For ten years already, Russia has been participating in the Bologna process, which is focused on the harmonious convergence of higher education systems in European countries. After the signing of the Bologna Declaration in Russia, the system of higher education was reformed and a gradual, measured transition to a two-level system took place. Bachelor's and Master's are the two levels that now make up the higher education system.

In Russia, bachelor's and master's programs correspond to generally accepted education systems in Europe, which undoubtedly raises the value of diplomas from Russian higher educational institutions in terms of employment both in Russia and abroad. In addition, a bachelor can apply for a master's degree in a different profile, in another university, in another country. This is not against the rules and is quite welcome, as is admission to a master's program after gaining work experience.
The opinion that a bachelor's degree in Russia is an incomplete higher education is considered incorrect. Both bachelor's and master's degrees are complete higher education, differences arise when applying for serious responsible positions. So, for example, for administrative work without special responsibilityboth bachelor's and master's degrees are welcome. And in the case of industrial work and high responsibility, preference will be given, rather, to the master. However, the master's degree in law in Russia graduates those personnel whose qualification level allows them to be hired as a judge or prosecutor, in contrast to the law bachelor's degree, and this plays a certain role in the eyes of students - now they are educated in accordance with their plans and ambitions.

Of course, this situation occurs not only in the training of personnel in jurisprudence, it is a common practice. The fundamental level of training without a narrow specialization is the bachelor's degree, and the master's degree is available only to bachelors, and postgraduate studies are only available to masters.
After the division of the higher education system into stages, employers have questions about the qualifications of applicants, but in most cases everything is decided by the experience and personal qualities of yesterday's students. It is important to understand the line between bachelor, master and specialist - everyone is a professional, everyone has a higher education. But a bachelor after graduation is a theoretician without highly specialized knowledge (but with a specialized education), a master after graduation is a theorist with a decent baggage of highly specialized knowledge. A specialist leaves the university as a good practitioner with the necessary highly specialized knowledge, skills and abilities.

It is also impossible not to note the fact that after the adoption of the Bolognadeclaration reduced the minimum time for higher education. You can become a bachelor after completing four years of study, which means that you can study at the master's program in parallel with work in your speci alty.