Khan Akhmat is considered the last ruler on whom the Russian princes depended. His policy was aimed at the unification of the Tatar states. In his desire to establish supremacy in the territory previously owned by the Great Horde, he achieved significant success. Beklerbek Timur (Edigey's grandson) played a key role in the ruler's administration.

Eastern Policy
The territories that were once owned by the Great Horde have gained independence. In all likelihood, the main goal of the eastern policy of the last ruler was the restoration of his power over Khorezm. Khan Akhmat claimed the land for at least two reasons. First of all, he sought to unite the territory under his rule. In addition, according to ancient testimonies, the eastern lands were the dowry of the sister of Husain Baykara (descendant of Timur) - his wife Badi-al-Jamal. In this situation, the interests of Akhmat contradicted the policy of Abu-l-Khair. The latter was at that time a powerful Uzbek ruler from the Shibanid clan. Khan Akhmat did not dare to conflict with him. So he justwaited for his death in 1468. Abu-l-Khair was distinguished by cruelty and dominance. This caused a negative attitude towards him and his descendants from both neighbors and the Uzbek nobility. Representatives of the latter brought Yadgar Khan to power, with whom Akhmat made an alliance. In 1469, the new Uzbek ruler died, and power was in the hands of the son of Abu-l-Khayr, Shaikh-Khaidar. However, a powerful opposition formed against him. As a result, in 1470-1471. Sheikh Haydar lost most of his possessions. Some time later, the Siberian ruler Ibak took him by surprise and killed him. Khan Akhmat concluded a peace agreement with the opponents of Sheikh-Khaidar, married the sister of the Nogai rulers Yamgurchi and Musa. In addition, it is likely that he also obtained from them a promise not to interfere in his actions to capture Khorezm. But the plans were thwarted by the death of his brother in the Volga region.

Independence of Crimea
Dead brother left Akhmat a lot of problems. One of them was the independence of the Crimea. The peninsula was once the goal of the Great Horde. In 1476, the ruler decides to intervene in the situation in the Crimea. In 1475 Khaidar and Nur-Devlet overthrew their brother Mengli Giray. The latter sought refuge in Cafe (Feodosia), by that time already captured by the Turks. In 1467, Khadzhike, a contemporary of Khan Akhmat, did not get along with his brother and called on the Tatar ruler. He, taking advantage of the situation, put his nephew Dzhanibek on the throne in the Crimea. Having strengthened his position, Khan Akhmat began to believe that the former power of the Tatar-Mongolian state was restored.

Relations with Russia
The first campaign of Khan Akhmat, judging by the ancient chronicles, took place as early as 1460. Then the ruler sent his army to Pereslavl Ryazan. The ruler sought to restore the real dependence of Russia. However, he did not have enough strength for this. In 1468, the Tatars raided the Besputa region (the right bank of the Oka) and the Ryazan principality. In 1471, Akhmat accepted an offer from Casimir IV (the Polish-Lithuanian king) to conclude a military alliance against Ivan III, who stopped paying tribute. In July 1472, an unsuccessful raid on Moscow took place. During it, the Tatar ruler only managed to burn Aleksin. At this time, a detachment of Muhammad Sheibani (Uzbek Khan) attacked the uluses of Akhmat. Therefore, the Tatars had to retreat.

Venice participation
This state carried out active diplomatic actions against the Tatar Khan. Venice's policy was aimed at finding a major ally with which to stop Mehmed II, the Turkish ruler. In 1470, the adventurer Giovanni Battista della Volpe (diplomat Ivan Fryazin, who was in the Russian service, was a native of Italy), spoke before the Senate. In his report, he indicated that Akhmat could provide 200,000 soldiers. In 1471, Giovanni Battista Trevisano was sent to the Tatar ruler. However, he was detained for 3 years in Moscow. During this time, Volpe once again visited Akhmat. In 1472, he reported to the Senate about his readiness to start a war with the Turks through the territory of Hungary, subject to a lump sum payment6,000 ducats and an annual payment of 1,000 ducats. In 1476 Trevisiano returned to Venice with ambassadors from Akhmat. The Senate adopted a proposal to start hostilities across the Danube. However, Casimir opposed the campaign.

