Being flexible doesn't just mean being able to strike spectacular poses. To be flexible is, first of all, to be he althy and agile. What is flexibility, its types and methods of development, how to do it right - you can learn this from our article.
What is flexibility?
Flexibility is one of the characteristics of the general physical condition of a person, along with other indicators:
- muscle strength;
- endurance;
- coordination.
The quality of flexibility is characterized by the ability of a person to perform a movement with the maximum possible amplitude. In addition, we characterize someone as having good flexibility if they:
- can take a certain position of the body (sometimes - obviously uncomfortable, for example, bring the leg to the ear);
- can be in this position for quite a significant period of time without experiencing pain (as they say, you can do the splits, but only once);
- performs the movement technically correctly and does not experience much difficulty.
The general condition of all muscles and joints of the body is characterized asgeneral flexibility or mobility. For athletes, special flexibility is often important - a characteristic of a certain group of muscles and joints that plays an important role in professional activities. However, the mobility of the fingers for a pianist can also be attributed to the category of special flexibility. The main method of developing flexibility is the constant disciplined practice of stretching the muscles and working out the joints.
Flexibility as mobility
In addition to the concept of "flexibility", there is a separate term "mobility" - this is a characteristic of the state of the joints. The more mobile the joint, the greater the range of motion and the more flexible we call a person. The mobility of the joints is determined by the shape of the bones and the condition of the cartilage tissues. If a person has not exercised his joints and is not able to open them, the means and methods of developing flexibility can help him regain mobility.
Distinguish between static and dynamic mobility - the ability to achieve the maximum possible amplitude of movement in static and dynamic, respectively. Often we can sit on the splits only after a long static stretch, but, unfortunately, we will not be able to jump into it like a ballerina. In addition to the direct flexibility of the muscles, the quality of strength and coordination also affects the achievement of amplitude in dynamics. The main method of developing flexibility is repetition - where the exercises are performed as a sequence of several series.
What does flexibility depend on?
Whether we are flexible or not depends on a whole range of factors. Understanding what exactly is hindering your progress,will answer the question, what method is used in the development of quality flexibility specifically in your case.
The maximum possible flexibility of a particular person initially depends on his bone structure - the features of the skeleton. The details of its structure determine the motor capabilities of the joints. Their mobility is not the same throughout the body: even if a person is very stretched, some articular groups may be limited in the range of motion. If you can’t sit on the transverse splits due to the fact that the head of the femur rests against the pelvic bones, then stretching exercises will not change this. No means and methods of developing flexibility will put you on it - there will always be a few more centimeters or millimeters. Of course, this fact should not be a reason to quit stretching - you just need to take it for granted and develop it within your allowable physiological norms. Another important factor influencing the ability to stretch is the structure of the muscle tissue itself. In the muscles of flexible people, elastin fibers predominate over collagen fibers.

Stretching depends not only on the condition of the muscles, but also on the nervous system. If you are very emotionally stressed, this will also affect your physical condition - it will be more difficult to stretch. Additional factors:
- Temperature of the body and the atmosphere - the higher both indicators, the easier it is to stretch. Therefore, stretching is best given in summer training or in a very warm room. Do you remember how the body feels after the bath? One of the methods of developing flexibility is evenstretching after shower.
- Time of day - in the morning after sleep, the body "gets stiff", and in the evening it becomes more flexible again.
- The previous type of load - depending on what preceded your workout, there will be completely different sensations in the body when stretching. It's one thing if you've run five laps in the stadium before, or, conversely, just moved from the couch to the practice mat.
- Gender - women are always more flexible than men, due to the characteristics of the body.
- Age - the younger the student, the easier it is to stretch.
How is flexibility development determined?
It is often said that the indicator not only of flexibility, but also of your bodily well-being in general is the condition of the spine. A person with a he althy back will easily bend down and touch the floor with his hands and will also be able to easily lift his leg. If the cartilaginous tissues of the intervertebral discs lose their original elasticity, then this affects the overall ability to move.
Why Flexibility?
The quality of flexibility is necessary for full bodily development. If a person has good strength and coordination, but does not work on flexibility at all, then he does not allow his body to reach its full potential. Mastering stretching exercises will also affect other parameters: flexible muscles develop greater strength, and muscle effort to perform the movement becomes more optimal. Flexibility also contributes to the following:
- increases overall muscle mobility;
- better posture andhence, the general state of he alth - after all, the spine indirectly affects the internal organs;
- movements become more graceful, coordinated and amplitude, which is important for athletes or actors;
- reduces the risk of injury - muscles become more elastic and recover faster;
- the appearance of your body looks more attractive - the muscles take on beautiful elongated shapes.
Active Flexibility
If you stretch on your own, without the use of any equipment or assistance, this is called active flexibility. The main methods of developing flexibility in such active exercises are springy and swing movements and retention of static tension in the muscles.
Springy movements are based on the principle of rapid muscle contraction-stretching. The secret is that with each subsequent stretch, the range of motion increases slightly. An example is swaying in a lunge forward or the well-known “butterfly” flapping its winged knees.

