Ithaca is an island that is not the most visited in Greece. Tourists from Russia often prefer other exotic places in the Mediterranean. Most likely, this is due to the lack of domestic charter flights to this part of the world. You can get there by ferry.
From a distance, this island is no different from others, dozens of which are found in the Ionian Sea. It has a relatively small mountainous territory, inhabited by several thousand inhabitants. The capital and port of the island is the city of Vafi, the appearance of which indicates that the epic Odysseus once ruled this modest piece of land.
Origin of the name of the island
The name of the island has existed since ancient times. His fame is associated with the work of Homer's "Odyssey". Almost all experts and researchers agree that modern and Homeric Ithaca are one and the same. And different definitions of the geographical location are associated with the poet's ignorance of anything about the peculiarities of the printing house of the island. Or is it his "poetic fantasy"

In history there are several versions of the origin of its name. According to one of them, he was calledin honor of the first indigenous inhabitant - Ithaca. Other versions speak of its Phoenician origin.
Greek period of Ithaca
The oldest finds were found by archaeologists on the northern side of the island. They date from the early Greek period. The highest prosperity of the island was observed during the Mycenaean era, when the elder of the island of Ithaca was Odysseus. The kingdom in those days consisted of the islands lying around it and part of mainland Hellas. Therefore, this small piece of land in the middle of the water has many stories and legends. According to one of them, Penelope was once here - this is the queen on the island of Ithaca, who was waiting for her husband there for 20 years. The inhabitants of this piece of land, surrounded by sea waters, were sailors. They sailed far beyond the Mediterranean.
Over time, the island begins a period of decline. Ithaca (island) becomes uninteresting for the Dorians.

The main reason for this is the infertility of the local soil. But the population did not leave the island, but began to cultivate its northern part. It becomes a very important center where many trade routes intersect. There is evidence of the economic and cultural upsurge of Ithaca.
The island during the years of Roman rule
Ithaca from 180 BC to 394 AD is the diocese of Iliria. Christianity was established here during the Byzantine era. Then the construction of Jerusalem was carried out on the island, which is referred to in the work "Alexiad" by A. Komnina.
Since 1086 they have been makingtheir raids by Vandal, Gothic, Visigothic and Saracen military groups. In 1185, it was captured by Norman representatives. The Orsini family, which maintained personal anarchy for 150 years, receives this island from the Normans in 1200. After that, it becomes the possession of the Venetians.
Venetian rulers on the island
The capture of Ithaca by the Venetians took place in 1499 after the Turkish-Venetian military events. According to the agreement of 1503, Ithaca is an island in the possession of Venice.
The country's rulers have made a huge amount of effort to revive it. The land was transferred to the use of local and visiting residents. New settlers are heading here en masse due to the fact that an absolute exemption from all taxes has been introduced for a duration of 5 years. Elders have ruled the island since 1697. There is a steady increase in the population of Ithaca, which is becoming quite a significant and important maritime power.

Ithaca - an island with semi-independent Venetians - was the only place where there was no aristocracy and class distinctions.
French period of Ithaca
After the victory of the French Revolution, all the islands in the Ionian Sea pass into the power of the French. By the end of 1798 there was an intensive displacement of them by Russians and Turks. There is a creation of the Ionian Republic, which included Ithaca. Its capital was located on the island of Corfu. From 1807 to 1809 these islands again become subject to the French.
Ties with Greece
Even after the island entered the Ionian Republic, which was under the patronage of England, in 1815, its ties with Greece did not break off. In the Greek uprising of 1821, many of the islanders became heroes.

More than once they opposed the presence of the power of England. These events became especially active and numerous after Greece was freed from the Turkish yoke. And only in 1864 the British government agreed with the demand of the islanders. As a result, they were annexed to Greece.
For every visitor, the island of Ithaca (Greece) opens up from its unique and unforgettable side. And those tourists or ordinary people who have been here at least once in their lives come back again and again.