Khan Akhmat and Ivan 3
Over the next few years, despite the fact that a regular exchange of embassies was established, the Tatar ruler could not get Moscow to restore tribute payments. Moreover, he failed to prevent the formation of the Moscow-Crimean alliance with Mengli Giray. Back in 1467, after the invasion and capture of the peninsula, Akhmat sent Ambassador Buchuk to Moscow. The ruler demanded not only the resumption of the payment of tribute, but also insisted on the arrival of the Russian prince to him. At that time, the situation was extremely unfavorable for Ivan III. In this regard, as some sources testify, he showed prudence and friendly disposition. It is even probable that he paid tribute. But in 1479 the situation changed. Ivan III managed to subdue Novgorod, and Akhmat lost his influence in the Crimea. That is why the next ambassadors in Moscow were received with demonstratively hostility. The Russian ruler tore up the letter that Khan Akhmat had previously issued. 1480 was the last year of the latter's reign. Casimir IV promised to help the Tatar ruler. Enlisting his support, Akhmat decides to make a large-scale invasion of Moscow lands. However, it ended extremely unsuccessfully.

Standing on the Eel (1480)
30 SeptemberThe prince of Moscow returned from Kolomna to a council with the boyars and the metropolitan. As a result, he received unanimous approval to speak out against the Tatar-Mongols. On the same days, ambassadors from Boris Volotsky and Andrei Bolshoi came to the prince, declaring the end of the rebellion. The Russian ruler granted them forgiveness and ordered them to gather regiments and go to the Oka. On October 3, Ivan headed for the city of Kremenets. Leaving a small detachment with him, he sent most of the troops to the Ugra. The Tatars, meanwhile, ravaged the lands along the upper reaches of the Oka. Having captured the cities here, they intended to exclude an attack from the rear. On October 8, the Tatar ruler tried to force the river. Ugra. However, the forces of the Russian prince repelled the attack. Over the next few days, the Tatars tried several times to cross to the other side. But every time they were stopped by Russian artillery. As a result, they had to retreat 2 versts and stand in Luz. The Russian prince took up defense on the opposite bank. Thus began the "standing on the Ugra" in 1480. From time to time a skirmish began, but neither side made a serious attack.

End of confrontation
Negotiations have begun between the parties. The Tatar Khan demanded that the Russian prince or his son (or at least his brother) appear to him, expressing humility, and bring tribute for 7 years. Ivan sent Ivan Tovarkov, a boyar's son, as an ambassador with gifts. At the same time, the demand to pay tribute was rejected. Accordingly, the gifts of the Russian prince were not accepted. It is likely that Ivan went to negotiations in order toto buy time. The situation began to change in his favor - reinforcements from Boris Volotsky and Andrei Bolshoi were expected. In addition, Mengli Giray fulfilled his promise and attacked the southern territories of the Principality of Lithuania. Akhmat was thus deprived of any hope of Casimir's help.
The maneuver of the Russian prince
The Tatar ruler mobilized all the inhabitants of his state and did not leave any combat-ready troops. Ivan sent a small detachment led by Vasily Nozdrevaty to the possession of Akhmat. On October 28, the Russian prince decides to withdraw his troops to Kremenets, in order to then concentrate at Borovsk. Here he planned to fight in a favorable environment. Akhmat, in turn, learned that a detachment of Nozdrevaty was operating in his possessions. Due to the long stay in one place, the Tatar army began to lack provisions. The fact is that they ate the sheep they led. After a long standing, all the food supplies ran out. Therefore, on November 11, Akhmat decides to return to his possessions. After returning some time later, he was killed in a surprise attack by his former allies.