Swing movements consist in turning the joint: a leg swing is a movement in the hip joint, a hand swing in the shoulder joint. The greater the range of motion becomes, the more the joint is developed. To increase the load in the swings, it is sometimes recommended to use small weights - this will achieve a large inertia of movement, which means that the amplitude will also increase.
Holding the end point is performed at the maximum relaxation of the muscles - when we have maximally “relieved” tension frombody, it is easy to hold the fixation in the maximum available position. If relaxation does not occur, then a reverse reflex is triggered in the muscles: they begin to contract in order to prevent a potential rupture. Relaxation is achieved by proper work with breathing, and also largely depends on the emotional state - if you are very worried about something, then you will not have enough patience to reach the end point in stretching. On the other hand, this method often works in reverse - to get rid of anxiety and nervous tension, you can do some stretching exercises.
Passive flexibility
Passive flexibility is the ability of our body to achieve maximum amplitude in joint movements under the influence of external forces. Methods for developing flexibility in passive mode are based on the task of overcoming external resistance.

Be careful with passive stretching. It is activated at the very end, when a person has already worked as much as possible on his own. The one to whom passive methods of developing flexibility are applied should in no case be tense and actively resist. On the contrary, you should relax your muscles as much as possible - this will protect against injury.
How to develop?
The main method of developing flexibility is to repeatedly repeat the exercise in the form of a series of repetitions, and then fixation at the end point and conscious stretching. It is better to go into a stretch on the exhale and control your breathing during the whole work - try to make it smooth and slow.
Methods for developing human flexibility are based on the principles of muscle work. In our body there are muscle groups that are opposed to each other - antagonist muscles. They perform opposite functions in the body - for example, the quadriceps flexes the hip, and the triceps extends. When we do flexibility exercises, some muscles contract, while their opposites are in resistance and stretch.
Stretching is a method of developing flexibility
The word “stretching” comes from the English stretching - “stretching” or “stretching”. Often exercises are done in the mode of several quick repetitions, and then fixation at the last point and conscious stretching of the muscles.

