Krygina (nun Nina): conversations about married life

Krygina (nun Nina): conversations about married life
Krygina (nun Nina): conversations about married life

In recent years, video recordings of conversations with the title "Krygina (nun Nina)" appear in the electronic media. These video recordings and audio interviews are devoted to the problems of family and marriage. The conversations are interesting enough to attract the attention of many people.

We will talk a little more about the author of these conversations.

Who is Nun Nina?

Nun Nina (Krygina), whose conversations are always popular with listeners, is a candidate of psychological sciences. She was once a professor at Magnitogorsk State University.

From this position, she went to the monastery, where she took the vows as a nun under the name of Nina. Today she is a resident of the monastery of the icon of the Mother of God "The Conqueror of Bread", leads an active preaching life, acts as an Orthodox psychologist with lectures throughout Russia.

Krygin nun Nina
Krygin nun Nina

What are the nuns' lectures about?

Orthodox psychologist Krygina (nun Nina) can tell a lot to his listeners. Her texts are deeply professional: they harmoniously combine information from the field of modern psychological science with thesesOrthodoxy.

Mainly Mother Nina's lectures are devoted to the preparation of young people for married life, the need to maintain chastity before marriage, marital fidelity, the birth and upbringing of children. As an experienced psychologist, she looks into the secrets of the human soul and explains to the listener much of what was incomprehensible to them.

At the same time, nun Nina Krygina's lectures are very interesting because of their special approach to understanding the family as a Small Church that must bear its cross in the world.

The nun deeply reveres the family of the last Russian tsar, considering its representatives to be holy people. This is typical for Orthodoxy in the Urals, since Tsar Nicholas, his wife, children and servants were shot in Yekaterinburg. Here they are glorified as saints.

nun nina krygina
nun nina krygina

Why are the lectures given by Krygina (nun Nina) so attractive?

The nun's lectures are quite popular. Video recordings are viewed by a large number of users, books authored by Mother Nina are sold in large numbers, and the nun herself receives a huge number of letters from all over the country.

This fact is connected with the fact that in our society the information with which Mother Nina shares with her listeners and readers remains in demand. Many people strive for a happy marriage, for the birth and upbringing of children in accordance with the canons of the Orthodox Church.

And tips on creating such a family are easy to find by reviewing the video called "Krygina (nun Nina): conversations about family life." ToIn addition, mother Nina has the most real oratory: she can speak firmly and convincingly (many years of teaching practice affects), reinforces her stories with life examples.

nun nina krygina conversations
nun nina krygina conversations

Therefore, thousands of listeners turn to her video lectures to learn a lot of new things from her smart and instructive conversations about things without which human life is impossible: without faith, without family and without love for one's Fatherland.
