Cold fusion can also be called cold fusion. Its essence lies in the possibility of realizing a nuclear fusion reaction occurring in any chemical systems. This assumes that there is no significant overheating of the working substance. As you know, conventional nuclear reactions during their conduct create a temperature that can be measured in millions of degrees Kelvin. Cold fusion in theory does not require such a high temperature.
Multiple studies and experiments
Cold fusion research is, on the one hand, considered pure fraud. No other scientific direction can be compared with him in this. On the other hand, it is possible that this area of science has not been fully studied, and cannot be considered a utopia at all, much less a fraud. However, in the history of the development of cold fusion, there were still, if not deceivers, then certainly crazy people.
Recognition as a pseudoscience of this direction and the reason for the criticism that the technology of cold nuclear fusion was subjected to were the numerous failures of scientists working in this area, as well as falsifications made by individuals. Since 2002, most scientists believe thatthat work to resolve this issue is futile.
However, some attempts to carry out such a reaction are still ongoing. So, in 2008, a Japanese scientist from Osaka University publicly demonstrated an experiment performed with an electrochemical cell. It was Yoshiaki Arata. After such a demonstration, the scientific community again began to talk about the possibility or impossibility of cold fusion, which nuclear physics can provide. Individual scientists qualified in nuclear physics and chemistry are looking for justifications for this phenomenon. Moreover, they do this in order to find not a nuclear explanation for it, but another, alternative one. In addition, this is also due to the fact that there is no information on neutron radiation.

The story of Fleischman and Pons
The very history of the promulgation of this type of scientific direction in the eyes of the world community is suspicious. It all started on March 23, 1989. It was then that Professor Martin Fleishman and his partner Stanley Pons held a press conference, which was held at the university where the chemists worked, in Utah (USA). Then they declared that they had carried out a cold nuclear fusion reaction by simply passing an electric current through an electrolyte. According to the chemists, as a result of the reaction, they were able to obtain a positive energy output, that is, heat. In addition, they observed nuclear radiation resulting from the reaction and coming from the electrolyte.
The statement made literally produceda real sensation in the scientific community. Of course, low-temperature nuclear fusion, produced on a simple desk, could radically change the whole world. Complexes of huge chemical installations are no longer needed, which also cost a huge amount of money, and the result in the form of obtaining the desired reaction when it comes is unknown. If everything were confirmed, Fleishman and Pons would have an amazing future, and humanity would have a significant reduction in costs.

However, the chemists' statement made in this way was their mistake. And, who knows, perhaps the most important. The fact is that in the scientific community it is not customary to make any statements to the media about their inventions or discoveries before information about them is published in special scientific journals. Scientists who do this are instantly criticized, it is considered a kind of bad form in the scientific community. According to the rules, a researcher who has made a discovery is implicitly obliged to first notify the scientific community about this, which will decide whether this invention is really true, whether it is worth recognizing it as a discovery at all. From a legal point of view, this is considered an obligation to completely preserve the secrecy of what happened, which the discoverer must observe from the moment of submitting his article to the publication and until the moment of its publication. Nuclear physics is no exception in this regard.
Fleishman and his colleague sent such an article to a scientific journal called Nature and was the mostauthoritative scientific publication throughout the world. All people associated with science know that such a journal will not publish unverified information, and even more so will not print just anyone. Martin Fleishman was already at that time considered a fairly respected scientist working in the field of electrochemistry, so the submitted article was supposed to be published soon. And so it happened. Three months after the ill-fated conference, the publication was published, but the excitement around the opening was already in full swing. Perhaps that is why the editor-in-chief of Nature, John Maddox, already in the next monthly issue of the journal published his doubts about the discovery made by Fleishman and Pons and the fact that they had obtained the energy of a nuclear reaction. In his note, he wrote that chemists should be punished for its premature publication. In the same place, they were told that real scientists would never allow their inventions to be made public, and persons who do so can be considered mere adventurers.
After a while, Ponce and Fleischman were de alt another blow, which can be called crushing. A number of researchers from the American scientific institutions of the United States (Massachusetts and California Institute of Technology) conducted, that is, repeated the experiment of chemists, creating the same conditions and factors. However, this did not lead to the result declared by Fleishman.

