The biggest craters on the moon. What causes craters on the moon

The biggest craters on the moon. What causes craters on the moon
The biggest craters on the moon. What causes craters on the moon

There are a couple of major theories as to what causes craters on the Moon. One of them is based on impacts of meteorites on the surface of the satellite. The second is based on the fact that certain processes are taking place inside this celestial body, similar in essence to volcanic eruptions. And they are the real reason. Both theories are quite controversial, and below it will be explained why such cratering could occur. The moon is characterized by riddles, most of which mankind has not yet solved. And this is one of them.

About the Moon

As you know, this satellite revolves around the planet Earth in a relatively stable mode, periodically approaching or moving away a little. According to modern data, along the way, the Moon is gradually flying away from us further and further into space. Approximately this movement is estimated at 4 centimeters per year. That is, it can take a very long time to wait until it flies far enough. The moon affects the ebb and flow, or rather, provokes them. That is, if there were no satellite, then there would be no such activity of the oceans and seas either. Since then, when people first began to peer into the sky and study this celestial body, the question arose aboutwhat are the craters on the moon. A lot of time has passed since those first attempts to understand the unknown, but to this day there are only theories that have not yet been actually confirmed by anything.

craters on the moon
craters on the moon

Age and color of craters

The peculiarity of such formations on the surface of the satellite is their coloring. Craters on the Moon that were formed several million years ago are considered young. They appear lighter than the rest of the surface. Their other species, whose age is generally incalculable, have already darkened. All this is explained quite simply. The outer surface of the satellite is quite dark due to the constant exposure to radiation. But inside the moon is bright. As a result, when a meteorite hits, light soil is thrown out, thereby forming a relatively white spot on its surface.

The largest craters on the Moon

Since ancient times, a tradition has arisen to give different names to celestial bodies. In this case, it concerns the craters themselves. So, each of them bears the name of one of the scientists who, one way or another, but moved the science of space forward. The most notable of the comparatively young craters is that which is called Tycho. Visually, it looks like a kind of "navel" of our satellite. The formation of craters on the Moon of this type, most likely, really happened due to the collision of a very large meteorite with its surface. In this case, the name comes from Tycho Brahe, who was at one time a very famous astronomer. This is a young crater, diameterwhich is 85 kilometers long and is about 108 million years old. Another notable formation of this kind has a diameter of "only" 32 km and bears the name of Kepler. In terms of visibility, they go further: Copernicus, Aristarchus, Manilius, Menelaus, Grimaldi and Langren. All these people, in one way or another, related to the development of science, and therefore are rightfully imprinted in history in this way.

what causes craters on the moon
what causes craters on the moon

"Impact" theory

So, back to the theories about what causes the formation of craters on the moon. The most common and reliable of them implies that in ancient times huge meteorites fell on the surface of our satellite. In general, judging by various data, this was indeed the case, but another question arises here. If this happened, then how did such large meteorites fly around our planet and crash purposefully into the satellite? That is, if there was a conversation about that side of the celestial body, which is directed into space, then everything would be clear. But with the part turned to the planet, it turns out that the bombardment of the satellite came directly from the surface of the Earth, which, according to official history, simply could not be.

causes of craters on the moon
causes of craters on the moon

Intrinsic Activity Theory

This is the second likely cause of craters on the Moon. Considering how little we know about even the closest cosmic body to us, it is also quite real. It is understood that in ancient times (the same many millions of years ago) a volcanicactivity. Or something that might look like her. And the craters are just the result of such events, which in general also seems to be true. It is not clear whether something similar is happening there now, and if so, why humanity is not observing this. And if not, why did it stop? As with any space situation, there are always more questions than answers. In general, it can be assumed that the Moon at one time experienced approximately the same period of volcanic activity that was on our planet. Gradually, the situation stabilized, and now it is almost invisible or non-existent. If we take this analogy, then this is also quite possible. Unfortunately, it will be possible to get an unambiguous answer only when people finally begin to study space in more detail and in detail.

moon cratering
moon cratering

Unexplained Features

In principle, everything is clear with what could be the reasons. There are so many craters on the Moon that both theories may be true. However, there are some features that do not fit into any of them. These include various inexplicable phenomena that regularly occur on the surface of our satellite, in particular in craters. Strange radiation begins to emanate from them, then inexplicable colored spots appear, and so on. Until now, no one can even guess what it is. It could be the material the meteorite was made of, or it could be something that came out of the moon's interior.

what causes craters on the moon
what causes craters on the moon

Craters on the Moon and the reason for their formation

And now back to the very theory of the origin of this celestial body. The official version, so to speak, says that the Moon was formed as a result of the collision of the satellite with the Earth's surface. Then it kind of bounced back into space and hung there, fixed by the gravity of the planet. Perhaps something like this really happened, but, most likely, the object that crashed into the Earth was completely destroyed. The impact sent up a huge amount of dust, the speed of which was so high that it entered the orbit of the planet. Gradually, this material was compressed with each other, and eventually formed a satellite.

This explains how craters were actually formed on the Moon, on the part of it that faces our planet. So, at first, the dust formed small objects, which gradually collided with each other and connected, becoming larger and larger. Over time, a kind of base of the largest size possible in such a situation was created. A huge number of other, smaller particles flying in orbit already into it began to crash, reacting to the resulting force of attraction. Naturally, among such elements there were also such large ones that created the craters known to us now.

largest craters on the moon
largest craters on the moon


Space is a complete mystery. People do not yet have the opportunity to study everything so thoroughly that questions disappear. This applies to other galaxies or star systems,and the closest celestial body to us. Perhaps in the near future the situation will change, because now preparations are underway for the construction of a base on the Moon, the study of Mars, and so on.
