The richness of the Russian language lies not so much in grammar and punctuation, but, above all, in words and expressions. Their uniqueness lies in the ability to characterize objects so accurately, as words do not do in any language in the world.

Another feature is the ability to select a huge number of synonyms - almost any object can be described in different ways. Words are formed into expressions. The Russian language is replete with various combinations that can easily lead any foreigner to a dead end. Probably everyone knows their name - these are phraseological units. There are many such expressions, there is even a whole dictionary. Phraseological units have entered our lives so tightly that we don’t even notice how we use them in our speech. Meanwhile, every day a person, when communicating with others, uses about five such phrases.

What these expressions are will be discussed in the article. Also, as the most difficult example, we will analyze how the idiom for the word "strongly" looks like.
What is phraseologism
So, before using a concept, you need to know what it means. Phraseologism is a stable combination of words that makes sense only when used in full. In other words, this is such a phrase, at the break of which the meaning of the statement is lost - a phraseological unit cannot be used in parts. A simple example: "sit in a galosh." Let's make a sentence and experiment a little: "Petya got into a galosh without doing his homework." Let's try to discard the second part of the combination, as a result of which we get: "Peter sat down without doing his homework." And the meaning of the statement is already completely lost. If in the first case it means “disgraced”, then in the second he simply sat down, for example, on a chair. Thus, phraseological units can be explained only when they are used in full.
History of occurrence
Surely everyone who came across such phrases asked: “Where did they even come from?” Let's try to figure out how phraseological units arose. If you carefully consider their structure and the words used, the following thing becomes obvious: they all seem to be uttered by the people.

So it is. All phraseological units were created by the broad masses of the people, that is, in some way they can be attributed to folklore. Initially, they did not have the same name,which was assigned to them by linguists - it came with time. The people used simpler expressions in their speech, so it was much easier for them to form a phrase from a few colloquial words to replace some more complex word. Therefore, if there is a need to find out how phraseological units arose, you need to turn to the people - each expression has its own etymology, while studying which you can try to answer this question.
Use in text and speech
As mentioned above, every day a person uses about five phraseological units. This happens involuntarily. It can be said even at the subconscious level. Suppose a man tells an entertaining story to his comrades. He will certainly have a story with phraseological units. As far as written language is concerned, the situation is different. Formal communication implies the appropriate language, so such expressions are not used here. But in journalism, books and even journalism, phraseological units are not uncommon, and even vice versa.
Interpretation of phraseological units is a very important thing. It depends on him how accurately the phrase of the narrator will be understood. It’s worth saying right away that if we didn’t know what phraseological units are, we would never guess what they mean in the text. For example, "kill yourself on the nose" is a fairly well-known phrase that means "remember".

The habitual perception says that the nose is a human respiratory organ, and immediately a discrepancy appears in the brain - is it reallydo you have to cut your nose? No way. In fact, this word has two meanings - the first, which has already been mentioned, and the second - from the ancient Slavic "nose", which meant a wooden board with notches that were placed in order not to forget something. This is where the expression “cut it on your nose” or “remember” came from. As you can see, it is difficult to determine the meaning immediately without knowledge, so the interpretation of phraseological units is possible only in a dictionary.
Meaning in text
The role of phraseological units in the text is quite significant: in addition to “decorating” speech, they help to more fully reveal the emotional component and describe what is happening more vividly. For example, "sleep without hind legs." It is quite difficult to write in simple language that a person is sleeping soundly after being very tired. It turns out cumbersome and very inaccurate. And if you use: "he slept without hind legs," it immediately becomes clear what is at stake. In fact, it is quite difficult to find a phraseological unit for a word. “Blushed a lot” - “Blushed to the roots of her hair”, for example, does not immediately come to mind.
Difficult idioms
Complex expressions can be considered those expressions for which it is problematic to find values. Phraseological units can be explained only with the help of a dictionary or informal extraordinary logic. For example, such an expression as "there is no truth at the feet", meaning only an invitation to sit down.

Where did it come from? The discussion of any serious issue always requires a lot of time, so it is most convenient to carry it out while sitting, and only then will it be possible toreach an agreement. If you stand, the conversation will be short, therefore it will not lead to any results, and according to the concepts of ancient Russia, this is considered “untruth”. This is how the expression came about. It is quite difficult to understand all this on your own, however, it is much easier to understand such phrases in context. There is a special task - an essay with phraseological units, which develops the ability to perceive them more easily.
Rare idioms
Yes, there are some. For example, a phraseological unit for the word "strongly". There are hardly more than ten of them in Russian. Among them are such as “eyes popped out on the forehead” (shows great surprise), “barely breathing” (indicates the strong deterioration of the thing), and so on. Perhaps less often of all you can find such an expression as "blushed to the roots of the hair." This is a phraseological unit for the word "strongly", "blushed" means the action that happened to the person.

In this situation, the phrase has the meaning of "became ashamed." You can also use the word "frozen", and the meaning of the phraseological unit is clear. "Rare", in addition, you can also call the species that is found only in a particular area.
How to use phraseological units in speech and writing
If you want to decorate your speech with various words, then phraseological units are the best option. They will not only enliven speech, but also help to make it more witty and interesting. Nevertheless, it is important to note the need to understand the meaning of an expression. An inappropriately used phraseological unit will look stupid, which will certainly affect your reputation. If you are writing an essay with phraseological units, then you should pay attention to their frequency in the text. Too many of them can make the work difficult to understand, forcing the reader to regularly refer to the phraseological dictionary. You should also remember the first principle - it is better to do without an expression if its meaning is vague for you. Another very important principle to consider in both cases is relevance. It is so accepted that phraseological turns are considered more colloquial, therefore in business communication they are not only unacceptable, but highly undesirable. This also applies to work correspondence. Few people will use "no brainer" instead of "naturally" when talking to partners.
Phraseologisms in other languages
It turns out that not only the Russian language is rich in conditional expressions. For example, in English, such expressions are also often found. A rather entertaining process is their translation into Russian, which can be quite ambiguous. If you translate from English literally, it may turn out quite differently.

Such an expression as "pull the devil's tail" will mean "fight like a fish on ice." And the phraseological unit for the word “strongly” with the second part in the form of the word “anger” will literally sound like “pushing a wall at someone”. Phraseological words can be so different from each other in meaning.
So, inIn this article, we examined the key principles for the use of phraseological units. A couple of things to remember: don't use these expressions too often or if they're not clear to you. However, mastering such a speech can provide increased attention from other people. There are a huge number of similar expressions in the Russian language, and understanding at least some of them can already be considered a good result, especially if you know at least one phraseological unit for the word "strongly". It is also worth mentioning that the composition of phraseological units is regularly replenished - more and more new expressions appear that are part of speech. This is connected not only with the emergence of new words, but also with a change in the mentality of modern generations: other values and customs make it necessary to come up with new expressions that would satisfy the requirements of the language. Especially actively now this topic is developing on the Internet.
Such expressions as “to the ball”, which means free of charge, “throw it on the soap”, which means “send an email to my e-mail”, and so on, you can list almost indefinitely. In any case, the language has always evolved, it does so now, and this trend will continue. To keep abreast of the latest events and understand the current state of affairs, you need to at least keep up with this development.