Universities in Omsk: list, rating, passing scores, faculties and student reviews

Universities in Omsk: list, rating, passing scores, faculties and student reviews
Universities in Omsk: list, rating, passing scores, faculties and student reviews

The list of universities in Omsk is quite large. We will try to consider the largest universities in the region. Most of the universities in Omsk were established at the beginning of the 20th century and reorganized into universities at the beginning of the 21st century. Each university presents a wide variety of educational programs, in almost every one you can find a faculty of economics. Most universities in the region are included in the list of 100 best higher education institutions in Russia according to the latest education quality ratings.

1st place - Omsk state. medical university

The medical state university in Omsk was founded in 1920. It occupies a leading position in the ranking of medical universities in Siberia. During the existence of the medical university, more than 40,000 qualified medical employees were graduated. More than 350 graduates became doctors of sciences, more than 1600 people became candidates of medical and biologicalSciences. Every year, Omsk State Medical University graduates more than 8,000 qualified specialists.


The university graduates specialists in the following areas:

  • pharmacy;
  • pediatrics;
  • medical business, and others.

Passing scores at Omsk State Medical University

The full list of passing points to Omsk University is presented on the official website of Omsk State Medical University. There you can see how the passing scores have changed depending on the year, on the number of applications submitted. Passing scores for the direction "Medical and preventive work" last year were fixed at the following level:

  • from 180 points for budget base;
  • from 132 points for contract basis.

At the same time, 80 places were allocated this year at the expense of payment from the federal budget. 25 paid places were allocated. The cost of training under the contract will be 113,000 rubles per year. The cost is fixed for the entire duration of the contract between the student and the university.

Medical students. university
Medical students. university

The most difficult thing at Omsk State Medical University last year was to enter a free place in the Dentistry training profile. The average passing score reached a value of more than 94. In other words, in all three exams, the applicant should have practically made no mistakes. But on a paid basis, low scores were required: only 150 in the sum of three exams. At the same time, the number of free places is 15, and paid more than 100. The cost of education will be more than 153,000 rubles a year.

Omsk State Medical University reviews

Analyzing student feedback, we can conclude that the university is trying to createcomfortable conditions for teaching students. Each group has no more than 10-15 students, which allows teachers to focus on an individual approach. Most of the graduates of the speci alty are returning to Omsk State Medical University for residency programs. In every hospital in Omsk, you can find graduates of Omsk State Medical University, who today are honored doctors, chief doctors of medical institutions.

2nd place - Omsk state. Technical University

The number of faculties of the technical university of Omsk includes:

  • radio engineering;
  • Faculty of Information Technology and Comp. systems;
  • humanities education;
  • Faculty of Transport, Oil and Gas, and others.
Technical University
Technical University

The Faculty of Radio Engineering trains students in the following areas:

  • radio engineering;
  • instrumentation;
  • inf. technologies and communication systems, and others.

Institutions of the university include:

  • life safety;
  • petrochemical;
  • military technical education;
  • energy.

Passing scores at OmSTU

The passing score to the university in Omsk for the educational program "Secure Systems and Communications" was fixed at the following level in 2017:

more than 123 on the budget basis of education

Technical University
Technical University

The number of budget places is only 3. But there is no paid basis in this direction.

For admission to the direction"Design of liquid rocket engines" was required to score more than 41 points in each subject. The number of places paid from the federal budget 25. The contract basis is not provided.

OmSTU reviews

Technical University is quite popular among applicants from Omsk and neighboring cities. This is a consequence of the fact that the diploma of the Omsk Technical University is highly valued in the Russian labor market, university graduates easily get jobs in their speci alty in large Russian and international companies.

3rd place - Siberian state. Automobile and Road University

The number of faculties and institutes of the University of technical orientation includes such as the Faculty of Information Systems in Management, and others.

SIBADI main building
SIBADI main building

The teaching staff of one of the institutes includes more than 7 professors, as well as more than 30 associate professors. Institutes in most cases have separate buildings that fully comply with the latest standards and include laboratories equipped with equipment, a library and classrooms that are comfortable for students and teachers.

Passing score in SibADI

Passing points for the direction "Transport" in 2017 were fixed at the level:

  • values 123 for the budgetary basis of education;
  • values 105 for the contractual basis of training.

The number of budget places is 21, the number of places with tuition fees was 39. The cost of the educational programexceeds 28,000 rubles per year. A complete list of educational programs provided by the university, as well as passing scores, are published on the official website of the educational organization in the section for applicants.

Reviews about SibADI

Is the second most popular technical university in Omsk. Students note the high professionalism of the teaching staff. According to them, teachers emphasize practical skills, which is important in the modern world, when theoretical knowledge can be freely accessed on the Internet.

4th place - Omsk state. Pedagogical University

The Pedagogical University of Omsk with state-funded places was established in 1932. For the first time, an educational institution was opened in the status of an institute. The university received the prestigious status of a university at the end of the 20th century. To date, 8,000 people are being trained within the walls of the OmSPU. The university lecturers include more than 200 candidates of sciences, in addition, lectures are given by doctors of sciences and distinguished professors.

Pedagogical University
Pedagogical University

The Pedagogical University in Omsk implements 18 undergraduate courses, as well as 13 areas of the second stage - magistracy. The average passing score for programs of the 1st stage of higher education is increasing annually, a few years ago it varied in the range of 60 points, and in 2017 it reached 64. At the same time, the university conducts educational programs aimed at preparing applicants for passing the exam, as well as preparing for university internal exams. Detailed information about the courses for preparing for the exam is available onofficial website of the pedagogical university in Omsk.

Passing scores at OmSPU

For admission to the Bioecology program, the applicant needed to score more than:

  • 120 points for the budgetary basis of education;
  • 117 points towards paid tuition.
Pedagogical University
Pedagogical University

There are only 20 free places, and even fewer paid places, only 5. Tuition is 116,000 rubles.

For admission to the educational program "Primary Education" it was required to overcome the threshold of a passing score, which is equal to the value:

  • 156 for budget base;
  • 105 for paid base.

Number of free places 36, paid 45. The cost of education is over 30,000 rubles a year.

OmSPU Reviews

Is the largest pedagogical educational institution in the city. University graduates are invited to work in the leading educational institutions of the region, as well as in Moscow and St. Petersburg, which indicates the high prestige of the university. Most students are happy with their choice of university.
