Mountains in Uzbekistan are located in the heart of Asia. Although they are not so high compared to those in neighboring states, they are no less beautiful and popular among tourists.
General information about the mountains of Uzbekistan
These mountains belong to the mountain systems of the Southern and Western Tien Shan. They are located in Central Asia. In Uzbekistan, the mountains are not so big compared to those in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, the heights range from 2 to 4 thousand meters. But at the same time, all four-thousanders are located close to the state borders. If you move further into the territory of Tajikistan, then there are already heights of more than 5 thousand, for example, the Fann Mountains. Uzbekistan has the highest point, which belongs to the Gissar Range - Mount Babatag (4668 meters). Mountains occupy about a fifth of the territory of the republic, their area is 96 thousand square kilometers. One tenth of the total population of Uzbekistan lives in these places.
What are the mountains in Uzbekistan (name)?
The following ranges are located on the territory of Uzbekistan: Koksui, Zarafshan, Chatkal, Karzhantau, Pskem, Gissar, Maidantau, Kurama, Ugam. All of them are continuations or spurs of the mountain systems of Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.
Western Tien Shan
Tien Shan is a powerful mountain system, one of the highest in the Eurasian mountain belt that crosses the entire continent. The Western Tien Shan is a vast part of this entire mountain system. The Tien Shan Mountains (Uzbekistan) include the Talas Alatau, which, starting in Kyrgyzstan, fan-shaped diverges on the territory of Uzbekistan. These are such spurs as: Chatkal, Ugam, Karzhantau, Sandalash, Pskem, Maidantal. The ridges are separated by river valleys: Koksu, Ugam, Akhangaran, Chatkal and others.
Ugam Ridge
It is the most extreme and western in Talas Alatau. The Ugam ridge is very high, rocky and heavily dissected, it is a watershed on one side for the Pskem and Arys rivers, and on the other for Pskem and Ugam.

The height of the Ugam Range ranges from 3000 to 3500 meters. Glaciers and snowfields that cover the rocks give rise to rivers. The Ugam Range is composed of crystalline rocks.
Pskem Ridge
This is the second branch of the Talas Alatau. The Pskem Range stretches 130 kilometers to the southwest. It is a little higher and more rocky than Ugamsky, it includes Mount Beshtar (height 4299) - this is the highest point of the Western Tien Shan in Uzbekistan.

The mountains of the Pskem Range are narrow and rocky, steep slopes break off into deep gorges. Scree, cliffs and accumulations of large boulders make these mountains difficult to pass.
Chatkal Ridge
Located in the northeast of Uzbekistan. HeightThe Chatkal Range ranges from 3500 to 4500 meters. It is the watershed of the rivers Chirchik and Akharangan and others. The ridge stretches for almost 200 kilometers, has numerous spurs into which deep gorges cut.

Roads connecting Tashkent with the Akhangaran and Fergana valleys are laid through the passes of the ridge. Within Uzbekistan, the highest peak here is Karakush (3864 meters). It is followed by Kyzylnura (3533 meters) and Big Chimgan. The latter was especially popular among Soviet tourists.
Chimgan tourism and recreation zone is the most popular and famous all over the world. This is one of the most beautiful places in Uzbekistan. The mountains are called Chimgan or "Chim en", translated as "green soft grass". Chimgan is located just 85 kilometers from Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan.

The Chimgan hills belong to the Chatkal ridge. The highest peak is Big Chimgan (3309). In Soviet times, Chimgan was a tourist center, many songs were composed about the local peaks, known thanks to the author's song festivals. Also, the Chimgan Alpiniada was held here, where athletes from all over the country gathered.
On the territory of Uzbekistan there are only the western spurs of the Gissar-Alai mountain system. These are the Gissar, Turkestan and Zarafshan ranges.
Hissar Range
The highest among the spurs of the mountain system is the Gissar Range. Here, where the Tupalangdarya River begins, is the mosthigh mountain in Uzbekistan. Its Soviet name is the peak named after the 22nd Congress of the CPSU (4688 meters).

