The history of mankind is made by men and women equally. Only their roles are different. Women most often act as gray and black cardinals, while men are heroic and beat their chests. Therefore, there are more of them and fell into the annals of history. The great women in the history of mankind are, in principle, all the women who lived, live and will live. And this is not a compliment, but a simple statement of fact.
Women's beauty is a formidable weapon
Thinking about the greatness of famous ladies, subconsciously we are convinced that they were fatal beauties. This is where the well-known phrase that beauty will save the world comes to mind. Unfortunately, not everyone knows the continuation of the popular expression. But what follows is an explanation: “… if she is kind!” It would seem that only three words, and the meaning immediately becomes different. However, there is no particular contradiction in it, we understand that a woman combines two complete opposites in herself, this is the horror and danger of female beauty. thousandsexamples convince mankind that the earthly beauty of a woman, completely devoid of a spiritual beginning, is often mistaken for true beauty and carries death in itself. In fairness, it is worth noting that not all great women who left a significant mark on the history of mankind were beautiful. However, each of them has its own special story of life, love, which have been preserved for centuries, overgrown with incredible legends. This is their greatness.
Possessing amazing fortitude, they were not afraid to be ahead of time, boldly went beyond the morality of their century. The list of majestic persons is endless: Sappho, Cleopatra, Catherine II, George Sand, Nefertiti, Margaret Thatcher, Joan of Arc, Vanga, Camille Claudel, Princess Olga, Murasaki Shikibu. Probably, we will not sin against the truth if we dare to say that these are the greatest women in history. After all, each of them can rightfully be considered as a symbol of its era, its time.

On parity terms with some margin in favor of women
called telegony. But that is not all. The character of a person is formed mainly up to the age of 5, and then it practically does not change. So the influence of a woman on all men is such that they can all be called sissies without anyexaggeration.
Like a she-wolf who can restore a wolf tribe in seven generations of mating with dogs, so one woman is capable of more in history than one man. The exploits of real Achilles, Hectors and Samsons are the sum of the deeds of men. A woman, on her own, can turn the tide of history.
Famous women in historical chronicles are less common, not because there were fewer of them, but because their role is deeper. They carefully and thoughtfully prepared those turns of history, which then, as if on a whim, were made by men.
Olympias is the mother of Alexander the Great

Her name is not on the Great Women of History list. Probably due to the fact that Greek culture became the basis of modern European. But the Olympics influenced the course of historical events much more than the great Aristotle.
She gave birth to Alexander, forged his character. The future legendary commander absorbed the Greek worldview with his mother's milk. The Olympics found him teachers who trained his body, teachers (including Aristotle) who honed his mind, and, finally, friends who became his associates. So who made the real story? However, the Olympics didn't even make it into the Famous Women in History category.
Macedonia was a strong state with its original and equal Greek culture. But who now studies it thoroughly (except for a handful of philosophy lovers)? Yes, and they only know that there was once a certain religious and philosophical trend, named inhonor of Orpheus, and three or four postulates from him. But even Archimedes and Pythagoras were Orphics. Philip, Alexander's father, raised his deadly sword over Greek culture and lifestyle. And it seemed that her death could not be averted. But the woman managed to find ways that turned the winners into losers, with their own great consent.

Another name of a great woman in the history of the world who accomplished a kind of feat. It is in honor of Esther that Jews around the world have been celebrating Purim for more than 3,000 years. Her name is inscribed in the Bible and therefore only survived to this day.
When financial and military elites clashed for power in ancient Persia, Esther stood up for the financial side, most of which consisted of Jews of her own blood. Then the scales tipped in their favor, and the Jews won the coveted victory.
Many of the Jewish husbands contributed to the struggle for this victory, but even Mordechai was not honored with the memory of the entire Jewish people, which was given to Esther. But she was just the wife of the king of Persia. But she had such an influence on his decisions that the outcome of the battle was predetermined.
Many have heard about this brave and warlike tribe. But they are not called great. And it's not even that their names are not preserved in the annals. It’s just that in direct, open, confrontation on the battlefields, they were inferior to men. So, their queen could not withstand the onslaught of Achilles and died heroically at his hand. This is easily explained: they engaged in unusual womendeed.
That's why history crossed them out of their lists. The resilience of a woman in the heat of bloody battles is inferior to the resilience of men, but in ordinary everyday life they are an order of magnitude higher than the latter. Many heroes, not finding a use for their powers, took to drink, fell down, rushed, as if into a pool of head, into all serious. But with women, this happens much less often. They have a powerful and great inner moral core.

Mary and Khadija
Quite common - each in their own culture - names. They have little to say to most people. But these are the names of great women!
One has only to mention that they mean the mother of Christ and the wife of Mohammed, as it immediately becomes clear why these persons are so significant.