In order to experience quick results, adults need to exercise a little every day, doing exercises in the morning. Every missed workout will set back your progress. You can and should add at least two full stretching workouts per week, lasting 40-60 minutes.
Flexibility training combined with other loads
“Muscles should be warm,” say stretching coaches. Therefore, every flexibility workout is preceded by a quick cardio session. In addition, methods for developing human flexibility consider the combination of stretching training with pre-strength loads. Moreover, strength athletes should definitely supplement their workouts with stretching to avoid excessive and constant muscle contraction. Conversely, stretching shouldbe supplemented with power loads, otherwise, as a result, we will get a flexible, but loose body.
There are various recommendations regarding the construction of the workout itself: most often, calm stretching becomes the final stage of training in any sport - this allows blood circulation to slow down and breathing to recover, as a result of which the body switches to its normal mode of functioning.
Some experts put a session of light stretching exercises at the beginning of strength training in order to achieve greater amplitude during the latter. This method of developing flexibility should still be complemented by longer stretching workouts. There are also workouts with alternating exercises for flexibility and strength.
Methods for developing flexibility in children
Children are notoriously more flexible than adults. But if you do not additionally engage in physical exercises, then over time, mobility decreases, and the physical form becomes worse. The ideal age for stretching is from 7 to 14 years old: regular exercises during this time period will subsequently affect the condition of the body at an older age. There are also recommendations to start generally from 2-3 years old, but there should be a special approach to very young students.
The method of developing flexibility in preschool children is to alternate small loads with frequent pauses for rest. Since at this age the muscles are still unevenly developed, excessive power loads can only harm. The younger the child, the faster hegets tired and loses interest. By the age of 7-8, children are already more able to hold their attention, and the load can be increased. It is very important that children have a good mood during training: positive emotions during training allow you to achieve results much faster. Conversely, if a coach takes it out on his trainees and forces them to exercise rather than voluntarily, then this can discourage physical exercise for life.
Methods for developing flexibility in younger students should take into account not only the general characteristics of the group, but also the individual characteristics of students. The study of exercises must be accompanied by a personal example and demonstration. Also, children will need the support of a coach in mastering especially difficult exercises. It is important that students try to do more exercises in an active mode, and apply passive stretching only to a well-warmed body.
Game stretching
Sometimes getting young minds to do extended stretching is hard enough - and not all adults have the patience needed to achieve good results. Therefore, such a direction as gaming stretching appeared. The author of methods for developing flexibility in children, Elena Sulim, has published several books on children's fitness and playful physical education.
Game stretching classes are different from regular physical education. They are based on the plots of fairy tales that children are invited to beat with the inclusion of stretching exercises. The game form of training does not let young athletes get bored.
Usually development of flexibilitythe game method is used at the age of 5 years. Each session lasts approximately 35-40 minutes and consists of a pre-warm-up and actual stretching exercises.
How to build a self-training session?
Your training should take into account all the means and methods of developing flexibility. First, decide what exactly you want to work on: perhaps you are already ready to sit on the twine, and someone will need to learn how to at least reach the floor with their hands in an inclination. Choose a time that is convenient for you to work out and build a training schedule. To develop flexibility in adulthood, it is advisable for you to exercise every day for at least 15-20 minutes. Once you're in shape, you can train less often, but the frequency and intensity of the workouts should still be high, because the main methods of developing flexibility are consistency and full return in training.

Your program should consist of a warm-up and a basic block of exercises. Depending on the task, the means and methods of developing flexibility within the training may be different: independent work or active participation of a partner to form passive flexibility. Choose 10-15 exercises: this should include both complex exercises that involve all large muscle groups (tilts, lunges), and exercises that solve your specific problem (increasing the mobility of the shoulder girdle or pelvic region). After some time, the exercise program will need to be supplemented with new ones: the human body adapts to any load, and the factorstressfulness, which makes us develop, is reduced.
Fixation at the last point should take about 30-60 seconds - you must get out of it before pain occurs, so as not to get injured. Also, you can’t enter the stretch abruptly - you must reach your extreme point slowly and gradually. Below we will present a set of exercises for developing flexibility by a repeated method, in which we will cover the entire body from head to toe, using both individual isolated muscles and their large groups.
Exercises to develop neck flexibility
Exercises for the neck are usually performed at the beginning of the workout:
- Head tilts to the sides - try to fix the head at the extreme point, holding it with your hand to stretch the lateral muscles of the neck. To enhance the effect, extend your arm to the side (if you tilted your head to the right, then you need to stretch your left arm), and then lay it behind your back. Repeat on the other side.
- Head tilt forward - gently grab your neck with your hands and, tilting your head forward, slide the lock of your hands to the back of your head. A pleasant stretch should be felt in the neck.
- Turning the head from side to side - at the extreme point of the turn, you can nod your head several times.
For the development of mobility of the shoulder joints
Despite the fact that the shoulder joint is one of the most mobile, do not forget about safety during exercise. Preliminary do a few circular rotations of the shoulders or the “mill” exercise - swinging the arms.
- Arm extension - right arm extended inside at shoulder level. Stretch it well to the right side, and then, maintaining tension, move your hand to the left and fix it with your left hand. Try not to lift your right shoulder up. Repeat on the other side.
- Raise your arms above your head. Bend your right arm at the elbow and place your palm on the area between the shoulder blades. Grab your right elbow with your left hand and gently pull it to the side. Do not tilt your head down - on the contrary, try to push your hands back with it. Also, do not raise your shoulders to your ears.

