If you are an active user of chat rooms, forums and generally spend a lot of time on the Internet, then you are probably used to a huge number of abbreviations, special words and jargon. The abbreviation PPKS is very popular, the decoding of which literally reads - “I subscribe to every word.”
This unusual combination of letters is used, as a rule, in cases where the author of the message fully supports the idea stated by the previous speaker. Most often, such an abbreviation can be found on sites abounding in the so-called language of the Internet, but the peak of its popularity has long declined, since a huge number of other, more interesting expressions have appeared in the language.
Origin story
It is quite difficult to find out exactly how the famous abbreviation PPKS was formed, the decoding of which is well-established today. It is only known that she came to the Russian language from English, where in the local version it sounded somewhat different - “I am ready to subscribe to every word”, and had severaldifferent semantic meaning. The user of it, as a rule, had in mind a number of statements that he heard from famous people of that time.

The first mentions of the phrase in this sense are found in the English literature of the 19th century, it was to her that famous writers expressed their support to those who tried to resist the local authorities. At the same time, the phrase was used in a rather expressive sense, it was considered as an extreme degree of expression of dissatisfaction with certain factors.
Migration to Russia
If you suddenly wondered what PPKS is, the decoding of this abbreviation will surprise you with its simplicity. There is no exact date when it came into the Russian language; the first mention of it is found in post-revolutionary literature. It was then that it was customary to subscribe to every word that the leaders uttered, as well as to slogans calling for active action by every conscious citizen.
In wartime, this convenient combination of words was quickly forgotten, for many reasons. Its return took place already in the 1950s, when the fashion for abbreviations returned again, which would help save language resources. Thus, instead of having a long discussion about why it is worth agreeing with this or that statement, the speaker could use the short "PPKS", and it immediately became clear what was being said.
The current state of the abbreviation
Today PPKS, the decoding of the meaning of which you already know, can be foundpredominantly in the internet. Forums, blogs, communities - the abbreviation is found almost everywhere, but today it is not as actively used as it was in 2006-2011, when there was a fashion for such statements. There are many reasons for this, one of them is that the word has simply gone out of fashion, as its active speakers - teenagers aged 13-17, have grown up and their vocabulary has expanded significantly.

However, the fashion for saving language means in the Russian language has still been preserved, which is why the abbreviation has not disappeared anywhere. It periodically continues to be used by bloggers, politicians, journalists, as well as all those who support the existence of such words and the “language of padonkaf”. In particular, it can be found in the statements of the outrageous Vladimir Zhirinovsky, who was never shy in expressions and never climbed into his pocket for a word.
Why is it popular?
It is quite possible that you learned about what PPKS (decoding of this combination of letters) means not from the Internet, but from Soviet literature, where the word was also actively used. The reason for the popularity of this abbreviation lies in a fairly standard phenomenon for the Russian language - the need to save language resources. This phenomenon was first discussed at the end of the 19th century, but only in the 20th century did it receive a scientific explanation. With its help, both participants in the dialogue try to maximize the effectiveness of their own interaction, while both make an attempt to fit a huge amount of information into a minimum of languagefunds.

However, there is a very significant limitation associated with speech recognition. Both participants in the dialogue must be in a single language field, otherwise they simply cannot understand each other, and the abbreviation will be undeciphered. This process affected not only abbreviations, but also other, more popular words. For example, the vast majority of native Russian speakers know that few people pronounce the word “now” the way it is spelled, and many prefer to use the shorter “right now” instead. At the same time, the meaning of the statement is not lost at all, both sides understand each other.
Speech or text?
Do many people have difficulties when they encounter the word PPKS, decoding: what does this combination of letters mean? Most likely not, since in one form or another it is found even at school when teaching writing. Please note that in most cases this abbreviation is found only in written speech, since it is there that it performs its immediate function - it saves space in a notebook.

