this patent. When Kurchatov died, they began to press the development, and after the death of Korolev, they completely stopped developing thermonuclear fusion (cold).

In 1968, all Filimonenko's work was stopped, since since 1958 he had been conducting research to determine the radiation hazard at nuclear power plants and thermal power plants, as well as testing nuclear weapons. His forty-six-page report helped stop a program that was proposed to launch nuclear-powered rockets to Jupiter and the Moon. Indeed, in any accident or upon the return of the spacecraft, an explosion could occur. It would have six hundred times the power of Hiroshima.
But many did not like this decision, and they persecuted Filimonenko, and after a while he was fired. Since he did not stop his research, he was accused of subversive activities. Ivan Stepanovich received six years in prison.
Cold fusion and alchemy
Many years later, in 1989, Martin Fleishman and Stanley Pons, using electrodes, created helium from deuterium, just like Filimonenko. Physicists made an impression on the entire scientific community and the press, who painted in bright colors the life that will be after the introduction of a facility that allows thermonuclear fusion (cold). Of course, physicists around the world began to check their results on their own.
In the forefront to test the theory was the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Its director, Ronald Parker, subjectedcriticism of thermonuclear fusion. “Cold fusion is a myth,” said the man. The newspapers denounced the physicists Pons and Fleischmann as quackery and fraud, since they could not test the theory, because the result was always different. Reports spoke of a large amount of heat being generated. But in the end, a forgery was made, the data was corrected. And after these events, physicists abandoned the search for a solution to Filimonenko's theory "Cold thermonuclear fusion".
Cavitation fusion
But in 2002 this topic was remembered. American physicists Ruzi Taleiarkhan and Richard Leikhi said that they achieved the convergence of nuclei, but applied the cavitation effect. This is when gaseous bubbles form in a liquid cavity. They can appear due to the passage of sound waves through the liquid. When the bubbles burst, a large amount of energy is released.

Scientists have detected high-energy neutrons, producing helium and tritium, which is believed to be a product of nuclear fusion. After checking this experiment, falsification was not found, but they were not going to recognize it yet.
Siegel Readings
They take place in Moscow and are named after the astronomer and ufologist Siegel. These readings are held twice a year. They are more like meetings of scientists in a psychiatric hospital, because scientists speak here with their theories and hypotheses. But since they are associated with ufology, their messages go beyond the reasonable. However, sometimes there areinteresting theories have been put forward. For example, Academician A. F. Okhatrin reported his discovery of microleptons. These are very light elementary particles that have new properties that defy explanation. In practice, its developments can warn of an impending earthquake or help in the search for minerals. Okhatrin developed a geological exploration method that shows not only oil deposits, but also its chemical component.
Trials in the north
In Surgut, the installation was tested on an old well. A vibration generator was lowered to a depth of three kilometers. It set in motion the microlepton field of the Earth. After a few minutes, the amount of paraffin and bitumen in the oil decreased, and the viscosity also became lower. The quality went up from six to eighteen percent. Foreign firms are interested in this technology. And Russian geologists still do not use these developments. The government of the country only took note of them, but the matter did not progress further than this.

Therefore, Okhatrin has to work for foreign organizations. Recently, the academician has been more engaged in research of a different nature: how the dome affects a person. Many claim that he has a fragment of a UFO that fell in the seventy-seventh year in Latvia.
Academician Akimov's student
Anatoly Yevgenyevich Akimov is in charge of the intersectoral scientific center "Vent". His developments are as interesting as those of Okhatrin. He tried to get attentiongovernments to their work, but this only made more enemies. His research was also classified as pseudoscience. A whole commission was created to combat falsification. Even a draft law on the protection of the human psychosphere was presented for review. Some deputies are sure that there is a generator that can act on the psyche.
Scientist Ivan Stepanovich Filimonenko and his discoveries
So the discoveries of our physicist did not find continuation in science. Everyone knows him as the inventor of the flying saucer, which moves with the help of magnetic traction. And they say that such an apparatus was created that could lift five tons. But some argue that the saucer does not fly. Filimonenko created a device that reduces the radioactivity of certain objects. Its installations use the energy of cold thermonuclear fusion. They render radio emissions inactive and also produce energy. Waste from such plants is hydrogen and oxygen, as well as high-pressure steam. A cold fusion generator can power an entire village and clean up the lake it sits on.