Although their role in the affairs of both founders of world religions is huge, but even they are not such an authority for many. Little is known about the Mother of God of history. About Khadija - a little more.
So, Holy Virgin and Jesus. As a mother (who, by the way, gave birth to a son miraculously from the Holy Spirit), Mary could not help but transfer 100% of her genetic information to him. In fact, the Savior should be, as it were, the Mother of God in a male body. Complicated? Perhaps, but you can't do anything. In addition, Mary had a great moral influence on her firstborn. She was present at his death, and was among the elect who met Jesus resurrected.
According to legend, before her ascension to heaven, Mary lived under John the Theologian. When the angels of heaven began to visit him in visions, and then the Savior himself, John wanted to abandon his mission. But it was the Mother of God who kept him from this step. That is, again, here it can be seen how a woman in the history of mankind directs a man, and he is already doing significant things and glorifying himself with feats.
Muse of the Prophet
Khadijah's guiding role in the life of the prophet is much clearer. It was she who took the initiative to marry him. She saw in time what potential was hidden in a twenty-five-year-old young man. She was the first, like no one else, to appreciate the prophecies of Mohammed. And, quite likely, the prophet would never have embarked on the risky path of asceticism without the moral and material support of his unforgettable first wife. For this, she (according to legend) went to heaven with the help of the archangel Jabrail, although according to Islamic teachings, women do not have a soul.
Role in history is not measured by fame
Wide fame is far from the most accurate indicator of the role that a person plays in the history of mankind. Many empty talk, famous women and men who shock the public, or even villains are known much more than the true benefactors of all intelligent inhabitants of the planet Earth.
You can compare Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, and Hypatia, the great mathematician and philosopher. Cleopatra can add to her title the "high rank" of the greatest woman in history. But that's not true. And the name of Hypatia for the vast majority of men will remain an empty phrase. Although many people use her invention to this dayday. We are talking about the ordinary building level. She invented the astrolabe. Thanks to this, long trips to the open sea became possible.

Cleopatra, with her “unearthly” love, made a nonentity out of a hero, gave the independence of the country into the hands of the iron power of Rome. She had everything, both military and economic, to organize the defense of her homeland, but did not use them. Primitive thinking is characteristic not only of the so-called great men. But in the minds of most, Queen Cleopatra is at least one of the great women of history.

And Hypatia was not only the last great mathematician of antiquity and the inventor of many useful things, but also led the movement to preserve the knowledge accumulated by mankind. She defended this knowledge from Christianity, which began to become brutal, which made senseless the image of the Savior and began to claim power over the spiritual life of all people without exception. She died heroically, but the knowledge that she saved with her associates still helps to make our life better, more comfortable, and more convenient. Japanese stone gardens are her solution to a geometric problem, when all the stones are visible from any point on the plane, except for one. Without solving this problem in the 20th century, they would not have been able to create such a wonderful thing as a computer that is already familiar to everyone. Knowledge lay dormant for 1700 years to wake up in the minds of talented people and move the history of mankind further along the path of progress. So the great women in historyare available. Of course, they were different, and they also entered history in different ways
Olga is the creator of the core of Russian civilization
The category "Great women in the history of Russia" should have begun with Princess Olga, Svyatoslav's mother. She ruled Russia for him, she guided him in great deeds.

Olga's wisdom was so great that she did not let her son's heroism deplete the human and economic resources of Russia. Olga gave just enough from the reserve so that daring campaigns would benefit society and the state. And at the same time, she did not come into conflict with her son, did not insist, and, most importantly, did not show the man that she was smarter than him.
Princess Olga also saw the spiritual life of people. Svyatoslav was straightforward, like a warrior, and therefore put it simply: "Christianity is an abomination." But Olga understood that the Vedic religion must retreat for a while. This is the dictate of the logic of history. But you must always retreat wisely. No wonder the military say that a retreat is a more difficult operation than an offensive. She managed to weave the living stems of Vedism into the Christian worldview. Without this, the Vedic renaissance of the 12th century would not have been possible. And "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" would not have been created, and epics about Svyatogor would not have survived to this day. And in Russia, as in Europe of those times, the fires of the Inquisition would have blazed. And the architecture of Russian Orthodox churches would not carry reflections of the Vedic vision of the Universe. And the very word Orthodoxy would not exist. What would happen? Byzantine state. No comments needed…
However, Olga is far from the only onea lady who is remembered in a conversation about the great women of the Russian land.
Great women in Russian history: dubious greatness
But there is exaggerated greatness. It is based on appearances and brilliance. In the history of Russia there are two empresses - Elizabeth Petrovna and Catherine II. But only one of them was almost officially included in the list of "Famous women in the history of the world." It's about Catherine II.

But it was during the reign of Elizabeth (and it lasted 14 years) that Russia did not know shocks. There were no wars with external adversaries, who seemed to be hiding in those years, there were no peasant uprisings, the mores of serfdom softened, science and production developed. And all this was done somehow quietly and imperceptibly. And yet she is not as famous as the other ruler of the Russian State.
Descendants know more about Catherine. She was an enlightened woman with great knowledge and incredible potential. But for some reason, no matter how insulting it is, when this woman is mentioned in Russian history, obscenities are more often heard and lists of her countless favorites are recalled. Such is human nature…
The history of mankind continues. The twentieth century added to the list called "Great women in the history of the world" outstanding people: the queen of detectives Agatha Christie; space explorer Valentina Tereshkova; expressive Coco Chanel; Calcutta mother Teresa, in the world Agnes Gonzha Boyakshu; fatal Marilyn Monroe and unforgettable Princess Diana. Thata woman is the most mysterious, beautiful and unpredictable creature in the universe, it is hard to argue, as well as the fact that our world would be much more boring without women.