Skater Alexei Urmanov: biography and photo

Skater Alexei Urmanov: biography and photo
Skater Alexei Urmanov: biography and photo

Skater Alexei Urmanov is a well-known personality in the world of sports. This man, who devoted his life to his career, was able to become a good husband, create a strong friendly family. His performances are watched with interest even today, and the skater himself has long been busy with coaching.


Future figure skater Alexei Urmanov was born on November 17, 1973 in St. Petersburg (at that time the city was called Leningrad). He gained his fame thanks to his mother, who brought four-year-old Alyosha to the skating rink in a small church on Vasilyevsky Island. The boy himself was not yet sure what kind of sport he prefers to do, but obediently got on his skates. This influenced his biography in the future.

Figure skater Alexei Urmanov
Figure skater Alexei Urmanov

The boy was immediately lucky with the coach - Nina Nikolaevna Monakhova became his second mother. Immediately there was an interest in the classes. Alyosha's first coach organized local competitions for her pupils and took them to international tournaments. The jump in career development occurred after entering the junior team. The young man began to win medals and soon became a silver medalist at the World Championships.(1991). After this, the performances took place in the adult team, where the guy took an honorable sixth place. In 1996, he received the speci alty "coach-teacher". Then Alexey Urmanov, a figure skater whose biography is inextricably linked with sports, began to occupy higher pedestals of fame.

Sports achievements

You can briefly imagine the career of Alexei Urmanov as follows:

  • 1990 - took 3rd place at the championship held in Minsk, accurately performing a quadruple jump (for the first time in the history of figure skating).
  • 1991 - became the champion of the USSR in this sport.
  • 1999 - took third place at the European Championships.
  • He has been coaching since 2001.

Victory and failure

After Alexei Urmanov became a famous person, medals were expected from him at every competition. Trying to justify the hopes of his fans, relatives and friends, he gave all his best.

Alexey Urmanov figure skater
Alexey Urmanov figure skater

As in any sport, injury is possible in figure skating. They did not bypass Alexei either. The subsequent failures forced the skater to leave, he was escorted with applause, showered with flowers, asked to stay. And he returned, only to professional sports. Figure skater Alexei Urmanov was greeted with no less stormy applause.

Private life

Skater Alexei Urmanov has a strong friendly family. He is married to his wife Victoria, whom he met while visiting mutual friends. Interestingly, for a long time she did nothad a clue about Alexei's stellar career. A friend of Victoria recognized the famous person. Three years after they met, the woman gave her husband twins - two boys. The couple named them Vanya and Andrey.

Authoritarian and democratic

Skater Alexei Urmanov, whose personal life has developed successfully, says about himself that he is different in raising children. Shows rigidity, discipline and democracy in equal measure. Aleksey made an attempt to introduce the boys to figure skating, but they did not feel the interest that their father felt in his time. Urmanov did not insist and gave his sons the right to choose. The twins attend some sports sections, but are not fond of anything serious.

Alexey Urmanov skater who trains
Alexey Urmanov skater who trains


The first student of the figure skater was Valeria Vorobyova. Then another girl appeared, who they already wanted to expel. A year after the start of Alexei's coaching career, he was asked to work with Angela Pytkina. Then the number of students continued to increase. The most successful was Sergey Voronov, who is a two-time champion of Russia. There is another outstanding personality in the history of sports - the Russian Jean Bush, who was also raised by Alexei Urmanov.

The figure skater never forgets whom he trains and speaks warmly of him. He also uses his methods of education as a coach. Alexei believes that the work requires not only a whip, but also a carrot. According to him, his students, like all people in general, need to be loved and treated as an individual. ExceptMoreover, Alexei has no doubt that his pupils will repay him the same.

Alexey Urmanov figure skater biography
Alexey Urmanov figure skater biography

Not so long ago, Yulia Lipnitskaya, Olympic champion in figure skating, asked to be transferred to Alexei Urmanov. According to her, she is grateful to the former coach, but believes that it is time to grow up the career ladder and achieve new heights in sports. The girl decided that Alexei Urmanov would help her with this. The skater, Lipnitskaya is sure, is able to teach her a lot. That is why they turn to him for help.

Alexey Urmanov is a figure skater with a capital letter. Assertiveness, love and interest in his activities allowed him to become a famous person in the world of sports, win medals, take first place. His performances are a small spectacle in such a complex world of figure skating. Now Alexei Urmanov is trying to invest all his knowledge and experience in his students. And he does it successfully.
