What are asteroids and what is known about them?

What are asteroids and what is known about them?
What are asteroids and what is known about them?

What are asteroids? First of all, I would like to say that this is the name of stony solid bodies that move along circumsolar orbits of an elliptical shape like planets. However, space asteroids are much smaller than, in fact, the planets themselves. Their diameter is roughly in the following range: from several tens of meters to thousands of kilometers.

What are asteroids
What are asteroids

When asking what asteroids are, a person involuntarily thinks about where this term came from, what it means. It translates as “starlike”, and was introduced in the 18th century by an astronomer named William Herschel.

Comets and asteroids can be seen as point sources of a certain light, more or less bright. Although in the visible range, these celestial bodies do not emit anything - they only reflect the sunlight that falls on them. It should be noted that comets are different from asteroids. The first is their different appearance. The comet is easily recognizable by its brightly glowing nucleus and tail that comes from it.

Most of the asteroids that are known to astronomers today move between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars at a distance of about 2.2-3.2 AU. e. (that is, astronomical units) from the Sun. To date, scientists have discovered about 20,000 asteroids. Only 50% of them are registered. What are registered asteroids? These are celestial bodies that have been assigned numbers, and sometimes even their own names. Their orbits are calculated with very high accuracy. It should be noted that these celestial bodies usually have the names given to them by their discoverers. Names for asteroids are taken, as a rule, from ancient Greek mythology.

Comets and asteroids
Comets and asteroids

In general, from the above definition it becomes clear what asteroids are. However, what else is characteristic of them?

As a result of observations carried out for these celestial bodies through a telescope, an interesting fact was discovered. The brightness of a large number of asteroids can change, and in a very short time - it takes several days, or even several hours. Scientists have long suggested that these changes in the brightness of asteroids are associated with their rotation. It should be noted that they are caused - in the very first place - by their irregular forms. And the first photographs on which these celestial bodies were captured (pictures taken using spacecraft) confirmed this theory, and also showed the following: the surfaces of asteroids are completely pitted with deep craters and funnels of various sizes.

space asteroids
space asteroids

The largest asteroid discovered in our solar system was previously considered the celestial body Ceres, whose dimensions were about 975 x 909 kilometers. But since 2006 she gotother status. And it became known as a dwarf planet. And the other two large asteroids (under the names of Pallas and Vesta) have a diameter of 500 kilometers! Another interesting fact should also be noted. The fact is that Vesta is the only asteroid that can actually be observed with the naked eye.