Of course, Korolev and Kurchatov supported his work, so the experiments were carried out. But it was not possible to bring them to their logical conclusion. The installation of cold thermonuclear fusion would make it possible to save about two hundred billion rubles every year. The activity of the academician was resumed only in the eighties. In 1989, prototypes began to be made. The arc reactor was createdcold fusion to suppress radiation. Also in the Chelyabinsk region, several installations were designed, but they were not in operation. Even in Chernobyl, they did not use an installation with thermonuclear fusion (cold). And the scientist was fired from his job again.
Life in the Motherland
In our country, they were not going to develop the discoveries of the scientist Filimonenko. Cold fusion, the installation of which was completed, could be sold abroad. It was said that in the 1970s someone had taken to Europe documents on Filimonenko's installations. But scientists abroad did not succeed, because Ivan Stepanovich deliberately did not add the data, according to which it was possible to create a cold thermonuclear fusion reactor.
He's been given lucrative offers, but he's a patriot. It would be better to live in poverty, but in your own country. Filimonenko has his own vegetable garden, which yields crops four times a year, as the physicist uses a film that he himself created. However, no one puts it into production.
Avramenko's hypothesis
This ufologist has devoted his life to the study of plasma. Avramenko Rimliy Fedorovich wanted to create a plasma generator as an alternative to modern energy sources. In 1991, in the laboratory, he conducted experiments on the formation of ball lightning. And the plasma that was fired from it consumed much more energy. The scientist suggested using this plasmoid for defense against missiles.

Tests were carried out at a military training ground. The action of such a plasmoidcould help in the fight against asteroids that threaten disaster. The development of Avramenko also did not continue, and no one knows why.
Life's fight with radiation
More than forty years ago, there was a secret organization "Red Star", led by I. S. Filimonenko. He and his group carried out the development of a life support complex for flights to Mars. He developed thermonuclear fusion (cold) for his setup. The latter, in turn, was to become an engine for spacecraft. But when the cold fusion reactor was verified, it became clear that it could help on Earth as well. With this discovery, you can neutralize isotopes and avoid a nuclear explosion.
But Ivan Stepanovich Filimonenko, who created cold thermonuclear fusion with his own hands, refused to install it in underground cities of refuge for the party leaders of the country. The crisis in the Caribbean shows that the USSR and America were ready to get involved in a nuclear war. But they were held back by the fact that there was no such installation that could protect against the effects of radiation.

At that time, cold thermonuclear fusion was firmly associated with the name Filimonenko. The reactor produced clean energy, which would protect the party elite from radiation contamination. By refusing to give his developments into the hands of the authorities, the scientist did not give the leadership of the country a “trump card” in case a nuclear war broke out. Without its installation, underground bunkers would protect the highestparty leaders from a nuclear attack, but sooner or later they would get radiation. Thus, Ivan Stepanovich protected the world from a global nuclear war.
Oblivion of a scientist
After the refusal of the scientist, he had to endure more than one negotiations about his developments. As a result, Filimonenko was fired from his job and stripped of all titles and regalia. And for thirty years now, a physicist who could have deduced cold thermonuclear fusion in an ordinary mug has been living with his family in a country house. All Filimonenko's discoveries could make a great contribution to the development of science. But, as happens in our country, his cold thermonuclear fusion, the reactor of which was created and tested in practice, was forgotten.
Ecology and its problems
Today Ivan Stepanovich deals with environmental problems, he is worried that a catastrophe is approaching the Earth. He believes that the main reason for the deterioration of the environmental situation is the smoke in the airspace by large cities. In addition to exhaust gases, many objects emit harmful substances for humans: radon and krypton. And they have not yet learned how to dispose of the latter. And cold fusion, the principle of which is to absorb radiation, would help in protecting the environment.

Besides, according to the scientist, the peculiarities of the action of cold fusion could save people from many diseases, extend human life many times over, eliminating all sources of radiation. And there are a lot of those, according to Ivan Stepanovich. They literally meetat every step and even at home. According to the scientist, in ancient times people lived for centuries, and all because there was no radiation. Installing it could eliminate it, but apparently this will not happen soon.
Thus, the question of what cold thermonuclear fusion is and when it will defend humanity is quite relevant. And if this is not a myth, but a reality, then it is necessary to direct all efforts and resources to the study of this area of nuclear physics. After all, in the end, a device that could produce such a reaction would be useful to everyone.