Examples of vernacular in Russian

Table of contents:

Examples of vernacular in Russian
Examples of vernacular in Russian

Colloquialisms are not often heard these days, more precisely, the former vernacular words, because there are many modern variations of them.

How did vernacular enter the Russian language? Something came from the countryside, something was brought in by the modern world. But let's not dwell on reasoning for a long time, but move on to specific topics.

What is vernacular?

These are words, sentences and speech turns that are used in the Russian language in order to give a rough coloring of an object, its reduced characteristics. The second meaning of this word implies the simple speech of a poorly educated person.

Big cities
Big cities

Separation of the concept

In modern Russian, there are two temporary layers of vernacular. The first is old, traditional, the second is new, which came into the speech world from modern jargons. The carriers of the old vernacular are the elderly, people from the working classes, whose work is not mental. As for the modern layer, representatives of the middle and rather young age have joined it. Their cultural level is not high.


Examples of vernacular can be heard orally. The scope of their functioning is rather narrow and limited to family and domestic situations.

You can clearly see vernacular in the correspondence of a certain group of people with the same cultural level.

The vernacular came from the villages
The vernacular came from the villages

Plast 1

In the late 80s of the XX century, such a term as "a simple person" appeared in the Russian language. Who can be classified as such? First of all, people who have not received proper education, with a low cultural level. There are three main features by which one or another group of the population can be classified as "ordinary people". This is a field of activity, a value system and a language.

Examples of vernacular for representatives of layer 1 are sometimes based on a specific dialect. But most of the vernacular is spoken by older people with a low level of education.

Formation No. 1
Formation No. 1

Plast 2

If with the above option it is clear that with the second layer - somehow not very. Where did he come from? What are examples of vernacular that can be heard from the lips of its speakers? Let's take a closer look.

In today's society, there are groups of middle-aged and young people who are not burdened with an excellent level of education. These still occur, sadly. Their speech skill is collectively known as slang.

Representative of formation No. 2
Representative of formation No. 2

Are vernaculars dangerous?

They spoil the beauty of the Russian language. And if you communicate for a long time with carriers of colloquial words, then it is quite possible that you will fall under their influence. And, accordingly, the descent to the level of these individuals.

Colloquialisms lead to the stratification of the Russian language, its degradation. It is appropriate to use them only if it is a literary device. In all others, it is desirable to refrain from polluting native speech. When communicating with other people, one should not switch to colloquial expressions. The interlocutor may doubt the culture and education of the person speaking to him.

Is it possible to protect yourself from using examples of vernacular? Of course, in the event that there is no close communication with those people who speak mainly this language.

Dream Town
Dream Town


Colloquial expressions came to the big city from people visiting. More precisely, from Russian people, residents of villages, villages and hinterlands who came to cities in order to look for work. Habitual city speech mixed with the speech of "ordinary people", and some examples of vernacular entered her life tightly. We note the main features characteristic of vernacular:

  1. Softening consonants before soft consonants. For example, "brick", "sausage".
  2. Insert a soft sound in the middle of a word. Examples of vernacular in Russian of this type: "piyanino", "shpien".
  3. Insert a vowel betweentwo consonants in a word. "Ruble" instead of the ruble, for example.
  4. Assimilation of consonants in verbs. A simple example: if you are afraid - "fear".
  5. Distribution of consonants. In other words, the substitution of consonants. Instead of a tram, they say "tramway", instead of a director - "dilector".
  6. Conjugation of verbs "for myself": "want", "want", "want".
  7. Instead of neuter nouns, feminine or masculine nouns are used. Examples of colloquial words such as: "which apples are green".
  8. Declination of indeclinable words: coat - "coat", cinema - "kina".
  9. Inflexibility of numerals: "I've been an orphan since I was eleven".
  10. Using kinship terms when referring to a stranger: "mother, sit down".
  11. The use of diminutive suffixes as a form of politeness: "What roses do you want?"
  12. Replacing words that may seem rude. Examples of vernacular of this type: "rest", "eat" instead of sleeping, eat.
  13. The use of emotional vocabulary is widespread: "how she spars in English".
  14. Using gerunds ending in "mshi": "he doesn't spam at all".

Literature and vernacular

You can choose from the literature examples of vernacular,if you put in the effort. Why use them in literature? To create a rough ease and naturalness in the work. And often colloquial expressions are intertwined with a high style of speech.

"Good didn't wake up yesterday." - Used colloquial word instead of "yesterday".

"Your technical progress causes antires: how do you sow swede there, with or without peel?" - It's a vernacular expression. Can be used as an example of vernacular sentences.

Formation No. 2
Formation No. 2

Colloquialisms and the Russian language

Colloquialism is a stylistic device in Russian. It is realized, for the most part, in oral speech. Vernaculars cannot be banned, even though they do not have a very good effect on the beauty and purity of the language. What are examples of words in Russian, how is vernacular used? These are words like:

  1. Maybe (particle).
  2. Let's go (instead of going).
  3. Where (where).
  4. From here (from here).
  5. Shabras (neighbors).
  6. Neighbours, neighbors.
  7. From (from where).
  8. Dead (died).
  9. Outside (instead of the toilet).
  10. Alkonaut (alcoholic).
  11. Stubbornly (stubborn).

This is a small part of the above colloquial words, which can be safely attributed to layer No. 1. These words came to the masses from the outback, from illiterate villagers who ended up in the city.

NowLet's touch layer number 2. The most popular expressions among young people and girls of modern generations:

  1. Traveling (I like it).
  2. Fuck (why).
  3. Sparing (speaking).
  4. Mop (female).
  5. Stunned (surprised).
  6. Cool (great).
  7. Cool (interesting).
  8. High (pleasure).

In addition, young people tend to "cut" and swallow the endings of words. In this case, it turns out something like: "Why don't you call?". "Wait a minute, I'll call you back." It cuts the ear, doesn't it?

How to keep the beauty of the tongue?

The vernacular and examples of words have been given above. Is it possible in any way to preserve the purity of the Russian language? The beauty of real speech, without replacing literary words with "lewdness" (colloquial, by the way)?

It all depends on you and me. You have to communicate with people whose cultural level is very low. However, this does not mean that we should descend to this level. We should continue to follow our usual speech, avoiding its pollution, avoid colloquial expressions and words, no matter how we are in a hurry to express our thoughts.

Speak slowly, beautifully and thoughtfully. The Russian language is one of the most beautiful in the world. It is unique, why spoil its beauty and uniqueness? Especially for native speakers of this language.

Reading helps to maintain literate speech. Paper books are not as popular now as they used to be. But in vain. Book -the best interlocutor who helps to competently build his speech, not to allow extraneous impurities from words in it.

The culture of conversation
The culture of conversation


We have considered in this article what is vernacular. Once again, remember what was discussed:

  1. Colloquialism is words or expressions used in the Russian language and literature in order to give a rough color to a particular subject.
  2. Divided into two layers. The first includes the old vernacular that came in our era from illiterate villagers, the second - youth jargon, or, as it is also called, slang.
  3. An educated and cultured person is allowed to use vernacular only for the purpose of literary coloring of speech.


Not everyone can speak beautifully. It is much easier to litter your verbal set with colloquial expressions. But it is better to refrain from doing this, and develop your own speech by reading classical literature.