Unattainability and impracticability of the planned. The impossibility and utopianity of what one dreams of. Who is not familiar with this? Fantasy and ephemeral, chimerical and ghostly. Everyone has ever experienced something like this. All these definitions are the illusory nature of the world, only in other words.

The artist. Or master of illusion
The Art Encyclopedia interprets illusoryness as the property of images created by people of the visual arts to be perceived by the senses as reliable.
They may appear this way in an unnatural space:
- tangibility;
- corporeality;
- voluminous;
- three-dimensionality;
- stereoscopic;
- airiness.

The illusory nature of the world is something from Buddhism
Mahayana Buddhism speaks about the term under study. It is practiced by bodhisattvas for the benefit of all beings.
These sympathetic sages teach that all beings and all their thoughts are like an illusion and a dream. Can't avoid thismoving towards Enlightenment, nor enlightened.
Illusion is nirvana itself, liberation from suffering. And the wisdom above it is the essence of the same.

Buddhists teach that the illusion of the existence of the world is called maya. The world is dominated by lust for possession of objects and attachment. Therefore, it is filled with negative emotions. And only a disciplined mind can find the path to liberation from samsara.
The latter is a chain of rebirths dictated by karma and is like an illusory dream.

A famous example of one of the Mahayana schools is a fiery circle that arose during the rapid rotation of the torch.
How real is he? Just as much as our world, whose inherent quality is illusory.
This is the same as taking the horns of a hare to be real or mistaking for a real-life son of a woman who has not yet been born.
Such, it is emphasized, and enlightenment with liberation. Special attention is paid to the illusory nature of these achievements. It is very curious and intriguing.
And all the talk about the illusory nature of the world is also just a fiction, a mirage.