The grammatical structure of speech is the interaction of words with each other in phrases and sentences. It combines morphemic, syntax and word formation. Its formation in children occurs due to the imitation of the speech of adults. Normally, the grammatical structure of the child develops without anyone's help. Often there is a violation of this process. Our article provides information that will allow you to find out how the formation of the grammatical structure of speech in children occurs.
General information about grammar structure
Grammar is a discipline that studies the structure of a language and its laws. Thanks to her, speech becomes formed and understandable to everyone around. K. D. Ushinsky believed that grammar is the logic of the language. The intellect is also formed in preschoolers who master it.
The grammatical structure of speech is an object that has been formed over many years. The basis for its study is the knowledge of relationships and the surrounding reality. However, at first, the child's speech is formless in terms of syntax.

It is important for parents to promote the development of the grammatical (syntactic) structure of children's speech. Otherwise, the child may experience dysgraphia (violation of written language). For prevention, it is necessary to use various methods and ensure that children develop comprehensively.
In the assimilation of the grammatical means of the language, stages can be distinguished:
- understanding the meaning of what was heard;
- borrowing words from the speech of adults and peers;
- formation of other words by analogy with already known ones;
- assessment of the correct construction of speech.
The sequence of development of the syntactic structure of speech
Children learn grammar gradually. This is due to the age characteristics and complexities of the Russian language system. The grammatical structure is fully formed in a child by the age of 8.

In the work on the development of the grammatical system, the following stages are present:
- error correction;
- perfection of the syntactic aspect of speech;
- development of interest in the native language;
- control over the correct speech of others.
Stages in the development of children's speech
Parents and educators shouldto promote the development of the morphological system of the Russian language. It is important that the child understands how to decline correctly. It is also necessary to help master the syntax features.
In younger and middle age, special attention is paid to morphological features. The grammatical structure of speech in preschoolers at this stage is just beginning to take shape. At this point, you will need to help the child understand how word formation occurs with the help of suffixes, prefixes and endings.

In elementary school age, syntax is improved and complicated. At this stage, the child must find and correct errors in his speech.
Problems in the formation of the grammatical system in preschool children with OHP
It's no secret that the correct development of spoken and written speech plays an important role in the life of every person. Thanks to the grammatical structure, each of us can understand what others are saying.
The speech of a child is closely related to his mental and physical development. That is why it is important to pay attention to the presence of various violations in a timely manner and get rid of them. An examination of the grammatical structure of speech in children proves that its formation occurs in a strict sequence.
General underdevelopment of speech is a disorder in which a child has a variety of complex speech disorders. There are three types of this deviation:
- 1st stage. Characterized by a complete lack of speech.
- 2nd stage. In this case, there is speech. There are no gestures and babbling words. There are distortions in the sound and syllabic structure.
- 3rd stage. In this case, phonetic-phonemic and lexical-syntactic underdevelopment is observed.
The grammatical structure of the speech of preschool children with OHP is formed slowly. They have disharmony of linguistic components, as well as morphological and syntactic systems. Experts say that such children have instability and a rapid loss of attention. They, unlike their peers, have reduced auditory memory and memorization efficiency.
Correctional work with children with ONR is to develop syntactic structure. It causes the most problems in such preschoolers. For the correction to be effective, the child must understand what role the morpheme plays.
Children with a general speech disorder have difficulty in choosing and combining grammatical means. It is explained by the incompleteness of some language operations.

Dysgraphia with unformed grammatical speech
The grammatical structure of speech is the interaction of language units with each other. Parents and teachers should carefully monitor its development in children. In the event of violations, it is imperative to contact a specialist to prevent more serious consequences.
Dysgraphia may occur in case of slow development of the syntactic structure. This disease is characterized by the inability to master the letter withhaving a sufficient level of intelligence. Violation of grammatical agreement is one of the symptoms of deviation. It is important that parents do not scold the child for mistakes, but first of all try to figure out what is causing them. Perhaps the child has a violation, the correction of which should be carried out by a specialist.
Agrammatic dysgraphia is due to the incompleteness of the lexical-syntactic structure of speech. In this case, it is difficult for the child to establish the sequence of words in a sentence. Often there are syntactic violations in which children miss significant members of the sentence. In the presence of these symptoms, any highly qualified specialist diagnoses that the development of the grammatical structure of speech is slow. This is possible if you do not want to study or if there are violations.
Development of vocabulary and syntactic structure
Specialists identify two types of vocabulary acquisition - qualitative and quantitative. They are closely interconnected. The quantitative increase in vocabulary is due to the world around the child. Its replenishment is connected with the speech of adults and peers. It is known that today a child of three years old has about 3 thousand words in his vocabulary.

The accumulated words cannot by themselves serve as a means of cognition and communication. An important role is played by the formation of the grammatical structure of speech. For communication and cognition, the child needs to correctly build sentences andphrases using basic grammar.
With age, the child gradually begins to acquire the semantic meaning of the words that are in his stock. At first, there may be errors in the use of roots, prefixes and suffixes.
By about three years old, the formation of the grammatical structure of children's speech takes place. They begin to understand the main patterns of constructing sentences and phrases. At this age, the child declines words according to cases and numbers. He can construct simple and complex sentences. The vocabulary is gradually increasing. At this stage, it is important to give the child enough attention and use educational games.
The grammatical structure of speech of the senior preschool group is gradually improving. Children learn types of declensions and conjugations, forms of alternating sounds and methods of word formation. At this stage, the volume of the child's vocabulary plays an important role. At the age of 4-5, children can deliberately use them, and thanks to the grammatical structure, modify them.
Modern methods of syntactic structure formation
The development of the grammatical structure is an important stage in the full-fledged speech and psychological development. Schools today place high demands on future students. This is due to the fact that recently there has been a significant complication of the school curriculum.
Modern work on the formation of basic grammar contains the following categories:
- inflation;
- derivation;
- coordination;
- formationsentences and phrases.
With all the listed basics, the child should be familiar with at preschool age. Formation work should be carried out systematically. Parents play a huge role in this process.

Methods for the formation of grammatical speech
The methods by which grammatical speech is formed include didactic games, dramatization games, word-formation exercises and their modification, as well as retelling of short stories.
The first two options are used when teaching children of primary and secondary preschool age. Exercises are effective in the formation of grammatical speech in a child of 4-6 years old. However, modern manuals offer tasks for all age groups.

Techniques used to form grammatical speech
Pedagogical techniques that are used to form grammatical speech are varied. They are determined by the content, the level of unusualness of the material, the speech characteristics of children and their age. The main techniques for teaching grammar skills can be called:
- example;
- explanation;
- matching;
- resuming.
Thanks to them, you can eliminate the occurrence of possible errors in the construction of sentences and demonstrate the correct constructions to the child.
Didactic games
Recently, didactic games have been especially populargrammatical structure of speech. This is an effective tool for strengthening existing skills. Often, a ball is used in didactic games. In this case, the adult should pass it to the child and name some object, for example, "table". A preschooler needs to name the same object, but in a diminutive form - "table", etc.
An effective game is also in which the child must draw an object on a piece of paper, and then explain what exactly he drew (object, quantity, size, color).
Summing up
The grammatical structure of speech is the connection that exists between phrases and sentences. It is thanks to him that a person can communicate with other people. It is important to monitor the correctness of the grammatical structure from an early age. Any violations may indicate possible deviations in the development of the child.
If there are errors that are not related to ignorance of the rules, it is important to contact a speech therapist in a timely manner. Preschoolers often use didactic games to form the grammatical structure. This method is one of the most effective.