Grammar is a part of the science of language. The part is quite important because it studies the grammar of the basis for constructing sentences, the patterns of formation of various phrases and phrases, reducing these patterns into a single system of rules.

How the science of language appeared
One of the first terms that can be attributed to the initial manifestations of linguistic science appeared in the time of the Greeks from Aristotle, the founder of the Alexandrian linguistic school. Among the Romans, the founder was Varro, who lived between 116 and 27 BC. It was these people who were the first to characterize some linguistic terms, such as the names of parts of speech, for example.
Many modern norms of the science of language were conceived in the Indian language school as early as the first millennium BC, as evidenced by the works of Panini. The study of languages acquired a freer form already in the first millennium of the Christian era. How and what grammar is studying at this time, it becomes clear from the works of the classics, on which itbased.
Grammar acquires not only a descriptive, but also a normative character. The basis of the foundations was considered to be the Latin language, which was elevated to the rank of an eternal form, the most closely connected and reflecting the structure of thought. Those who studied grammatical structure in the 12th century considered it natural that this should be done best from Latin textbooks. Yes, there were no others. At that time, the works of Donat and Priscian were considered the standard and obligatory program. Later, in addition to them, the treatises of Alexander from Vildier Doctrinales and Grecismus of Eberhard of Bethune appeared.

Grammar of the Renaissance and Enlightenment
It will hardly surprise anyone that the norms of the Latin language have penetrated into many European languages. This confusion can be observed especially in the speeches of priests and in church treatises written at the end of the 16th century. Many Latin grammatical categories are especially traced in them. Later, in the XVII-XVIII centuries, the approach to the study of grammar changed somewhat. Now it has acquired a logical-philosophical character, which has led to greater universalization and standardization in relation to other language groups.
And only at the beginning of the 19th century did the first attempts to classify grammatical rules in other languages differentiated from the Latin stem appeared. H. Steinthal played a major role in this, and his work was continued by the so-called neo-grammatists - young scientists who sought to separate linguistic norms from Latin concepts.

An even greater differentiation of individual languages occurred at the very beginning of the twentieth century. It was at this time that the idea of the so-called emancipation of various European languages and isolation from the traditions of the Greek-Latin school gained popularity. In Russian grammar, the pioneer was F. F. Fortunatov. However, let's move on to the present and see what the grammar of the Russian language is studying today.
Classification of Russian grammar by parts of speech
In Russian, words are divided into parts of speech. This norm of division according to morphological and syntactic features is also accepted in most other languages that have separated themselves from the Latin basis. However, the number of parts of speech may not match.
Common to almost all languages of the world are considered a name (noun or other) and a verb. The latter can also be divided into an independent and auxiliary form, which is almost universal for all languages. The grammar dictionary classifies the following parts of speech in Russian: noun, adjective, verb, adverb, preposition, conjunction and interjection. Each of these categories has its own definition and purpose. We will not give here a description and grammatical categories of the noun and other parts of speech, this is described in detail in many Russian grammar textbooks.

Ways to use verbs
All verbs in Russian can be used in three ways: as an infinitive, participle or gerund. All three forms are widespread in otherlanguages and often have similar usage. For example, the occurrence of an infinitive (an indefinite form of a verb) in a verbal predicate like “likes to draw” and others can be found in English, Italian, and most other European languages. The use of the participle and the gerund is also widespread, although there are significant differences.
Classification by sentence members
This classification provides for five separate categories that can occur in one sentence all together or separately. Often one of the members of the sentence can be a whole phrase. So, if you need to make a sentence with the phrase "wide as a field", then it will act as a single application. This is also true for other parts of speech.
What members of the sentence does the grammar dictionary of the Russian language classify?
- The subject, which refers to the main members of the sentence, denotes an object or person and is determined by the predicate.
- The predicate also refers to the main members of the sentence, denotes an action or state and is directly related to the subject.
- Addition is a minor member and denotes the subject's action object.
- A circumstance denotes a sign of action, depends on the predicate and also has a secondary meaning.
- Appendix denotes the quality of the subject (subject or complement) and also secondary.

Back to the noun
In Russian there aregrammatical categories of a noun that cannot be ignored. So, the declension of a noun in cases is important. Despite the fact that cases themselves exist in many languages, rarely in which case declension is carried out using endings, as in Russian. Our grammar distinguishes 6 cases of a noun: nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental and prepositional.
Teaching about parts of speech is at the center of science
Parts of speech is what modern grammar studies, or at least gives this section a central importance. Much attention is also paid to their grammatical categories and combinations, general rules and the structure of individual speech elements. The latter is studied by the section of grammar called syntax.

Apart from grammar, there are such sciences as lexicology, semantics and phonetics, although they are closely related and in some interpretations are presented as structural units of grammatical science. Grammar also includes such disciplines as the science of intonation, semantics, morphonology, derivatology, which are on the edge of the border between proper grammar and the previously named disciplines. In addition, grammar as a science is closely related to a number of other disciplines less known to a wide range of people.
Allied Sciences
Grammar, due to its peculiarities, has many facets of contact with disciplines such as:
- lexicology due to the detailed study of the grammatical properties of individualparts of speech;
- orthoepy and phonetics, since these sections pay a lot of attention to the pronunciation of words;
- spelling, which studies spelling issues;
- style describing the rules for using various grammatical forms.
Dividing grammar according to other criteria
Earlier we wrote that grammar can be historical and synchronous, but there are other forms of division. Thus, there is a distinction between formal and functional grammar. The first, superficial, works on the grammatical means of linguistic expressions. The second or deep is at the intersection of proper grammar and grammatical semantics. There are also structures that study parts of speech that are present in many other languages or only in Russian. On this basis, grammar is divided into universal and particular.

There are also historical and synchronous grammar. The first deals with the study of the language, comparing the various historical milestones of its development, focusing on changes over time in grammatical structures and forms. Synchronous grammar, which is also called descriptive grammar, pays more attention to learning the language at the current stage of development. Both branches of science study the grammatical structure of the language in the historical or synchronous paradigm. The origins of this division and the science of grammar in general date back to the most ancient times of the prehistoric era.
The science of grammar is a complex of interrelated disciplines that are focused on creating universal language rules. This helps to avoiddiscrepancies in the formation of various speech structures, for example, when you need to make a sentence with a phrase consisting of several parts of speech, and in many other cases.