For chest and lateral muscles
These exercises will also engage the shoulder girdle.
- Raise your arms above your head, clasp them in a lock and turn your palms up. Start circular rotations of the body with your hands. Your hips stay in place and your chest works.
- Tilts to the sides - spread your legs slightly wider than your shoulders and fix the pelvis. You can leave your arms extended above your head, as in the previous exercise, or lower them along the sides. Leaning to the sides, does not pull back the pelvis.
- Stretch your hands out in front of you, clasp them in the lock and turn it outward. Bending your knees, round your back and stretch your palms forward, and the point between the shoulder blades back. Soft knees in this exercise are needed to compensate for the bend in the chest - then the pelvis takes a more natural position
Hip mobility exercises
Before these exercises, it is good to make a few circular movements of the pelvis on softknees to bring the joints into working condition.
- Stand up straight, pull your right leg towards you, bent at the knee. Your stomach should be tucked up. Try not to lean your body towards your leg, but on the contrary, pull your leg towards you, feeling a stretch along the back of your thigh. This exercise also develops a good sense of balance. Be sure to repeat it on the other leg.
- Rotations of the leg - also standing on one leg, bend the other at the knee and lift it to the body and take it to the side, performing a circular motion. Try to move the leg to the maximum amplitude. Do a few circles outward, then inward and repeat on the other leg.
- Swing your legs. This exercise is convenient to perform near the ballet barre or any support at chest or waist level. Turn sideways to the support, grab it with your hand and start swinging the opposite leg. At first, the amplitude can be as natural as possible, then gradually begin to increase it. After that, stand facing the support and swing your leg from side to side. Repeat for the other leg.
For ankle joints
In order to beautifully pull the toe in any type of dance, it is necessary to develop the feet and ankles well. Foot flexibility techniques include both active and passive work.
- Standing, put your big toe on the floor. Do a few rotations in both directions. Please note that the top of the foot should also be included.
- Standing, rest your toes on the floor so that your nails actually look infloor. Shift some of your weight forward onto your foot, primarily engaging your big toe to increase traction. Be careful: if you are not used to kneading your feet, you may experience discomfort in the form of cramps.
- Sit on the floor with a straight back - if you do not have enough strength to keep it straight, you can lean on something. Raise your right leg and do a few rotations with your foot. Then, on weight, pull the sock away from you and towards you several times. Repeat on the other leg. If desired, another person can take your foot and pull the sock as far down as possible.
- Sitting on the floor with a straight back, as in the previous exercise, legs extended in front of you. Stretch your socks as far down as possible, trying to touch them to the floor. Most likely, in this exercise, you will also be included in the work of other muscles of the legs and even the muscles of the abdomen.

Complex stretching exercises
Flexibility Tools and Techniques briefly describe the following exercises as most fully engaging different muscle groups. They cannot be called only flexibility exercises - here you will also need minimal strength training and the ability to find the optimal balance.
- Lunge. To develop flexibility, this exercise is performed in a fixed position. Step forward with your right foot so that your knee is at a 90 degree angle. The knee of the left leg behind should be pulled up and not sag - this version of the lunge will make it not only more flexible, but also stronger. rearthe foot is stretched, the heel seems to be pushing something. Here you can make several springy movements down and back and forth behind the heel.
- Deep lunge. If you want to intensify the stretch from the previous exercise, then place your back knee and instep on the floor, and then lower your pelvis as much as possible. Make sure that the deflection is felt not in the lower back, but in the hip joints. If you feel uncomfortable here, you can bring the pelvis back several times, stretching the front leg.
- Lean forward. What is really important for proper leaning is not straight legs, but good rotation in the hip joints. If you lean on straight legs and at the same time you have a round back, there will be no benefit from such a tilt. Bend your knees and start tilting from the hip joints, gradually putting your stomach on your hips. You can rest your hands on your knees and additionally pull yourself out of the pelvis through the spine. Then relax your back and let it just hang down. There is no crease in the neck - it should not be the floor before your eyes, but your knees. You should get up from here, slowly unwinding and building a vertical line vertebra by vertebra.