In nature, there are such phenomena as dew, rain, frost, snow. They occur in different seasons and are repeated year after year due to the water cycle. How frost, dew, snow and rain are formed, read the article.
Dew formation
Water vapor in the air cools. Its condensate is deposited on the surface of the earth with drops of water, this is dew. Why does dew form? It occurs predominantly at night. This is because the earth's surface is cooling more intensely at this time, since the sun has already set. Its rays do not heat the earth, and it cools down. Condensation forms - droplets of water, which are called dew.
How is dew formed? From the point of view of physics, this is explained as follows. If the air temperature is different, then the quantitative composition of water molecules is also different. This is the definition of humidity. As the temperature drops, there is less moisture in the air. Its excess condenses on surfaces that are colder than air. This is how dew is formed.

How is dew formed? A favorable condition for its formation is a clear sky without clouds andthe presence of surfaces that give off the heat accumulated during daylight hours, such as tree leaves and grass. That is why a person sees water droplets on them in the early morning.
Dew formation varies in intensity. It depends on the region. In areas with a tropical climate, dew forms most often, since the air of this area contains water vapor in large quantities. How is dew formed? Its formation occurs when the air has a positive temperature. Only under such conditions can water vapor condense and turn into water droplets. How is dew formed? If the air temperature is negative, the steam instantly turns into a solid state, frost is formed. This is a very beautiful natural phenomenon, especially if you watch it in the forest.
What is rain in the understanding of ancient people?
Songs and legends were sung about this amazing phenomenon of nature in the distant past. Ancient people called rain tears falling from the sky, the force of life. On the other hand, rain was considered a heavenly punishment that could flood the whole world. Man has always been interested in how rain, snow, and dew form. The most widespread and popular at that time was the theory according to which the formation of rain was explained by divine origin.
Formation of rain in nature
How dew is formed, found out. But like rain, let's consider. Precipitation in the form of rain occurs when water vapor rises with heated air up to the very clouds, where the air temperature is negative. Clouds form clouds. Water dropsfall out of them to the ground. Rain is part of a very important natural process called the water cycle.
In nature, water is constantly evaporating from various surfaces, which are water bodies, plants or soil. Steam enters the atmosphere, which is carried by powerful currents of warm air upwards to the clouds, from which clouds are formed.

How is dew formed, rain? Dew occurs due to the difference in positive temperatures. Rain formation is different. In the clouds, the vapor turns into small ice crystals. The weight of the steam increases due to them, and the crystals begin to fall down, since they cannot be held in the clouds. When they fall, warm air is encountered again, due to which the crystals are transformed into drops of water and fall to the ground, this is rain.
Water droplets have the same shape but different sizes. Raindrops are round, the diameter of the smallest reaches half a millimeter, the largest - six. Drops smaller than the smallest are called drizzle, while large drops break when they hit the ground.
In different regions, the rains have different intensity. Its degree is influenced by temperature factors, air humidity and the speed at which air flows move. If the climate is characterized by constant high temperatures, the warming of the earth's surface occurs stronger and much faster. Due to this, water vapor rises up with heated air of a more powerful flow and faster in time. Therefore, rains in warm climatesmore intensely and more often.
What is frost?
It is a layer of very thin ice that covers the earth's surface, as well as all objects located on it. This happens under the condition that the air temperature is below zero. Favorable conditions for the appearance of hoarfrost include a weak wind and the absence of clouds in the sky in large numbers.
Frost formation
This process occurs when there is a difference between the air temperature and the surfaces on which frost appears, even if it is very small. Water vapor immediately settles, crystallizes and covers all surfaces. Moreover, water skips the liquid state phase, from gaseous it immediately passes into solid.
In view of the laws of physics, the formation of frost is explained as follows. When the nights become cold and the air temperature drops below the freezing point of water, the water crystallizes, that is, it turns into ice. This is how frost forms.

How is dew, frost, rain formed? A prerequisite for the appearance of dew and rain is the presence of positive air temperatures, and for frost - negative. Frost formation occurs on all surfaces, but objects with a rough surface and low thermal conductivity, such as the ground, trees, are faster.
This process is facilitated by a weak wind, as due to the movement of air, the flow of liquid increases. It is important that there is no strong wind, otherwise the air will move too fast, and this will interfere withthe process of frost formation, that is, the crystallization process does not have time to complete.
Frost crystals have different shapes, which determine the ambient temperature, of course, in general terms. If the crystals are in the form of needles with blunt ends, it means that it is very cold outside. Crystals in the form of prisms with six corners notify that there is no severe frost. If frost crystals appeared at the average temperature of a winter day, then their shape resembles plates.
What are frost flowers?
This is a form of frost, named for the patterns that frost creates when it settles on a surface. The patterns are in the form of leaves and flowers. This happens when the period with positive temperatures continues for a long time - in autumn and is characterized by warm soil and sharp cold snaps. Patterns are more likely to be seen on soil free of vegetation and debris. Much less often, they appear on the surfaces of other objects or objects, for example, on the ice of a lake. This is due to the water temperature, which is higher in the reservoir.

There are water molecules in the air of a living space. In the frosty period, any windows are much colder than walls. Warm air gives up its moisture to the cold window, which settles on its surface as droplets of water and remains there. In severe frosts, water droplets crystallize. A variety of patterns are formed on the window, the beauty of which depends on many factors, and above all on the structure of the crystals. The direction of air flow, scratches on the glass surface and small particles also matter.dust.
Interesting fact: frost never occurs on the branches of woody and herbaceous plants, as well as on wires. What is deposited on them has another name.
Frost formation
It spreads where frost does not form, that is, on the branches of trees, shrubs, wires and other thin objects that have the ability to branch. Scientists believe that the formation of frost is the result of the freezing of the vapor contained in the water.

Hoarfrost is ice crystals that have chosen long thin objects as the place of their formation, and the formation conditions are negative temperatures, light wind, fog or thick haze.
Snow formation
Snowfall occurs when the air temperature is below two degrees Celsius, and its melting is above zero degrees. An interesting fact: when the snow melts, in the area of \u200b\u200bits precipitation, the air becomes colder, that is, the temperature drops. The snow formation process is simple. How is dew, frost, snow formed? Hoarfrost appears in conditions of positive temperatures, and snow - negative. During the cold period of time, frozen drops of water are in the clouds. They are microscopic in size and are attracted by dust particles. Since the temperature is negative, all this freezes, small ice crystals are formed, the dimensions of which do not exceed a tenth of a millimeter. The mass of crystals increases during the fall due to the fact that the condensation of steam does not stop.

The resulting crystals have six ends. There are always correct angles between them: sixty or one hundred and twenty degrees. When falling, crystals increase in size because new crystals are formed at their ends.
These are ice crystals of various kinds, connected by several pieces into a hexagonal structure. Each snowflake always has six sides. If the temperature is low, the formation of snowflakes of small size and simple structure occurs. If high - they are formed from many crystals. Snowflakes take the form of stars, and their diameter can reach several units or tens of centimeters.

The shapes of snowflakes are different, there are many of them. But only nine are the main ones. These are stars, needles and plates, posts and cufflinks, fluffs, icy and grain-shaped snowflakes, hedgehogs. These groups include about 50 species, which complicate the basic form. Each tiny snowflake is 95 percent air. That's why it descends very slowly to the ground, its fall speed is 0.9 kilometers per hour.