But in speech, the use of this abbreviation does not occur, and this also has its own reason, but this time it is connected with the function of speaking. It is rather inconvenient to pronounce such letter combinations, it is much easier to simply not use them in speech, replacing them with the short word “Agree”. This phenomenon can also be considered as alanguage savings.
What styles of speech are used?
If you still forgot what PPKS is, the abbreviation is deciphered - "I subscribe to every word." This combination of letters is found in a large number of Russian-language texts, but is not entirely suitable for different styles. Let's say, in a scientific abbreviation, it will look rather ridiculous, since it implies a certain expressiveness. But in an artistic style, with its help, you can express a whole range of emotions, in some way it may remind you of the famous phrase “Ho-ho”, which was used by Ellochka Shchukina, the famous heroine of “12 chairs” by Ilf and Petrov.

Formal business style is also not very suitable for using this abbreviation. Another thing is journalistic, the purpose of which is to influence its reader with the help of emotionality, appeal and imagery. In a colloquial style, where colloquial vocabulary is used, it is difficult to apply this abbreviation, but at the end of the 2000s, its use was fashionable. It was believed that a teenager who mumbles the phrase “PPKS”, which is incomprehensible to many adults, has an incredible level of coolness.
What type of abbreviation is it?
If considered as a language unit of PPKS, decoding may not play the most important role here. From the point of view of the Russian language, this abbreviation belongs to the category of standard letters, which are formed from the initial letters of words. It should be noted that when pronouncing this combination, all lettersare read by alphabetic names (“pe-pe-ka-es”), which is typical only for this type of abbreviation.

From a scientific point of view, all currently existing abbreviations are used only in shorthand. According to scientists, they are tried to be avoided when it comes to creating texts that will be intended to be read by other people. However, there are a number of exceptions, because it is impossible to do without such words when writing scientific papers, studying a large number of disciplines, reading encyclopedias.
Padonkaf language
If you want to delve deeper into the phenomenon of PPKS, deciphering a popular abbreviation among Internet users may surprise you unpleasantly. The fact is that in the language of "padonkaf" this abbreviation is often a symbol of the fact that the participant in the dialogue who used it simply has nothing to say in this situation, and also that he does not have his own opinion at all. Despite the rather offensive wording, Internet users do not hesitate to use it, inserting it at every opportunity.
In general, the phenomenon of the so-called “padonkaf” language arose in the early 2000s, it immediately began to crush the simplest and most understandable word forms, like the abbreviation we are studying. Since the fashion for this language began to take place already in 2007-2008, now PPKS can be confused with something that has nothing to do with the Internet community, for example, with a variety of German W alter pistols.
Can it be used in real life?
Whenactive use of PPKS, decoding (what this means is described in this material) is unlikely to be required for you, since the vast majority of the inhabitants of Russia know the approximate content of this concept. On the other hand, this concept has long gone out of fashion, and if you actively “force” it in real life, then with a probability of 90% you will be looked at as a person who is behind the times, who seems to have just descended from the moon. And besides, pronouncing this abbreviation is really not very convenient.

On the other hand, in the online community, you can easily pass for one in any company, they will even look at you with respect. However, everything is good in moderation, so if you constantly use the abbreviations "KMPKV", "PPKS", "PSPP" and the like, sooner or later you will annoy others and most likely go to a ban for a long time.
Future of PPKS
If you look a little ahead, then the PPKS, the decoding of the abbreviation and its meaning will gradually become a thing of the past. Periodically, this phrase will appear on the pages of literary texts, but its use will be significantly reduced every day. On the other hand, if events often occur in the country that cause public outcry, as it was more than a hundred years ago, it can easily return to the active composition of the language.
At the current moment, the Russian society does not need to organize open open protests and thus express their dissatisfaction. In addition, atsociety has a huge supply of completely new word forms that can be used as a means of emotional expression in speech and written texts.
The letter combination PPKS, the decoding of which reads - "I subscribe to every word", is a kind of marker in the history of the development of the modern Russian language. Considering it in the context of times, one can identify a large number of semantic differences, which at the moment have either changed dramatically or have been completely lost. Now this abbreviation can rather be attributed to the passive composition of the Russian language than to the active one.