Today we will talk about our speech, or rather, about one of its emotional and sensual manifestations in communication and conversations. These are amazing and unusual phrases. To be more precise, phraseological units. We will analyze what it is, give examples, and even write a short essay with phraseological units (on any topic, we will choose it arbitrarily, along the way). By the way, this is a fairly common task for students. When children study these speech turns at school, Russian language teachers ask them to write an essay or an essay with phraseological units on any topic or a specific one. It's easy to do and very exciting if you get involved.

These are certain turns of speech that are fixed and stable when used. A feature of this, as a rule, unchangeable combination of words is the individual meaning of the whole expression. These expressions are not easy to translate into other languages, and it is impossible for foreigners to understand them if they do not knowtheir meanings. Why?
Let's look at the sentence: "He stood up in his tracks, opened his mouth, spread his ears and blinked his eyes, hatching like a ram at a new gate." This sentence consists of several phraseological units. Now pay attention to the meaning of each individual word in this statement, it does not coincide with the meaning of a particular expression. This is the complexity, unusualness and … bright emotional coloring of phraseology.

Practice will help to understand and assimilate these phrases well: first, we learn to find these expressions in the finished text (for example, take any essay using phraseological units on any topic). Then the next training stage - we independently compose separate sentences with speech turns, expanding not only the vocabulary, but also getting acquainted with countless new expressions. And finally, try to connect several sentences by meaning and write a mini-essay with idioms on any topic.
Illustrative example
As an example, let's put together an arbitrary history with stable turnovers. For clarity, we put them in each sentence. For convenience, you can pre-compile some list of speech phrases that you want to use. So, we are writing an essay with phraseological units on any topic, for example, on a winter one, the New Year is coming soon (or maybe you are reading this article already in the new year?).
New Year is just around the corner
Before the New Year is within easy reach!You can count the days on your fingers! At this time, the spirit of the holiday is in the air, the smell of tangerines excites, the flashing of garlands pleases everywhere, cheerful snowflakes have frozen on the windows of some residents. Everyone - from young to old - can't wait for surprises, gifts and, of course, a little winter break in the form of holidays for children and a non-working week for adults.

Preparations for the celebration are in full swing! Someone has prepared cherished boxes with gifts that he will present to relatives and friends with all his heart, and is already rubbing his hands with impatience … And someone, on the contrary, is strenuously puzzling over the solution of the question: what to give and how to congratulate relatives? It will not be difficult to identify such people on the street. They tend to rush to shops and supermarkets headlong in search of something special.
Little children are overjoyed: they ride the slides for their own pleasure on sleds, sleds, and even without them. It's cold, windy, snowy outside, cheeks and nose turn red and cold, but at least the kids!
This is a special time for every person: although the mouth is full of worries and you don’t have to sit idly by, the soul rejoices at these troubles, just like in distant childhood, in anticipation of the New Year and Christmas…
Instead of a conclusion
It's very exciting to come up with an essay with phraseological units (on any topic). Such an activity develops imagination, speech and takes attention. Try to do it together with your parents or with your children - it's great fun and good pastime!Good luck in mastering new materials!