Here are: the Severtsov glacier 2.3 kilometers long and the slightly smaller Batyrbay glacier. The most famous passes of the Gissar Range are Mura (height 3799 meters) and Anzob (3379). In the south, the ridge passes into the Gissar valley, densely populated. Since there is a lot of precipitation here, the slopes of the ridge are rich in vegetation.
Turkestan Ridge
The Turkestan Range is a powerful mountain range with heights of 5000-5500 meters. It has steep and strongly dissected slopes. The southern branch of the ridge in the west goes down and turns into a mountain plateau, and completely disappears near the city of Samarkand. The Turkestan ridge branches into two ridges - Malguzar and Chumkartau. The Chumkartau ridge separates the Zarafshan and Sanzar river basins. Malguzar has a height of 900-2600 meters and stretches from the Guralash Pass to the Sanzar River. The narrowest part of the Sanzar river valley is called the Tamerlane Gate, the road to Samarkand passes here.
Zarafshan Range
Another ridge included in the mountains of Uzbekistan. His photo shows that the Zarafshan Range is narrow with steep and rocky slopes.

Its pointed peaks are covered with snow, there are about 560 glaciers here. It separates the basins of the Zarafshan and Kashkadarya rivers. The highest mountain is Chimtarga (5489 meters), and the average height is 4100.
Nurata Mountains
Nurata mountains (Nuratau) are low, their marksrange from 1000 to 1500 meters. They consist of two ridges separated by intermountain basins. Located on the border with the Kyzylkum desert.
The highest mountain is Khayatbashi (2169 meters). In 1975, the Nurata Reserve was organized here.
Hazrati-Sultan Mountains
This is the northernmost and largest spur, which is a continuation of the Gissar Range. Separates the basins of the Aksu and Tupalangdarya rivers.

There are several "four-thousanders" here: Khazarkhan (4496 meters), Hadzhipiryakh (4424 meters), Harbatag (4395), Khoja-Karshovar (4304), Zaran (4299), Gava (4145).
Yakkabag and Baysun mountains and Kugitangtau
Yakkabag Range has heights from 3500 to 3700, located in the western part of the Gissar Range. These mountains are separated by deep gorges and valleys. To the east is the Baysunsky ridge (Baysuntau) with the highest point of 4424 meters. Next to it are the mountains of Kugitangtau, separated by a gorge called "Iron Gates", where the Sherabad River flows. The Kugitangtau mountains already enter the territory of Turkmenistan near the Amu Darya River. The heights fluctuate around the mark of 2100 meters, and the highest point is 3137. These low mountains stretch between the Surkhan and Kashkandarya rivers. Soft rocks have been eroded by water for many centuries, so there are many karst caves here. It is here that the largest karst cavities of Uzbekistan are located, with a length of passages up to 4 kilometers.
Mountains of Surkhantau
To the east of Baysuntau, the Surkhantau mountains stretch. Their highest point is 3722 meters. Eastward Heightdecrease and gradually pass into the plain, the valley of the Surkhandarya River. Here is the deepest cave in Asia - Boy-Bulok (depth - 1415 meters).
The local climate is typical for Central Asia. Since there is a lot of sun, the climate is arid and sharply continental. The mountains stand in the way of air masses, creating a certain circulation of them; a lot of precipitation falls here in the form of snow. The white caps melt, creating streams that give rise to rivers and feed underground water. In the cold season, air masses from the Arctic come here, bringing cold and clear weather. Winds blowing from temperate latitudes bring rainy, wet weather. But tropical air masses bring heat and dryness to the southern deserts.
In Uzbekistan, the mountains are very beautiful and especially loved by tourists. Here is a specific climate that has a beneficial effect on he alth, there are healing mineral springs, various monuments of nature and history, and, of course, unique beauty. Rest in the mountains of Uzbekistan is useful not only for adults, but also for children; summer he alth camps are organized here. Nowadays, not only climbers and rock climbers come, but also lovers of winter sports such as skiing and snowboarding. The climate in the mountains is quite warm, the temperature here rarely drops below -20 degrees in winter, so the snow here is mostly soft and ideal for skiing.