Share - what is it, what is it like? The meaning of the word "share"

Share - what is it, what is it like? The meaning of the word "share"
Share - what is it, what is it like? The meaning of the word "share"

Share - what does it mean? This word is associated with the concept of part of the whole. However, its significance is not limited to this. It also has to do with mythology, weight measurement, belief in fate. You will learn more about this, as well as how much a share is, from our article.

Meaning in dictionaries

share of the pie
share of the pie

First, let's figure out what is said about this word in explanatory dictionaries. They say that the share is:

  1. Part of something, quantitative or qualitative expression. (The share of the Interior company in the furniture market is approaching 8%).
  2. Fate, fate. (This worthy woman faced the difficult times of the post-war years.)
  3. In anatomy, an element of the structure of the brain. (In the region of the frontal lobe, there are centers that are responsible for conscious movements, as well as for the ability to speak and write.)
  4. Historical - one of the territorial units that were part of the province in Russia in 1710-1776. (The share introduced by the decree of Peter I was under the leadership of the Landrat and paid taxes to the budget from 5536 households).
  5. Participation in the capital of any company (A share in the Avtoban company in the form of shares provided Vladimir with a good start in life).
  6. An old Russian unit used to measure mass. (The Old Russian share was approximately 44.5 milligrams).
  7. Elementary unit of musical meter. (Weak and strong beats are subject to emphasis in a metric measure).


The word share has the following synonyms:

  • Part.
  • Particle.
  • Tolyka.
  • A little.
  • Fate.
  • Fate.
  • Luck.
  • Fortune.
  • Rock.
  • Lot.
  • Spec.
  • Planida.
  • Percent.
  • Serving.
  • Element.
  • Dose.
  • Quota.
  • Pie.
  • Iota.
  • A little.


Lobes in the brain
Lobes in the brain

It is believed that the word comes from the ancient Indian noun dalam, which means "half, piece, part", as well as from the verb dálati - "breaks, cracks."

Further, the transition of the word into Proto-Slavic and Old Slavonic (overcome) is assumed, from where, in particular, Russian and Ukrainian - "share", Polish - dola.

Related are:

  • Latin - dolāre (process, trim);
  • Middle Low German - tol, tolle (branch, inch);
  • Middle High German - zoll., zolle (gag, deck, inch);
  • Lithuanian - dalià, Latvian - dal̨a (share, part).


Stable combinations and phraseological unitsto the word "share" is:

  • Dashing share.
  • A hard lot.
  • To share.
  • This is your share.
  • Angels Share (film).
  • Frontal, temporal lobe.
  • Share in authorized capital.
  • Compulsory inheritance share.
  • Thieves' share.

Next, let's take a closer look at some of the meanings of the word we are studying.

A share is how much?

Share - a measure of weight
Share - a measure of weight

Earlier in Russia there was a system for measuring weight, which was very different from the modern one. The smallest and most important unit used to measure mass was the fraction. It correlated with grams, pounds and other units of weight.

So, 1 share was equal to 0.0444 grams, which, in turn, was the weight of one spelled grain. This is a type of wheat that was widespread already at the dawn of civilization and was grown in ancient Egypt, Babylon, the Mediterranean. The share included 1/9216 pounds.

The next larger unit of weight was the spool. The proportion was 1/96 of a spool (about 4.3 g, 1/96 lb).

How to calculate the share?

As it turned out, a share is a certain part of something. As for the fraction of a number, it is each of its equal parts. For example, 2 is one quarter - 1/4 (one of four equal parts) of eight. (8=2 + 2 + 2 + 2).

In order to calculate the share of a number, divide it by the number of shares indicated. In our case, 8 is divided by 4, it turns out 2. To find the number, you need to multiply the value of the share with the number of shares. ¼x 8=2.

Next, let's move on to the question of what it is - volume fraction.

Unit for liquids and gases

In chemical science there is such a thing as a volume fraction. This is a dimensionless quantity, which is the ratio of the volume of a substance in a mixture to the entire volume of the mixture. She also has names such as:

  • Volume concentration.
  • Share by volume.
  • Volume part.

This value is denoted by the Greek letter "φ" and is usually applied to liquids and gases. The volume fraction is expressed as a percentage.

In civil law

Share in inheritance
Share in inheritance

The word we are considering is also used in the field of inheritance law, where the term "mandatory share" is used. This is such a part of the property that, after the death of its owner, certain categories of relatives receive, regardless of what is said in the will. This is indicated in Article 1149 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. These individuals include:

  • Children of the testator - if they are disabled or under 18.
  • Father, mother, wife, husband - if they are unable to work.
  • Dependents who are also disabled.

Regardless of their place in the will, the named heirs are en titled to no less than half of the share that would have gone to each of them if they inherited in accordance with the law. This is the meaning of the mandatory share.

Satisfaction of this right is made from the share of the hereditary mass that remained fortestament framework. At the same time, the fact that this may lead to infringement of the rights of other legal heirs to the specified part of the property does not matter. And if the unbequeathed part of the property is not enough, then the right to a mandatory share will be exercised from the part of the property that was bequeathed.

Share of Participation

Share in authorized capital
Share in authorized capital

This expression is most often used when it comes to someone's rights to a share in the authorized capital or property of the company.

Authorized capital is the property or money that the founder contributes when registering an enterprise. It is necessary in order to ensure the start of activities. But since there can be any number of founders in the company, their participation in the authorized capital is divided into shares.

The profit received by the enterprise, according to the results of the reporting period, can be divided among the participants. The amount of funds received by each of them depends on its share in the authorized capital. It can be expressed as a percentage or in parts.

For example, if a company has two founders, each of which has a 50% share, then if they make a quarterly profit of 2 million, they will receive 1 million rubles each.

But the ownership of shares also provides for the responsibility of the founders, for example, in the event of bankruptcy of the company. Each of them is liable for debts within their shares. If the authorized capital is 100 thousand rubles, then, according to the conditions of the first example, part of the responsibility will be divided in half and will amount to 50 thousand rubles each.

Sharelike destiny

Establishing a share among the Slavs
Establishing a share among the Slavs

In Slavic mythology, the share was considered as the personification of good luck, a happy fate. She was considered a gift of the gods, the power that they endowed a person with the aim of overcoming life's difficulties. When a person was born, a share was established for him, which accompanied him until his death. In many ways, she influenced his personality and life path.

What share will get depended on the mother, family, ancestors, but determined by her women in labor. In Slavic myths, these are female creatures, who were also called orissa and nephews. As a rule, there were three of them. The Bulgarians associated them with the Mother of God and her "sisters" - the saints of Week and Friday.
