Scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation are a means of material support for certain categories of university students, a form that distinguishes the special merits of students and graduate students, which should stimulate their further scientific interest.
History of the institution
Scholarships on behalf of the President of Russia begin their history in April 1993. Then B. Yeltsin issued decree No. 433 "On measures of state support for students and graduate students."

In accordance with the provisions of this legislative document, quotas for scholarships were introduced:
- for students of Russian universities - 700;
- postgraduate students - 300;
- for Russians studying abroad: 40 for students and 60 for graduate students.
The Decree of the President of the Russian Federation also outlined the terms for payments. For students, they were designed for a year. The President's Postgraduate Scholarship is set for three years.
If a student becomes a citizen of another country, then the payment of support to him stops. It also ceases to be issued at the conclusion of the academic council of the university.
The amount of presidentialscholarships have been steadily increasing since 1993, based on inflation and other circumstances.
The practice laid down by the Decree of the President on Scholarships, which outlined the foundations of state assistance to students, subsequently became more profound. University students and promising young scientists who are engaged in serious scientific research, financial assistance from the state has been significantly expanded.
Who is worthy of a presidential scholarship
The Scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation is paid to a certain circle of persons selectively (for specified merits), namely:
- Persons studying full-time at the budgetary department, who passed the exams in more than half of the disciplines in a row with excellent marks in two sessions.
- Those who have documentary evidence of achievements in the study of specializations.
- Persons who are winners of scientific reviews, competitions, olympiads, having publications in the media, with their own inventions, discoveries.
- Those who have established high competence, the desire to study subjects who have shown erudition. They have advantages when considering documents for their selection as applicants for the scholarship of the President of Russia.

It is worth noting that the first two points are mandatory conditions when considering candidates for the specified payment.
Varieties of charges
Currently, there are three types of scholarships of the President of Russia, which depend onthe level of qualification of applicants, as well as the availability of academic degrees. The following categories receive payouts:
- Young specialists in scientific fields, as well as graduate students who conduct research and carry out developments in areas of science and practice that are important for Russia. These include genetic engineering, mechanical engineering, robotics, astronautics, etc.
- Students and graduate students with significant results in their studies, studying in areas that are related to the economic modernization of the country.
- Representatives of students and graduate students who have particularly distinguished themselves in the process of study and in scientific research, who have advanced scientific developments, hypotheses, information about which is posted in the media.
Requirements for applicants
The first variety can count on postgraduate students, scientists who are under 35 years old. They must also meet the following criteria:
- these are citizens of the Russian Federation;
- have publications in well-known journals;
- they created innovative technical solutions, industrial designs, other objects that are registered in the appropriate order;
- persons who study full-time or graduate students teaching at Russian universities.

Persons who study full-time, and their areas of study correspond to the list indicated in the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 6, 2015 No. 7-r, can count on the second type of Presidential scholarship. In particular to suchdestinations include:
- robotics;
- laser technology;
- thermal physics;
- chemical technology;
- cosmonautics and rocket systems;
- nanoengineering;
- hydroaerodynamics and ballistics;
- refrigeration;
- life support systems, etc.
The third type of scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation can count on students and graduate students who have become winners of international and Russian scientific competitions. As well as those who have made more than two inventions, both independently and as a member of a research team.
Fellow selection process
At the end of the academic year, the academic council of the university, which includes the administrative building and teaching staff, determines the list of candidates based on the results of exams and other activities of students.

Next, a set of documents is prepared for each applicant.
Agreed and approved by the rector of the university, the list of applicants is sent to the department, which is responsible for checking documents and selecting the most suitable candidates. He also decides to include them in the final list of scholarship holders.
The generated list is sent before August 1 to the relevant committee of the Ministry of Education and Science. Subsequently, the next selection of candidates is carried out, and the winners are determined by voting.
Particularly outstanding students who study abroad are included in the listcandidates by agreement with the Ministry of Education and the Interdepartmental Council for Cooperation between Peoples.
Non-state universities that have state registration, the list of their candidates for the scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation is sent directly to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.
List of applicant's documents
A specific list of documents is submitted for an applicant for a scholarship at the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation:
- decision of the academic council of the university (extract) that the candidate is worthy of receiving a scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation (it must contain the necessary established data of the student);
- characteristics of the applicant applying for payments;
- data on scientific articles (works) published by the candidate;
- copies of documents that indicate that the applicant participated and won at the Olympiads, in competitions (copies of diplomas, certificates, other documents);
- data confirming the applicant's authorship for inventions, discoveries;
- reference materials about the results of the candidate's exams.

Procedure for consideration of applicants studying abroad
Such persons participate in an open competition. Based on its results, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia makes a decision to include the candidate in the applicants for the presidential scholarship. These people must be citizens of the Russian Federation.
Information about this competition, its results is communicated to the public through the media, as well as in publications on the sitePresidential Grants Council.
Terms, scholarship amounts for 2018-2019
The deadlines for the appointment of a presidential scholarship are established by the relevant regulatory document. So, for undergraduate and graduate students, this is the period from September to August of the next year. For young scientists - from January to December of the current year.
The size of the scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation depends on the allocated budget funds and on the extent to which the need for specialists in a particular field of science and industry is urgent. Those who receive it are eligible for an internship in Sweden, Germany or France.

For the period 2018-2019 The following amounts of the presidential scholarship are established:
- for young specialists in scientific fields - 22,800 rubles;
- undergraduates and graduate students with significant results in their studies - 7,000 and 14,000 rubles, respectively;
- representatives of students and graduate students who have particularly distinguished themselves in the process of study - 2200 rubles and 4500 rubles, respectively.
The article discusses the procedure for awarding a scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation.