What is vernacular? This is a fairly common phenomenon in Russian. Now such "words" can be heard from representatives of various sectors of society. There is no exact definition of this concept. In this work, we will try to analyze the words of vernacular from different angles and understand their role in the literary Russian language.
Definition of concept
So, what is vernacular? It is very difficult to define this phenomenon. It is believed that poorly educated residents of our country use such language forms. The latter is of great importance, because there is no other language that uses such forms. We also note that the literary language and vernacular are interconnected. Most authors use this technique to distinguish between social strata in a work.
Watch how you talk with household members, although we don’t notice it, we use a lot of vernacular, probably the words “telly”, “dividish”, “naughty”, “squabble” and etc. It's easier than saying: TV,DVD player, add extra unnecessary work, and the like. Everyone understands us, because Russian vernacular is firmly entrenched in our lives.

Education Addiction
It is believed that vernacular in oral and written speech of a person directly depends on his status, position and education. The most prone to the use of vernacular people occupy the following positions:
- Drivers.
- Unskilled workers.
- Trade workers.
- Builders and so on.
That is, the dependence on these word forms is inversely proportional to the status of a person. This category also includes people serving in law enforcement agencies. Why is this happening? In the army, during communication, the so-called soldier's slang is used, that is, vernacular with an admixture of technical slang vocabulary.
Classification of vernacular
The following types of this phenomenon are shared in Russian:
- Colloquial-1.
- Colloquial-2.
Quite easy to remember, but they are often confused, we will analyze each of them in more detail so that there is no misunderstanding in this matter. To systematize knowledge, we will further provide a table that will help you consolidate the studied material once and for all.

Let's consider the first kind. What is vernacular-1 and for whom is it characteristic? L. I. Skvortsov, a famous researcher, singled out a group of people who are prone to data consumptionwords:
- Elderly people.
- Low educated.
- With a weak cultural level.
Note, it is very important that the basis of the group are older people, usually women.

Colloquialism is a form of the Russian language, which is not typical for everyone. Let's analyze the phonetics of the first type.
- Soften consonants where it's inappropriate (e.g. con'ver't).
- Missed vowels (e.g. aradrom).
- Inappropriate use of the "v" sound (e.g. rad'iva).
- Insert vowels (ruble).
For some reason, the dialect of my beloved grandmother immediately comes to mind, pictures of the village hinterland, calmness emerge.
Features of vernacular of the first kind
Let's analyze the most popular moments:
- Changing a word by cases or persons leads to incorrect formation of the received (I want, I want, I want, I want).
- Gender inconsistencies in phrases (thick jam).
- Changing the ending of masculine nouns, with the letter "u" (on the beach, on gas).
- Ending in -ov and -ev (rubles, mests, etc.).
- Declination of words that are not inflected (we're coming from the kin).

As for this section of the Russian language, there are also a number of features here, for example: the use of words that are unique to everyday communication, they are not literary words (angry, helluva, turn, just now, and so on). Secondfeature - the use of words in a meaning different from the literary sense. An example is the replacement of "respect" instead of "love": I do not respect s alted tomatoes.
Incorrect use of the word "plague", for example: plague, where did you run?! Here, adhering to the norms of the literary language, it is more appropriate to be crazy or unbalanced. Another striking and memorable example is the use of "walk" in the sense - "to have a close relationship." Example: She walked with him for about a year.
Who tends to use the second type of vernacular
Researcher L. I. Skvortsov found that this form is used by representatives of the younger generation with a low level of education and cultural development. We have already said that it is possible to make a division by gender, the first type is used mainly by older women, but vernacular-2 is mainly heard from men.
Note that there is not such an abundance of characteristics as the first species, since it is younger and less studied. So what is vernacular-2? It is something between literary speech and jargon (both social and professional).
Such literary vernacular is a bridge through which new words and their forms enter our language. Media:
- Rural people.
- City dwellers characterized by a dialectal environment.
- Citizens with a low level of education and engaged in unskilled labor.
The most popular professions: salespeople, cleaners, porters, hairdressers, waiters and so on.

The relationship between literary language and vernacular
You must have noticed that in everyday life you often use words that are not typical of the literary language. How did they get to us? Thanks to the jargon peculiar to a particular social group or profession. In order to make it clear what is at stake, we will give examples: “puncture” - failure; "relax" - relax; "thug" - a person who does not recognize any normativity in his behavior, and so on.
Despite the fact that this is not a literary language, the words are very tightly entrenched in our lexical set.

To consolidate the material, we turn to the promised point of systematizing knowledge.
View | Features | Who is characterized by use |
Colloquial-1 | A well-studied species, there are a number of rules for distinguishing the vernacular of the first type | Belonging to the urban population, old age, low education, low cultural level. Typically used by older women. |
Colloquial-2 | A less studied species, this is due to the fact that the vernacular of the second type is a fairly young industry. | Young generation and middle-aged people with a low level of education and the same cultural level. |
In conclusionlet's say that the use of vernacular in oral and written speech is typical for the urban population, but only in order to give a specific shade. In order to convey their feelings, to more saturate their story with colors, people use this technique, while fully aware of its incorrectness. Only in this case, vernacular does not carry any negative connotation.
Many people also use it as profanity, as a rule, this is a poorly educated population, unable to express their thoughts in a literary language. All this leads to the stratification of the language and its degradation. Vernacular is appropriate only in those cases when it is used as a stylistic device, but if used in everyday life, then the speech will have a negative connotation. We strongly advise you not to use such words in communication with other people, as the interlocutor may doubt the quality of your education and cultural level.