Is it possible or impossible?
Since that time, there has been a clear division of the entire scientific community into two camps. Supporters of one convinced everyone that a cold fusion is a fiction that is not based on anything. Others, on the contrary, are still convinced that cold nuclear fusion is possible, that the ill-fated chemists nevertheless made a discovery that in the end can save all of humanity by giving it an inexhaustible source of energy.
The fact that if a new method is nevertheless invented, with the help of which cold nuclear fusion reactions will be possible, and, accordingly, the significance of such a discovery will be invaluable for all people on a global scale, attracts more and more new people to this scientific direction and new scientists, some of whom may in fact be considered swindlers. Entire states are making significant efforts to build just one thermonuclear station, while spending huge amounts of money, and cold fusion is able to extract energy in absolutely simple and fairly inexpensive ways. This is what attracts those who want to profit fraudulently, as well as other people with mental disorders. Among the adherents of this method of obtaining energy, you can find both.
The story of the cold fusion was simply bound to fall into the archive of so-called pseudoscientific stories. If you look at the method by which the energy of nuclear fusion is obtained with a sober look, you can understand that it takes a huge amount of energy to combine two atoms into one. It is necessary to overcome electrical resistance. The International Fusion Reactor, which is currently under construction and will be locatedin the city of Caradache in France, it is planned to combine two atoms, which are the lightest of those that exist in nature. As a result of such a connection, a positive energy release is expected. These two atoms are tritium and deuterium. They are isotopes of hydrogen, so nuclear fusion of hydrogen would be the basis. To make such a connection, an unthinkable temperature is needed - hundreds of millions of degrees. Of course, this will require a lot of pressure. For this reason, many scientists believe that cold controlled nuclear fusion is impossible.

Successes and failures
However, to justify this synthesis under consideration, it should be noted that among his fans there are not only people with delusional ideas and scammers, but also quite normal specialists. After the performance of Fleischman and Pons and the failure of their discovery, many scientists and scientific institutions continued to pursue this direction. Not without Russian specialists, who also made corresponding attempts. And the most interesting thing is that such experiments in some cases ended in success, and in others - failure.
However, everything is strict in science: if there was a discovery, and the experiment was successful, then it must be repeated again with a positive result. If this is not so, such a discovery will not be recognized by anyone. Moreover, the repetition of a successful experiment could not be done by the researchers themselves. In some cases they succeeded, in others they did not. Because of what this happens, no one could explain, untilthere is still no scientifically proven reason for this inconsistency.
A true inventor and genius
The whole story with Fleishman and Pons described above has another side of the coin, or rather, the truth carefully concealed by Western countries. The fact is that Stanley Pons was previously a citizen of the USSR. In 1970, he was a member of the expert team developing thermionic installations. Of course, Pons was privy to many secrets of the Soviet state and, having emigrated to the United States, tried to realize them.
The true discoverer, who achieved some success in cold nuclear fusion, was Ivan Stepanovich Filimonenko.

Brief information about the Soviet scientist
I. S. Filimonenko died in 2013. He was a scientist who almost stopped the entire development of nuclear energy, not only in his country, but throughout the world. It was he who almost created a nuclear cold fusion plant, which, unlike nuclear power plants, would be safer and very cheap. In addition to the specified installation, the Soviet scientist created an aircraft based on the principle of antigravity. He was known as a whistleblower of the hidden dangers that nuclear energy can bring to mankind. The scientist worked in the defense complex of the USSR, was an academician and an expert on radiation safety. It is noteworthy that some of the works of the academician, including Filimonenko's cold nuclear fusion, are still classified. Ivan Stepanovich was a direct participant in the creationhydrogen, nuclear and neutron bombs, was engaged in the development of nuclear reactors designed to launch rockets into space.
Installation of the Soviet Academician
In 1957, Ivan Filimonenko developed a cold nuclear fusion power plant, with which the country could save up to three hundred billion dollars a year by using it in the energy sector. This invention of the scientist was initially fully supported by the state, as well as by such famous scientists as Kurchatov, Keldysh, Korolev. Further development and bringing the invention of Filimonenko to the finished state was authorized at that time by Marshal Zhukov himself. Ivan Stepanovich's discovery was a source from which clean nuclear energy was supposed to be extracted, and besides, with its help it would be possible to obtain protection from nuclear radiation and eliminate the consequences of radioactive contamination.

