Complete and non-vowel combinations: examples

Complete and non-vowel combinations: examples
Complete and non-vowel combinations: examples

There is such an alternation in Russian, which is known as full-vowel and non-vowel combinations.

The origin of the phenomenon

This linguistic phenomenon is historical. It is connected with the baptism of Russia. In connection with this historical process, the Church Slavonic language appeared. And words with disagreement are its units. In Russian proper, they correspond to their full-vowel variants. There are such ratios:

  • oro - ra: crow - vran;
  • ere - re: stop - stop;
  • olo-la: canvas-plat;
  • olo - le: full - captivity.
full-vowel and non-vowel combinations
full-vowel and non-vowel combinations


Let's give examples of words in which we can observe full-vowel and non-vowel combinations oro-ra:

  • beard - beard;
  • furrow - rein;
  • the enemy is the enemy;
  • gate - gate;
  • return - rotate;
  • city - city;
  • garden - fence;
  • dear - dearest;
  • sight - pupil;
  • Queen - king;
  • short - short;
  • gloom - darkness;
  • norov - disposition;
  • return - back;
  • gunpowder is dust;
  • he althy - he alth;
  • side - country;
  • mansions - temple;
  • bury - security;
  • good - brave.
  • alternating full-vowel and non-vowel combinations
    alternating full-vowel and non-vowel combinations

Olo – la

In the modern language there are also many words in which there are full-vowel and non-vowel combinations of olo-la:

  • bog - blato;
  • drag - drag;
  • hair - hair;
  • Volodya - Vlad;
  • voice - voice;
  • head - head;
  • hunger - smooth;
  • gold - gold;
  • spike - class;
  • hammer - mlat;
  • young - young;
  • well done baby;
  • lightning - lightning;
  • shell - cloud;
  • m alt is sweet;
  • cold is cold.

Ere – re

Fewer examples where we can see full and non-full vowel combinations ere-re:

  • pregnancy is a burden;
  • vered - harm;
  • mid-Wednesday;
  • revealing is nonsense.
  • a tree is a tree.


And very few words have been preserved in which there is an alternation of full-vowel and non-vowel combinations olo-le:

  • milk is milky;
  • rinse - splash;
  • drags - attracts.

Alternating words that differstyle

Some of the words that have full and non-full vowel combinations, examples of which we will give below, mean the same thing and differ only in that they are used in different styles of speech.

Common words High style words
During the week that dad spent hunting, he grew a beard. His beard was silvered by a series of past years.
Somewhere in the forest a raven croaked. Black Raven already called trouble.
It was terribly cold outside. And the chill of death embraced him.
A swamp began right behind the bushes. Steppes and native open spaces.
Tanya braided her hair. She does not tear Vlasov on her head, but silently accepts grief.
The blacksmith was wielding a hammer. Mlat of fate descends to the long-suffering land.
The gates were locked at night. And the gates of heaven will open before you.
Grandfather mined gold in the mines of Siberia. I don't need gold or silver!
Crops in the fields have already begun to grow. On arable land already heavy classes tend to the valley.
Lightning struck the oak outside the outskirts. His lightning struck forsins.
When grandfather was young, our country was called the Soviet Union. From a young age he was taught to love his Motherland.
Kolka barely dragged his feet from fatigue. And somehow his days in exile dragged on.
Our city is relatively young. The city of Petrov stands and will stand on the banks of the Neva River.

Alternating words with different meanings

Some words that contain full and non-full vowel combinations (voiced and vowel, for example) have different lexical meanings.

full-vowel and non-vowel combinations examples
full-vowel and non-vowel combinations examples

"Voicious" - having a loud and beautiful voice. The word "vowel" has nothing to do with the beauty of sound. It denotes the sound of speech.

Or take the words head and head. The first names a part of a living organism, and the second most often denotes the position of a person in charge of a locality.

Let's give more examples of words in which there are full-vowel and non-vowel combinations: cloud and shell. One floats in the sky, while the other serves as a cover for something.

The words well done and the baby have the opposite meaning: "a full of strength man" and "a helpless child".

Queen and henchman - of course, a controversial case, but the difference in meaning is still obvious. The first of them calls a female person crowned for autocratic power, and the other is an arrogant,self-aware person.

The words mansion and temple have a difference in that one of them means the dwelling of a rich, but still an ordinary person, and the other is the house of God.

full-vowel and non-vowel combinations cloud
full-vowel and non-vowel combinations cloud

Darkness and darkness also have different meanings: the first is darkness, and the second is a partial loss of the ability to reason sensibly.

In the words gunpowder and dust, it seems that there is not even a hint of a common root. One is a substance that can explode, and the other is decay, dust. Although you can still guess that the proximity of the meanings of these words is that both conjure up in our imagination the image of a small bulk substance.

The middle is the place equidistant from the beginning and the end, and Wednesday is the day of the week or the environment.

The word garden has the following meaning: a place for planting cultivated plants, and a fence is a fence around the site.

Short /short - these alternating units also differ in semantics: the full-vowel option means extension in space, and the non-vowel one means in time.

Outdated words

Some of the words in which there are full-vowel and non-vowel combinations of letters differ in the degree of active use in Russian. Here are some examples.

From active vocabulary Obsolete, rarely used
Burden Pregnancy
Tree Tree
Wet Woggy
Return Go back
Swamp Blato
Harm Vered
Enemy Enemy
Brave Good
Power Volost

Words from the right column can only be found in historical works.

Working with text

We already know what words are, in which there are full-vowel and non-vowel combinations of letters. It will be interesting to apply this knowledge in practice. Read the text.

full-vowel and non-vowel combinations of letters
full-vowel and non-vowel combinations of letters

Oleg was the first of the Rurik dynasty, who became the prince of Kyiv. He subjugated all the Slavic tribes to his power and transferred the capital from Novgorod to Kyiv. In the nine hundred and seventh year, he undertook a successful campaign against Constantinople (Constantinople). The defeated Byzantines agreed to a large ransom and concluded an agreement with Oleg, according to which Russian merchants were allowed duty-free trade throughout Byzantium.

In honor of his victory, Prince Oleg left a sign on the gates of Constantinople - his shield. When he returned to Kyiv, the subjects greeted him with jubilation, "… marveling at courage, intelligence and we alth", proclaimed him Prophetic.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, having familiarized himself with the chronicle source, created his original work on its basis"The Song of the Prophetic Oleg", in which he artistically rethought the plot. At the heart of Pushkin's idea, Oleg, being a great commander, remains by nature an ordinary person, inclined to believe in predictions, afraid of death. He is opposed by a truly great man - a sorcerer, endowed with the ability to tell the truth, penetrating with his inner eye into the most hidden depths of human destinies. This gift, according to Pushkin, is given only to the elect, truly free and independent individuals.

full-vowel and non-vowel combinations
full-vowel and non-vowel combinations

Let's find in the text words with disagreement and full agreement, write them down and match them with a pair.


  • power - volost;
  • Novgorod-Tsargrad;
  • agreed – vote;
  • gates - gates;
  • returned - returned;
  • exclaimed - voted;
  • magician - Volohv;
  • eye-pupil.