Filimonenko's dismissal from work
It is possible that after some time Ivan Filimonenko's invention would be produced on an industrial scale, and humanity would get rid of many problems. However, fate, in the person of some people, decreed otherwise. His colleagues Kurchatov and Korolev died, and Marshal Zhukov retired. This was the beginning of the so-called undercover game in scientific circles. The result was the cessation of all Filimonenko's work, and in 1967 he was fired. An additional reason for such treatment of the honored scientist was his struggle to stop nuclear weapons testing. With his work heconstantly proved the harm done to both nature and directly to people, many projects to launch rockets with nuclear reactors into space were stopped at his suggestion (any accident on such a rocket that occurred in orbit could threaten radioactive contamination of the entire Earth). Given the arms race that was gaining momentum at that time, Academician Filimonenko became objectionable to some high-ranking officials. His experimental facilities are recognized as contrary to the laws of nature, the scientist himself is fired, expelled from the Communist Party, deprived of all titles and generally declared a mentally deranged person.
Already in the late eighties - early nineties, the work of the academician was resumed, new experimental facilities were developed, but all of them were not brought to a positive result. Ivan Filimonenko proposed the idea of using his mobile unit to eliminate the consequences in Chernobyl, but it was rejected. In the period from 1968 to 1989, Filimonenko was suspended from any tests and work in the direction of cold fusion, and the developments themselves, diagrams and drawings, along with some Soviet scientists, went abroad.
In the early 90s, the United States announced successful tests in which they allegedly obtained nuclear energy as a result of cold fusion. This was the impetus for the legendary Soviet scientist to be remembered again by his state. He was reinstated, but that didn't help either. By that time, the collapse of the USSR began, funding was limited, respectively, and there were no results. It was. As Ivan Stepanovich later said in an interview, seeing the ongoing and at the same time unsuccessful attempts by many scientists from all over the world to obtain positive results from cold nuclear fusion, he realized that without him no one would be able to complete the job. And, indeed, he spoke the truth. From 1991 to 1993, American scientists who got the Filimonenko installation could not understand the principle of its operation, and a year later they completely dismantled it. In 1996, influential people from the United States offered Ivan Stepanovich one hundred million dollars just to provide them with advice, explaining how a cold fusion reactor works, to which he refused.

The essence of the experiments of the Soviet academician
Ivan Filimonenko, through experiments, found that as a result of the decomposition of the so-called heavy water by electrolysis, it decomposes into oxygen and deuterium. The latter, in turn, dissolves in the palladium of the cathode, in which nuclear fusion reactions develop. In the process of what is happening, Filimonenko recorded the absence of both radioactive waste and neutron radiation. In addition, as a result of his experiments, Ivan Stepanovich found that his nuclear fusion reactor emits indefinite radiation, and it is this radiation that greatly reduces the half-life of radioactive isotopes. That is, radioactive contamination is neutralized.
There is an opinion that Filimonenko at one time refused to replace nuclear reactors with his installation inunderground shelters prepared for the top leaders of the USSR in case of a nuclear war. At that time, the Caribbean crisis was raging, and therefore the possibility of its beginning was very high. The ruling circles of both the United States and the USSR were stopped only by the fact that in such underground cities, pollution from nuclear reactors would still kill all living things a few months later. The Filimonenko cold fusion reactor involved could create a safety zone from radioactive contamination, therefore, if the academician agreed to this, then the likelihood of a nuclear war could be increased several times. If this was indeed the case, then depriving him of all awards and further repression find their logical justification.
Warm fusion
I. S. Filimonenko created a thermionic hydrolysis power plant, which was absolutely environmentally friendly. To date, no one has been able to create a similar analogue of TEGEU. The essence of this installation and at the same time the difference from other similar units was that it did not use nuclear reactors, but installations of nuclear fusion occurring at an average temperature of 1150 degrees. Therefore, such an invention was called the installation of warm nuclear fusion. At the end of the eighties, under the capital, in the city of Podolsk, 3 such installations were created. The Soviet academician Filimonenko was directly involved in this, directing the entire process. The power of each TEGPP was 12.5 kW, heavy water was used as the main fuel. Just one kilogram of it released energy during the reaction,equivalent to that which can be obtained by burning two million kilograms of gasoline! This alone speaks of the volume and significance of the inventions of the great scientist, that the cold nuclear fusion reactions he developed could bring the desired result.

Thus, at present it is not known for certain whether cold fusion has the right to exist or not. It is quite possible that if it were not for the repressions against the real genius of science Filimonenko, then the world would not be the same now, and the life expectancy of people could increase many times over. After all, even then Ivan Filimonenko stated that radioactive radiation is the cause of people's aging and imminent death. It is the radiation that is now literally everywhere, not to mention megacities, that breaks human chromosomes. Maybe that's why the biblical characters lived for a thousand years, since at that time this destructive radiation probably did not exist.
The installation created by academician Filimonenko in the future could save the planet from such killing pollution, in addition, providing an inexhaustible source of cheap energy. Like it or not, time will tell, but it is a pity that this time could already come.